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corporate governance? vita - 07.02.2002 13:02
De Amerikanen die hun staat niet vertrouwen, worden de afgelopen maanden steeds nerveuzer over de plannen van de Bush-regering: De volgende hypothese wordt ondersteund door wetgeving die pas in de VS is goedgekeurd... You receive a letter in the mail to report for a mandatory vaccination. You are on the list of groups that are being targeted for forced-inoculation. You ask around your neighborhood and nobody else has recieved such a letter. You call around to friends and family and only one or two others have also been given this order. You question why. You call the number provided on the letter and you are told that there is an "outbreak" of some disease and that you are ordered to report or face prison and possibly a forced vaccination in jail. There is nothing that you can do. PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY Website: http://hamilton.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=1000&group=webcast |
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