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Publikatie ICDSM ICDSM - 06.02.2002 11:15
1. MR. MILOSEVIC UNDERTAKES LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE ICTY AND THE STATE OF THE NETHERLANDS -- 2. EXPOSED 1. MR. MILOSEVIC UNDERTAKES LEGAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE ICTY AND THE STATE OF THE NETHERLANDS By order of Mr. Milosevic on December 20, 20001, a 140-pages provisional application is filed at the European Court of Human Rights by a team of lawyers: Mr. N.M.P. Steijnen, the Netherlands,Mr. Ch. Black, Canada, Prof. Mr. A. Bernardini, Italy, Mr. Z. Tomanovic, Yugoslavia, Prof. Mr. M.N. Kouznetsov , Russia, Mr. Jaq. Verges, France, Mr. D.M. Ognjanovic. This provisional application, formulated under conditions violating all human rights guarantees with respect to normal communication between lawyers and client, must be further implemented. In this delicate phase of the European Court procedure the puppet-tribunal has even intensified its interferences. It has banned Mr. Ch. Black from all further communication with Mr. Milosevic and refuses, without further explanation, further access by Mr. N. Steijnen to Mr. Milosevic. Access on other members of the lawyers-team is limited to very rare exceptions and dependson the humour of the tribunal. NEVER any free and unmonitored communication with Mr. Milosevic is allowed and the exchange of documents is prohibited. Mail between the members of the lawyers-team is intercepted and vanish. Under these conditions a further elaboration of the European Court case is impossible. The team of lawyers has officially informed the European Court that a further progress on their work is effectively blocked by the puppet-tribunal´´s interferences and that they have no other choice than to suspend their labour on the case. Till the puppet-tribunal end its human rights violations with respect to defence rights. So the puppet-tribunal´´s human rights abuses, straight in the face of the European Court of Human Rights, has caused a deadlock. In order to force a breakthrough, Mr. Milosevic has ordered to undertake legal action. So a summary injunction procedure is now alrerady filed at the District Court in the hague against all relevant sides: the puppet-tribunal itself and the State of the Netherlands. The demand to all parties is: take your responsibility in the field of safeguarding human rights with respect to defence rights and go around the table to find a solution. A solution that brings to end these severe human rights violations in the field defence rights. The State of the Netherlands is summoned specifically to take the initiative. Place District Court of the Hague Date 12 February 2002 Time 13.30 h. International Lawyers Groupof the ICDSM Sloterkade 20 1958 HE Amsterdam the Netherlands tel. +20.615.1122 fax +20.615.1120 e-mail: office@globalreflexion.org ==================================== 2. EXPOSED FEBRUARY 10 AT 10 P.M. ET ON CBC NEWSWORLD REPEATS 1 am E.T.(10 pm PT)
http://www.cbc.ca/programs/sites/peye.html As Slobodan Milosevic prepares to stand trial in The Hague for war crimes (scheduled to begin Feb.12), Canadian journalist Nancy Durham investigates the story of a Serbian policeman who may be instrumental in convicting Milosevic. THE PASSIONATE EYE SUNDAY SHOWCASE, hosted by Michaëlle Jean, features the documentary Exposed, February 10 at 10 p.m. ET (10 p.m. PT) on CBC Newsworld. A shorter version of the documentary is scheduled to air on The National, Tuesday, February 5 at 10 p.m. on CBC Television. Bosko Radojkovic is a Serbian murder detective, who put himself in grave danger by disobeying orders long before the former president fell from grace. Radojkovic is the paradigm beat cop. He investigates and photographs crime scenes, then develops his own negatives. Some of those negatives (ones he had been ordered to destroy) could prove damning evidence in the war crimes case against the former president of Yugoslavia. In the documentary Exposed, Radojkovic recounts how on April 6, 1999, he was called in to check reports of a truck submerged in the Danube. As he took photos of the truck, he could see something hanging out of the bottom of the rear doors - something that looked like a leg. Radojkovic and a team of local workers were ordered, by senior police officials acting on orders from Belgrade, to clean up the "mess." This meant unloading the bodies of 86 men, women and children from the truck (which came from a Kosovo slaughterhouse), then destroying the truck and his roll of negatives. The corpses were taken to Batanjica on the edge of Belgrade where they were buried inside a high security police compound. Radojkovic blew up the truck as ordered, but kept the roll of negatives in his desk for more than two years. By then Milosevic was in jail in Belgrade and the new government had decided it was time to go public with the Danube truck story. Radojkovic´s pictures were the only tangible evidence that the truck ever existed. "I regret that I didn´t take photographs of their faces. It is especially the faces that stay in my memory," said Radojkovic. Exposed is produced by Guy Smith for the BBC. Catherine Olsen is the series producer of The Passionate Eye. Jerry McIntosh is the executive producer of Newsworld documentaries. Website: http://www.DeWaarheid.nu |
aanvullingen |  | Meer ICDSM | DeWaarheid.nu - 06.02.2002 12:33
President Slobodan Miloševic in The Hague, January 30th 2002 (transcript) By Adding Three Lies, One Does Not Get the Truth – Only a Bigger Lie [Posted 1 February 2002] === How Madeline Albright Ordered The Hague ´Tribunal´ To ´Indict´ Milosevic... by Jared Israel [Posted 30 January 2001] === London Meeting... SERBIA ON TRIAL - NATO GUILTY The ´Trial´ Of Slobodan Milosevic * Christopher Black: Canadian barrister, war crimes expert and defence lawyer at Rwanda war crimes ´tribunal,´ editor at Emperor´s Clothes, Chair of the Legal Committee of the International Committee for the Defence of Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM) * Misha Gavrilovic: British-Serbian Alliance, prominent broadcaster who has made over 800 media appearances discussing the conflict in Yugoslavia. Website: http://www.icdsm.org/ | |
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