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Swedish and Finnish Security Police technique Ake Tyvi, Apupoika - Business Intelligence Fi - 23.02.2002 16:28
"...one of the used technique is to hurt citizen and close him/her into mental hospital for observation purpose..." [Internal business information bulletin on Jan 09 2002; rewritten to public and open on Feb 22 2002] SWEDISH AND FINNISH SECURITY POLICE TECHNIQUE - CITIZEN CLOSED INTO MENTALL HOSPITAL FOR ´OBSERVATION´? BI-FIN Finnish end police and legal system do not give up chasing citizen. One of the used technique is to hurt citizen and close him/her into mental hospital for observation purpose. Below short translation from the second largest newspaper published at Finland. We are not talking about one individual, single case or misconduct, but systematic ruining of those people, who like to earn their own living. Besides previously told fact is Security Finnish police know to tell illegal rumours about businessmen to hurt business. Source txt: "From the previous reveals let us mention the compulsory sterilization of women, brain surgeries done to mentally ill patients OR SECURITY SERVICE SPYING FOCUSED TO ITS OWN CITIZEN (by closing people into mental hospitals)." Lähdeteksti: "Aiemmista paljastuksista mainittakoon naisten pakkosterilisoinnit, mielenterveyspotilaiden aivoleikkaukset tai t u r v a l l i s u u s p a l v e l u j e n o m i i n k a n s a l a i s i i n k o h d i s t a m a v a k o i l u." Source / lähde: Helsingin Sanomat 21/02/1999, http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/uutisarkisto/19990221/ulko/990221ul02.html (Ake Tyvi, Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland) E-Mail: mraketyvi@hotmail.com |
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