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FW: URGENT CALL! Freedom for Nuriye Kesbir Martin Wisse - 12.03.2002 14:32
FW: URGENT CALL! Freedom for Nuriye Kesbir KesbirInternational Initiative Freedom for Ocalan - Peace in Kurdistan P.O. Box 100511, D-50445 Koeln Telephone: +49 221 130 15 59 Fax: +49 221 139 30 71 E-Mail: info@freedom-for-ocalan.com Url: www.freedom-for-ocalan.com Please circulate as much as possible !!! HANS BRANSCHEIDT FREEDOM FOR NURIYE KESBIR Please send your signature Netherlands calling: Urgent help Wanted Nuriye Kesbir a leading Kurdish woman political activist is currently in detention in The Netherlands under threat of a life threatening extradition to Turkey where she will be immediately arrested as the Turkish authorities have charged her with "membership of an illegal organisation". Nuriye , an Yezidi Kurd, with a long record of successful work on behalf of Kurdish women, came to The Netherlands on 27 September 2001. She was detained at the airport on arrival and immediately sought political asylum. She has now been held in detention for over four months and four court appeal to have her released have been rejected. We are issuing this urgent appeal for people to intercede on her behalf by sending letters of support to the Dutch authorities to allow her to stay, as her life and person will be in danger if she returned to Turkey. As the latest report from the Human Rights Association of Turkey reveals, the frequency of human rights violations, including torture of prisoners and death in custody, is actually increasing in the country. As a prominent Kurdish woman Ms. Kesbir will definitely be at high risk. Despite all the available evidence some political and legal figures in Holland have indicated their support for Turkey´s request. Your intervention is urgently needed. We urge you to issue a statement and send it to the Dutch officials reminding them of the dangers Ms. Kesbir will face if she is extradited. We thank you for all your work serving the cause of human rights and any actions you may take on behalf of Nuriye Kesbir. JUSTICE FOR EVERYONE FREEDOM FOR NURIYE KESBIR! Ms. Nuriye Kesbir, a Kurdish woman of the Yezidi sect, entered the Netherlands on 28 September 2001 seeking political asylum. Ms Kesbir has every reason to obtain the status of a political refugee and yet this has not been offered to her. It is well known that the Yezidis have always faced systematic oppression, and that in Turkey engagement in political activity in support of Kurdistan has been the excuse for severe torture and death threats. The refusal to offer her refugee status is, therefore, incomprehensible. In the case of Ms. Kesbir whose request for asylum was denied following her detention over a period of several months, the Netherlands has contradicted its own laws. This is a cause of grave concern for us. Thousands of our people now living in various parts of Europe, including the Netherlands, find this unjust treatment inhumane, and consider it to be an attack on their political rights, national will and social conscience. Holland is an independent country and as such we believe it right and proper to be respectful of its laws. But we must now ask, does Holland respect its laws as much as we do? Does it not feel the need to defend its own democratic and legal principles against the pressures of the Turkish state? Ms. Kesbir has been accused of using a weapon, but this has never been proved. Why then is she being detained? How is it possible in a democratic country to arrive at such a verdict when no crime has been committed. We would like to make it clear that Ms. Kesbir desires as much as anyone else to follow democratic and political norms. Her wish is to meet and to discuss the prospects for peace and democracy for Yezidi society, and to support the struggle of her people for peace, democracy and freedom. Do not European laws adhere to these principles? If they do then is it not unnecessary to imprison thousands of political activists and even to extradite them! We the Confederation of Kurdish Associations in Europe urge the Netherlands to change this unjust attitude. It is our hope that in being able to rely on the justice of Dutch law we can allay the deep concerns currently felt by our people. Kon Kurd --------------------------------------------Model letter, please fax |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Turkije gekapitteld over behandeling De Grave | ANP - 12.03.2002 15:11
DEN HAAG (ANP) - Nederland heeft de geringschattende behandeling van minister De Grave van Defensie vorige week in de Turkse hoofdstad Ankara niet over zijn kant laten gaan. De Turkse ambassadeur Karahan heeft zich moeten verantwoorden voor de gang van zaken. De opperbevelhebber van de Turkse landmacht, die volgende week een bezoek aan Nederland zou brengen, is even niet welkom. De Grave werd vorige week maandag bij zijn aankomst op het vliegveld van Ankara volledig genegeerd door zijn Turkse gastheren. De volgende dag kreeg hij van vice-premier Yilmaz en de staatsminister voor maritieme zaken in ,,stevige bewoordingen´´ te horen dat Turkije niet te spreken is over de manier waarop Nederland de Koerdische organisatie PKK de hand boven het hoofd houdt. Turkije verdenkt het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken ervan Europese besluitvorming over de PKK te blokkeren. De Turkse regering hoopt vurig dat de in haar ogen terroristische organisatie op de Europese lijst komt met organisaties waarvan de financiële tegoeden moeten worden bevroren. Volgens een woordvoerder van Buitenlandse Zaken is er geen sprake van een blokkade, maar wacht het departement op het standpunt van het kabinet. Ongepast Het departement vindt het absoluut niet gepast dat Turkije zijn gram op De Grave heeft verhaald. Als het land problemen heeft met de Nederlandse opstelling ten aanzien van de PKK, dan is minister Van Aartsen de aangewezen contactpersoon, aldus zijn woordvoerder. En als de Turkse regering de minister van Defensie al op het onderwerp zou willen aanspreken, dan toch niet op zo´n manier. De Turkse ambassadeur liet maandag weten geen behoefte te hebben aan commentaar op de kwestie. Pikant is wel dat Turkije op het ogenblik de enige kandidaat is voor de opvolging van het Verenigd Koninkrijk als commandant van de internationale vredesmacht in Afghanistan. Als de problemen rond de opvolging worden opgelost, treedt Turkije in de tweede helft van april aan als nieuwe commandant. De Nederlandse troepen in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul vallen dan onder Turks commando. Geactualiseerd om 17.06 uur
Website: http://www.nieuwsklik.nl/trouw/BIN/ANP-110302-273-anp.html | |
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