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He will not be silenced ICDSM - 08.02.2002 14:47
The ICDSM calls a meeting, Monday, February 11, in Amsterdam. Location: Krasnapolski, St Johnsrooml II, Dam 9, Amsterdam. Time: 20.00 uur - 22.00 hour. Entrance 3.00 euro. HE WILL NOT BE SILENCED Amsterdam, February 8, 2002 - On February 12, the ICTY will start the so-called trial against President Slobodan Milosevic. This takes place after many years during which President Milosevic and the Serbian people have been demonized on a scale of magnitude and intensity never seen before. After being kidnapped by NATO, with the support of the present Yugoslav government, President Milosevic has been subjected to humiliation and violations of human rights. In particular, he has been denied the right to meet and communicate with advisors of his choice including attorneys who are legally challenging his kidnapping. He has been forbidden the basic right to communicate with the press although the so-called prosecution routinely spreads lies about him through the mass media. President Milosevic has become the archtypical political prisoner of the New World Order. Why can´t President Milosevic speak to the media and communicate with the outside world? Because NATO-leaders and the functionaries of the puppet Tribunal are afraid of this leader whom they have caged, and the vast forces he inspires and represents. On the one hand NATO needs this trial to justify their aggression against Yugoslavia, to intimidate other leaders and ordinary people from defending national sovereignty and social justice, and to convict the Serbian people for the wars in Yugoslavia. Then they can impose billions in phony war reparations, crushing the Serbian people under an impossible debt. But on the other hand, NATO fears Milosevic. He is not playing his prescribed role, accepting a guilt he does not own and pleading for mercy. Instead he tells the truth: that NATO used Ustashe, Islamist and Albanian terrorists - the same people Hitler used in World War II - to attack Yugoslavia so they could subjugate the Balkans. Milosevic´s marvelous dignity, his refusal to be an obedient slave, and his honest words are NATO´s nightmare. The International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM), composed of thousands of persons from all over the world, aims to inform public opinion about the real events surrounding the breakup Yugoslavia and the nature of the puppet Hague ´Tribunal.´ To this end, the ICDSM calls a meeting, Monday, February 11, in Amsterdam Location: Krasnapolski, St Johnsrooml II, Dam 9, Amsterdam Time: 20.00 uur - 22.00 hour Entrance 3.00 euro With participation of: * Jaime Ballesteros, OSPAAAL, Spain * Prof. Dr. Aldo Bernardini, professor of international law, Italy * Christopher Black, attorney, Canada * Jared Israel, Editor, The Emperor´s New Clothes, USA * Vladimir Krsljanin, international secretary SPS, Yugoslavia * Nico Steijnen, attorney, The Netherlands * Jacques Verges, attorney, France * Nico Varkevisser, editor in chief of TARGETS monthly paper * Tiphaine Dickson, attorney, Canada The language of the meeting will be English ´By adding three lies, one does not get the truth - only a bigger lie´ - Slobodan Milosevic, January 30, 2002 HE WILL NOT BE SILENCED Amsterdam, February 8, 2002. International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic www.icdsm.org Contact in The Netherlands: office@globalreflexion.org Sloterkade 20 - 1058 HE Amsterdam - The Netherlands Ph. ++ 31 20 615 1122 - Fax: ++ 31 20 615 1120 THE ICDSM RELIES ON CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SUPPORTERS TO PAY EXPENSES You may support the work of the ICDSM with a contribution by credit card by calling in Amsterdam 31 20 6151122 or in the U.S. 1 617 916-1705 Or mail a check to: ICDSM 831 Beacon St., #295 Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA) Website: http://www.icdsm.org |
aanvullingen |  | What about his genocide | shabab - 08.02.2002 16:05
The only part of critical information i miss is the information on the killing in former yugoslavia by Milosovic, or under his befehl. Can you explain some more on that, so i can get it more clear
| nato killed all te muslims? | 08.02.2002 19:48
so you basically say that nato killed all muslems in former yugoslavia and all the concentrations camps were under control of NAto or am i really badly informed and if yes i would like to have at least a couple of critical sources confirming this to refresh my memory | nato | bonne - 09.02.2002 02:08
