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protesteren tegen politiedemonstratie poep! - 13.03.2002 23:45
13 maart (Undercurrents) - Engelse politieagenten demonstreerden vandaag in Londen tegen de reorganisatie van hun dienst. Andere demonstranten grepen de gelegenheid aan om te protesteren tegen de Engelse politie.  politiegaenten willen meer geld om minder te doen  protest tegen politieprotest Protest at Police Protest Undercurrents recorded the most sureal protest of the year today(March 13). Police officers from across Britain gathered around parliament to protest at reforms to the police service proposed by the home secretary, David Blunkett. Banned from actually demonstrating in uniform or with placards, hundreds of men with skintight haircuts loitered around Westminster seeking more money. One figure dressed as John Bull and covered in Union Jacks displayed a sign "New Labour, the boys in Blues are sick of you." The police brass band complete with plastic ´bobbie´ helmets drafted in for the day were drowned out when an assortment of Globalisation, enviromental and social justice campaigners turned up with a Samba band. As the media descended upon the activists, d signs were displayed with "Remember the Miners" slogans and others highlighing oppressive policing of protests. Shouts of " You´ve had your protest, now go home" were shouted at the throngs of officers as a humourous reminder of what is heard from police at each demonstration. One seething officer from East London told undercurrents that he wasn´t "allowed to bring a banner but the anarhcists could, and that it wasn´t fair." The Home secretary attempts at creating a new type of civilian police force has angered many in the force. Some activists called for officers to strike on Mayday and others displayed a banner saying ´Anarchism is Attractive´. A reference to a Lambeth Police Commander who stated the anarchist way of life attracted him. Meanwhile Mr Blair PM,is still insisting that the majority of police officers agreed with his government.
http://www.undercurrents.org/police.htm |
aanvullingen |  | idem dito barcelona | koninio - 14.03.2002 19:48
Ook vandaag werd er in barcelona door de politie gedemonstreerd... De politie met 500 man de straat op.. Nadat we een kiekje van dit historische moment schoten, konden we gaan rennen, blijkbaar werd ons gebaar niet zo geaccepteerd... ´t blijven coppers natuurlijk...
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