Magic Lantern, Mossad, Carnivore, NSA, Cointe Repulse corporate policestates - 21.02.2002 17:40
Magic Lantern, Mossad, Carnivore, NSA, Cointelpro, FBI...Electronic ID, SIS, infiltrators, e-mail lists, Corporate Media...political puppets, silent assassins, covert agents, secret military tribunals, databases, registration, profilation, camouflage scanning, large scale surveillance, strangling grip on democracy, Echelon eavesdropping, confiscation of political literature .... Repulse the corporate policestate. Why your security must be second to none 5 easy steps to improve your security. This is intended for all computer and internet users. Start your day by securing your computer and internet connection. 1) Firewall. When you have installed operativesystem(windows, linux etc.) in your computer and you have succesfully managed to establish connection with your communication tools(telephonemodem, adsl, cable etc.) go get the Zonealarm firewall. Download it from Zonelabs site. Its free. Remember to adjust the configuration. High level of security, blocking servers and so on. Adjust the firewall to alert your computer before it connects to the internet. 2) Antivirus. When you have installed firewall on your computer get an antivirus program. There are several antivirus from which to choose from. Norton antivirus or F-secure are probably worth the investment. If you can`t afford one, get a free antivirus program. For example Inoculate IT personal edition. Remember to configure your antivirus, otherwise it wont give you sufficient protection. New antivirus programs tend to detect trojans, spyware sent by corp. bigbrother. There are separate programs for this purpose that can be found on the internet. Adaware is one program. Be careful when you use those tools. Be sure not to wipe out files that are of importance to you. 3) Opera browser. Enhance your browsing security. There is no need to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer any more. Opera is more convenient. It`s comfortable, secure and fast. Leave the mess for the old dinosaurs. 4) Update. Remember to update your programs and other sofware. Your security will implode unless you update your gear. Antivirus program, searchstrings and firewall need to be updated. 5) E-mail. Get PGP today. If you can`t do it today, do it tomorrow. PGP is probably the most secure system to crypt your e-mail. It takes some time to get used to it and you have to practice it. But when you learn it by doing, you will also feel good. Pretty Good Privacy. Only give the key to someone you trust. Or simply get Hushmail if PGP seems too complicated or worky. Hushmail should give more confidence to your privacy. Philip Zimmermann, the inventor of PGP tells you more about privacy on this site: All of the above aren`t worth a scrap unless you remember to check your physical security. Doorlocks and other security related infrastructure. Someone might burst: I don`t have anything to hide, so why should I care? There is a simple and straightforward answer to that: you don`t leave your door open when you leave your house. You lock it. You might even expose your nudity in public but you certainly wont expose your private mail. Repulse the corporate policestate Solidarity Website: |