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eviction of ´Nieuwe Nieuwstraat´ Anonym - 19.03.2002 17:11
What I really couldn´t get was that people are waiting about one hour or more in the nieuwnieuwstraat and did nothing. I thought there are groups who mind about something or had planned direct action or planned some else so I and some others wouldn´t disturb any concepts in doing something what hasn´t been spoken with other. Although there were friends who were the first time in Amsterdam. But there wasn´t any plan or concept - the police came and it took about one minute and the people went before the police reached the squatted house in the nieuwenieuwstraat. There hasn´ t been anything ! Whether did people sit on the street, what even ´hippies´ do, nor was there any other action. In one hour without police (!!) people could have build some symbolic barricades - such does not escalate the situation and I think police hasn´t react - they were still doing other things ... So as it happen in the nieuwenieuwstraat we even had stay at home - and I thing I would have feel beter because there wasn´t any difference between us and people who are ´starring´ on an sensation like an accidance ... |
aanvullingen |  | You are right | someone who were there - 19.03.2002 18:11
We really had enough time to build up some barricade ( and there were also enough materials) to delay the eviction at least a little bit. By just running away from the police we had no use at all at this place. | oh now come on | patata hari - 19.03.2002 19:40
Did you see the seven buses, two arrest buses, crane with container, watercannon and stupid numbers of plain-clothes and special cops on the street? All for this tiny little side road and one building with three people inside? A huge parade of wound-up and painted m.e´rs came stormin´ in and pushed everybody away. If that hadn´t done it, they probably would have brought a tank in, for fuck´s sake. It really looked like an invasion, and listen: they win anyway. I´m not convinced of how much good a little barricade would have done. We had a good day, we fucked ´em a little bit, so no more bitching. | Fill the holes | X - 19.03.2002 19:55
What means they win anyway? Police forces are winning everytime if you see it in an miltitair view. The political price can be put into a higher cost for them. All the actions today did this and that was an success but I think we should ever try to fill the possibilities we´ve. In the ´nieuwenieuwstraat´ could this be barricades - not to defend them but just to stop them for some minutes and make their work more difficult and to push the political price higher. And although for the own ability to resist where ever it is possible. | Why did they got evicted anyway? | GJ - 19.03.2002 21:34
What I miss in this discussion is the (background)story of this particular squat. If you want people to understand your resistance you have to be clear what you´re doing. In this case I really don´t know anything about the squat. I only know it´s an old monument, what if the owner really has good plans? I don´t say he has but I just don´t know. How can anyone build barricades if the story is not very clear? I never saw anything explaining what was going on. Martelaarsgracht for example did something with their story; they explained WHY they were angry and I think even the media covered it not that bad. So, be clear in what you want and what you´re doing to reach you´re goals. | The story is clear | 20.03.2002 15:20
How can anyone build barricades if the story is not very clear? This is a hypothese because there weren´t any barricades, but why you always need a direct cause to act. Is it not enough, when the police evicts 5 houses to resist, whether in the ´nieuwenieuwstraat´ or elsewhere? And in the ´nieuwenieuwstraat´ there would have been a direct cause to the evictions. I don´t think every action has to be in a good picture in the mass media. The mass media lies of in the time of the ´gulf war´, in Afghanistan or in the articles over Juanra here in Amsterdam. We want to overthrouw capitalism, that´s the cause we fight. And so we need our own media, so as indymedia, radio vrijer keyser, radio 100, .... The story is also very clear: As long as capitalism exists there will be suffering around the world - and as long there will be resistance against it, whether the media reports in a appropriate way or not, wether the middle-class ´Groen Links" voter understands direct actions or not ! | |
aanvullingen | |