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Cyberactie van Greenpeace Anonym - 18.03.2002 15:04
De Palacio is the European Commission´s Energy Commissioner and Vice President and she has a major problem. She cannot decide whether to serve the interests of the European public or to serve the interests of big dirty energy companies - especially the nuclear industry.  You may not have heard of Loyola de Palacio before, but if you are a European citizen, your future is in her hands. De Palacio is the European Commission´s Energy Commissioner and Vice President and she has a major problem. She cannot decide whether to serve the interests of the European public or to serve the interests of big dirty energy companies - especially the nuclear industry. In the last 6 months, De Palacio has been on a pro-nuclear crusade across Europe to praise the benefits of nuclear power. In a speech to the Italian Parliament in mid-February she said the European Commission was preparing a program to re-launch nuclear energy in the European Union and stated: "EU (nuclear) plants are not risky". De Palacio also said at the end of February 2002: Europe needs more nuclear power plants: it is a clean choice, which avoids greenhouse gases. I am an advocate of the nuclear option, because I am convinced that Europe needs nuclear energy, because I have environmental concerns for the consequences of the greenhouse effect. These statements are confirmation of what Greenpeace stated in its November alert to its cyberactivists - that the European Commission and De Palacio want to push forward a new nuclear power expansion in Europe and continue to subsidise dirty fossil fuels. Nuclear power will never be a solution to climate change - it has been largely responsible for undermining the real solutions to climate change, namely energy efficiency and renewable energy. Throughout Europe there are plenty of examples of nuclear power continuing to receive subsidies at the expense of the green energy alternatives to tackle climate change. Greenpeace also finds De Palacio´s statements that "EU nuclear power stations are not risky" to be the height of irresponsibility and complacency, especially following the events of September 11th in the U.S. It is now admitted in the U.S. that one of the planned targets of the terrorist attacks was a nuclear power station. The facts are clear - a large airliner crashing into any type of nuclear power station will lead to a full meltdown disaster, resulting in a massive radioactive release. De Palacio obviously does not know what she is talking about. De Palacio - Choose positive energy or go! Greenpeace believes that it is time for the European public to demand that De Palacio makes a choice now - stop supporting dirty energy or resign. Greenpeace has prepared two letters for De Palacio to help her decide - one is a commitment to stop supporting dirty energy and the other is her letter of resignation. Please urge De Palacio to decide which letter to sign by filling out your contact details below. A letter will be generated which you can modify or send unchanged. Your letter will also be copied to De Palacio´s boss, President of the European Commission, Mr Prodi. Note: we are collecting this contact information solely for the purpose of creating and sending this letter. You can view our privacy policy here. Website: http://act.greenpeace.org/ams/e?a=eu_energy&s=blue2 |
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