A Complex of any kind is a bad thing Ali Khan - 18.03.2002 12:04
http://www.alikhan.org/alikhan3.html Copyright © 1998 - 2002 Ali Khan - http://www.AliKhan.org & MMN Syndicate - http://syndication.mediamonitors.net - All rights reserved.  A complex of any kind is a bad thing. When a complex is mixed with other "ingredients", such as "power", "inferiority", "superiority", "fear". etc., it becomes even worse like a disease, cancer, dangerous or a lethal recipe of self-destruction which may consequently lead someone to political, intellectual or even physical death or suicide. There are lots of people around us who are living with the symptoms of a complex of some sort but we can afford to ignore them as long as the "wrath" of their complex doesn’t affect us. However, we can not afford to ignore leaders or politicians (…and especially generals-turned-politicians) due to their constant effectiveness, visibility, interference in our daily lives. Being law-abiding and clean citizens, we must ask our leaders and politicians to seek help if we find them a victim of a complex of some sort after reading "between" and "in" their lines. Lets look at some immediate case studies. Lets start with Mr. Ariel Sharon. Mr. Sharon is a general-turned-politician and Prime Minister of a Zionist Regime [i]. Since his early days in the military, he happened to suffer from "insecurity" and "inferiority" complex like every Zionist [ii] on this earth. The world, especially the Palestinians, has seen and continues to see and suffer from the "wrath" of his complex. Further, as a committed believer and follower of "eye for an eye" and "kill them before they even think to kill you" Zionist doctrines, he is tying his best to rescue his "God-Chosen" (Did someone say God-cursed?) Zionist clan as a Messiah. Mr. Sharon is determined to re-write the history and let people forget the name of his precedent and mentor, Mr. Adolph Hitler, and remember his name in the black book of world atrocities with the black ink committed by the people who suffer from complex of any sort. Thanks to his wrath of his own complex, he has already earned the extraordinary "award" of a war criminal. Having known about the war-criminal "award" and the added "ingredient" of "fear" to his complex, nowadays, Mr. Sharon is trying to write his last will and obituary altogether by "showering" additional wrath on the Palestinians, while waiting to be indicted. Mr. Pervez Musharraff, is another interesting case study. Mr. Musharraf is also a general-turned-leader. Previously, he has been known suffering from "inferiority" complex like every other Muslim leader in the Islamic world. But the day he became "President" (Did someone say dictator?), of Pakistan, his disease has become very severe. (What I find very ironic about these so-called "Muslim" leaders is that, the day they "install" themselves, or "get installed" by "someone", into the power, is the very same day they completely forget about their own people. No doubt, Power turns humans into monsters.) Having recently been intoxicated by the increased dose of "power" complex, injected by the lone super-injector (courtesy by one of the participant of "axis of lobbies", the Oil Lobby), he has foolishly disclosed his childish wish to rescue Islam in Pakistan with the cure of his ideal (Did someone say w"&nb is the Pakistani Ideal?), Mustapah Kamal Pasha’s brand of Turkish Secularism [iii]. It is interesting to note that Mr. Mustapha Kamal Pasha is disliked (Indeed, liked by the West) in his own country and there is no absolute religious freedom (as per Western standards) in Turkey, thanks to Mr. Pasha’s brand of Secularism. Frankly, we have seen pros and cons, rise and fall of almost every Man-made system including Democracy, Socialism, Secularism, etc., but pros and cons and rise and fall of a God-made system, Islam, is yet to be seen. It is a reality that there is not a single true Muslim country in this world including Iran and Sudan. Most of the Muslim countries are Secular-Islamic countries. Further, Mr. Musharraf has declared Muslims as "the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race". He does not take any responsibility whatsoever that "presidents" and "kings" of his kind are part of the problems faced by today’s Islamic world. Mr. Musharraf continues to be ungrateful to his own people and grateful to his masters like every other "Muslim" leader, thanks to the severity of his "inferiority" and "power" complexes. Finally, lets look at the case study of Mr. George W. Bush. Mr. Bush is inherently suffering from the complex of "superiority" and "power"..... read more... @ http://www.alikhan.org/alikhan3.html E-Mail: Ali@alikhan.org Website: http://www.AliKhan.org |