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 | Backup | 29.03.2002 18:41
URGENT FROM PALESTINE Friends as you may be hearing, seeing or reading the situation in Palestine is desperate. Israeli forces have invaded almost every area of Ramallah and we are under heavy tank shelling and gun fire. An unidentified number of people are dead and scores are injured. Ambulances have been prevented access and soldiers are opening fire on them. There are international civilians in the areas under fire witnessing the carnage of the Israeli soldiers wreaked on the Palestinian people. Other internationals have been beaten down for trying to get into Ramallah to help Palestinians. We extend a plea from the Palestinians and the international witnesses to all of our friends abroad to immediately phone and/or fax your representatives and respective governments to demand urgent and decisive action to stop Israel´s brutal offensive on the Palestinian people Gather, march, and protest in the streets! We need the voices of all good people around the world! PLEASE ACT NOW! For more information contact: (for international dialing drop the 0 before the phone number) Witnesses on the ground in Ramallah: Arabic / English - Huwaida 972 2 052 642 709 French - Claude 972 2 055 559 145 There are German and Italian speakers available as well Wintesses on the ground in Bethleham: (for international dialing drop the 0 before the phone number) English - Heather 972 2 067 270 398 English - Georgina 972 2 055 840 767 Arabic/English - Bilal 972 2 052 814 992 Italian - Francesca 00 39 3389 77 3899 There are French and Swedish speakers available as well. International Civilians in Dehaishe Refugee Camp March 29, 2002 We fear imminent reprisals against Dehaishe Refugee Camp in Bethleham. International civilians have spread themselves throughout the camp to act as human shields. For more information contact the Bethleham contacts listed above. International Civilians come under Fire in Ambulances March 29, 2002 [Ramallah] International civilians are trying to assist ambulance teams in Ramallah as they attempt to get to wounded and dying people. The ambulances of the International Red Cross, Red Crescent and U.N. have been prevented from moving in the city. The ambulances are now coming under fire and international civilians have been trying to act as human shields on board since 1400 today. Internationals will continue to ride aboard the ambulances in the hope that this may increase the chances of getting to those in need. The muka´ta has been under constant tank shelling and the electricity has been cut in the city since early this morning. For more information contact: In Ramallah - Huwaida 972 2 052 642 709 In Bethleham - Heather 972 2 067 270 398
Website: http://jerusalem.indymedia.org | Palestina | Phreakmeister - 31.03.2002 16:16
Als Arafat weigert om de terreur op onschuldige Israëlische burgers aan te pakken, dan zijn dit de gevolgen. Boontje komt om zijn loontje. Arafat plengt nu krokodillentranen. | Juist, zo is dat | Oscar - 02.04.2002 13:02
Zo is dat maar net! Hoe gruwelijk de situatie in de palestijnse gebieden ook is, ze hebben het allemaal aan zichzelf te danken, door voortdurend het extremisme aan te wakkeren en met grove religieuze leugens elkaar aan te zetten tot nietsontziend terrorisme. Dat Sharon nog steeds niet is overgegaan tot een totale omverwerping van het Palestijnse gezag en nog steeds Arafat geen haartje wil krenken getuigt van groot geduld en tact. Laten we partij kiezen voor Israel, het enige democratische land in het hele midden-oosten. Het land dat het meeste recht heeft op een veilig bestaan, na de verschrikkingen van de holocaust. Arabieren kunnen overal heen, voor Joden geldt dit helaas niet! | | C4 - 10.04.2002 09:46
De joden horen op debodem van de rode zee thuis | Anti semieten horen op het kerkhof!!! | Tony - 11.04.2002 14:50
| Message to the anti Semites | Vinny - 11.04.2002 15:46
Message to the anti Semites: Remember what we did to you in Stalingrad! We will do it again! | |
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