Bush vraagt om meer kutbanen pec - 08.03.2002 17:36
WASHINGTON, DC - In a keynote address at the National Economic Summit, President Bush issued a bold challenge to the nationīs business leaders Monday, calling on them to create 500,000 shitty jobs by next year.  [Photo Above: Bush challenges the nationīs top CEOs to create thousands of new shit jobs.] WASHINGTON, DC - In a keynote address at the National Economic Summit, President Bush issued a bold challenge to the nationīs business leaders Monday, calling on them to create 500,000 shitty jobs by next year. "So long as unemployment continues to rise, this recession will continue, as well," said Bush, speaking before nearly 400 of the nationīs top CEOs. "That is why I am turning to you to create thousands of new shit jobs. Whether it is a night-shift toilet-cleaning position at an airport or a fry-cook post at a KFC, itīs up to you to help provide every hard-working American with a demeaning, go-nowhere job." Website: http://vancouver.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=10442&group=webcast |