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Mapuche-Argentina-March5th in Copenhagen C:E - 28.02.2002 12:49
"Petu Mogelein"/ "We are still alive" Expressions of Mapuche selfhood and place in contemporary Argentine Photo-lecture by Andres Kudacki Convenors: anthropologists Perle Møhl and Francine Lorimer "Petu Mogelein"/ "We are still alive" Expressions of Mapuche selfhood and place in contemporary Argentine Photo-lecture by Andres Kudacki Convenors: anthropologists Perle Møhl and Francine Lorimer Tuesday, March 5 19:30 Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksholms Kanal 4, room 206 (The Auditorium) Dinmark Andres Kudacki will present photos taken during visits between 1999 and 2000 with the indigenous Mapuche and Tehuelche in Southwest Argentine. Kudacki´s photos document and express the force of Mapuche struggles and the strength of their self-statement as they respond to social and environmental pressures. From an outline of the history of colonization in Argentine, Kudacki will speak about some of the most important themes of Mapuche identity and spirituality. The evening will provide food for thought on on the situation of indigenous peoples in today´s global economy as well as on the power of photography for the communication of social circumstances across cultures. Kudacki is a documentary photographer and researcher on social-environmental issues at the National University of Lujan, Argentina, and is presently giving exhibitions and talks in Sweden and Denmark. -- ---------------------------------------------- Institut for Antropologi Københavns Universitet Fredriksholms Kanal 4 1220 København K |
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