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Does Finland finally get filled with tanks? Ake Tyvi , Apupoika - Business Intellligence - 23.02.2002 16:38
When is the Finnish armament going to be a threat to the surrounding States? 21 Feb 2002 DOES FINLAND FINALLY GET FILLED WITH TANKS? BI-FIN - Political source say Finland is ´going to purchase approximately an other 100 used Leopard 2A4 -tanks´ from Germany. This will bring the total amount of Finnish tanks over 400 in an area size of a postal stamp. When is the Finnish armament going to be a threat to the surrounding States? -Specially knowing what kind of policy they run on human rights at their own nations behind the media scene. (Ake Tyvi, Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland) Source I:$FILE/korvola4301.htm Source txt: "at the early 90s Finland filled their army stock ´a bit´; "After the smoke was gone [no smoke - no fire], it was time to see, what we bought; 300 tanks, 500 canoons, 100 thousand attack rifles and anonymous amount of bullets..." Lähde I:$FILE/korvola4301.htm Teksti: "Savun hälvettyä oli aika katsoa, mitä tuli ostetuksi: 300 panssarivaunua, 500 tykkiä, 100-tuhatta rynnäkkökivääriä ja määrätön määrä ammuksia. Syntyi Suomen velanmaksulegendaan tai talvisodan ihmeeseen verrattava myytti historiallisen edullisesta asekaupasta, jonka edullisuuden kenraalit perustelivat poliitikoille, jotka taas välittivät tiedon kansalle." Source II: www.kokoomus.fi Source txt: "As we have heard during the past few days, it Finnish Defence Force going to get from Germany approximately 100 pieces of Leopard 2A4 -tanks" Lähde II: www.kokoomus.fi Teksti: "Kuten viime päivinä on kuultu, Puolustusvoimat on hankkimassa Saksasta n. 100 kpl käytettyjä Leopard 2A4 -panssarivaunuja. " E-Mail: mraketyvi@hotmail.com |
aanvullingen |  | 1 time is enough | Rishi - 23.02.2002 17:38
Why have you put all of this 4 times over here? You could have added it to the first article about this subject. | |
aanvullingen | |