The FR of Yugoslavia has been exposed to the aggression of NATO Alliance and daily bombing of civilian population, as well as to systematic destruction of major economic sectors, hospitals and schools, cultural and historical monuments, transportation and energy infrastructure, natural resources under protection and in general of everything of importance for the life of people in this country. Over one thousand of the most sophisticated warplanes are involved in these almost continuous 24 hours attacks on the entire Yugoslav territory. From its very onset, NATO aggression against independent and sovereign FR of Yugoslavia which started by breaching the Charter of the United Nations and violation of international law, was of genocidal nature and represents a criminal and terrorist act. Its alibi should have been the protection of ethnic Albanian minority in Kosovo and Metohija, but its real goal was the occupation of this Serbian province. But, in a very short period of time NATO has caused a real humanitarian catastrophe and great tragedy that is becoming each day ever more serious for millions of people. Concurrently with the failure of NATO aggressors to inflict significant losses on the Army of Yugoslavia, their warplanes have started to hit more ruthlessly civilian targets. So the "backbone of the regime" which had to be broken, has been replaced by the entire people - a whole European country of ten and a half million of citizens with all its human potentials, material and spiritual values. By their tactics typical for a terrorist organisation "throw bombs and run" those who planned and wage this unprecedented war at the end of the twentieth century, select and hit their targets cynically and sadistically, unburdened by any moral dilemma or humane concerns. But such mass crimes cannot do subject to the statute of limitations, nor can they be concealed by current media manipulations and bombing of Yugoslav radio and TV stations. The FR of Yugoslavia brought the United States of America and their satellites in the NATO Alliance before the International Crime Tribunal in The Hague last month because of an indictment filed against them for the crime of genocide. And in their defence their representatives could only say before the Court that they did not recognise the jurisdiction of this organ of the United Nations Security Council, which they established by themselves and in which they keep a dominant position. The list of civilian casualties and destruction caused by the NATO aggression on the FR of Yugoslavia, is still open and new evidences of brutality of a mighty "military fist" of the USA and western "democracies" are being recorded each day and night. Therefore, the following text can give only basic, cumulative information and characteristic examples about war crimes committed by NATO aggressors and it should be taken more as a guideline for the understanding of the nature and scope of this tragedy, than as its full or final outcome. | Serbs volunteer to testify for Milosevic | Barry Stoller - 09.02.2002 02:32
AFP. 6 February 2002. Serbians ready to testify in favor of Milosevic: lawyer. BELGRADE -- 1,380 Serbians have volunteered to testify on behalf of former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic during his trial at the UN war crimes court, his lawyer said Wednesday. "Some 1,380 people have expressed in written form their readiness to testify," Zdenko Tomanovic told reporters, adding that he expected more people to contact Milosevic´s lawyers. Tomanovic said they were "mostly people who have taken part in various military and police operations (in Kosovo)." Among them are also "prominent public and political figures, including some of Milosevic´s political opponents who believe that it will not only be Milosevic on trial, but also Yugoslavia and Serbia," the lawyer said [N.B.]. According to Tomanovic, Milosevic will make an opening speech at the trial lasting at least one day which will defend "not only himself, but also the Serbian people and the state he headed as well as the policy of the last ten years." "In his address Milosevic will explain in detail what has happened in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and why," the lawyer said. Milosevic will summon Western leaders, who talked to him during his rule, to appear before the court, Tomanovic said. The lawyer named former US president Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, French President Jacques Chirac, French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine and former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana. Former US envoys to the Balkans Richard Holbrooke and Robert Gelbard, as well as Bosnia´s top international envoy Wolfgang Petritsch were also listed by Tomanovic as possible witnesses. He said the legal team would officially demand Yugoslav and Serbian authorities "deliver to us complete documentation, including secret files and data collected by the state security services and military intelligence." | Voor shabab en alle anderen. | bonne - 09.02.2002 11:36
This most interesting text, entitled "How the Media and Scholars Write About Slobodan Milosevic," was sent to us by Francisco Gil-White. He is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and a Fellow at the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict. Professor Gil-White studies the mechanics of racial and ethnic hatred. He is convinced he was entirely misled about Slobodan Milosevic. Website: http://www.icdsm.org/more/gw.htm | |
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