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Directing the ´irrational incompetents´ unmediated artists syndicate - 10.02.2002 04:34
Like most social and cultural mangers, therapeutic professionals utilize an ideological bigotry upon their unprepared and usually uncomprehending "clientele". And if their professional guilds had their way, you can bet they would be over in every country our politicians make war upon, explaining to these "3rd World" dissidents of u.s. foreign policy that they simply have "chemical imbalances" of their brains and ought to calm down and take it easy! (anti-copyright art)  your thoughtful feedback welcome! *********** uas welcomes in-the-heart art contributions from artists willing to do their work without copyright and without monetary payment. (How important to you is speaking up against the prevailing tide in ways that may actually inspire crucial activity? We think it´s important enough to escape the confines of all that the art industry throws upon us!) Note: e-mail may be attacked (causing your mail to bounce) due to putting it up openly in such a sustained way, so look for future posts with other email addresses if you have trouble. E-Mail: hope4a@yahoo.com |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen |  | |