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Arrest of demonstators DHKC-Netherlands - 04.04.2002 16:39
Today, April 4th, police attacked those demonsrators who want to protest against Israel´s terror, in the Hague Today, April 4th, a peaceful demonstration organised by DHKC-Netherlands took place in front of the consulate of Israel, in The Hague. Demonstrators just wanted to sit there in order to protest Israel´s occupation in Palestine. But police did not allow them to do so, attacked and arrested five people. Those who were arrested have been released three hours later. Solidarity with Palestinian resistance! Down with Israel-USA terror coalition! DHKC-Netherlands E-Mail: mahir@freeteam.xs4all.nl |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | How many people where present? | TJ - 04.04.2002 17:45
To make this information complete, it would be nice to know how many ppl went there to protest. Always good ppl make the time to do actions! I hope the people are let free soon... | jahoor | Jeroen - 04.04.2002 18:18
Ze zijn lekker bezig daar in Den Haag met demonstranten oppakken. | arrests by Israeli ambassy | Yvonne - 06.04.2002 20:07
The arrests happend to us as wel. One time directly after the demo against the JSF on Saterday afternoon the 30th because we didn´t report it to the police four days in front (unfortunatly Israel did not tell us four days in front that they would attac Palastina....) And the Mare of The Hague forbit the protest. We got arrested with nine people. The people who didn´t get arrested where able to continue there protest some meters away from the ambassy. The police told me that I and the other 8 arrested people where arrested because they thougt that we were the leaders....(????) Later in the evening there was a torch protest (very very very peacefull) and again we got arrested. Because some policeofficer didn´t like us there. On Monday we did the same and then the police let us protest. (they finely did not arrest us, probebly because they were to busy with other things) So welcome in The Hague, Political Capitol of ONdemocraty of the Netherlands! | Ezel naar Gaza | jose van leeuwen - 24.04.2002 21:38
Als bovenstaande instelling Qwerty zonodig reclame wil maken dan vind ik het een onbehoorlijke manier. Een verbod op demonstreren , als wij niet zoveel zaken zouden doen met al die foute regeringen die zo nodig ons wapentuig willen kopen om daar mee oorlogje te spelen dan moeten ze rekening houden met demonstraties. Dan moeten ze rekening houden met zoveel vluchtelingen die hier de veiligheid komen zoeken. Wapenhandel is het indirect mee doen aan een oorlog en het in gevaar brengen van volkeren.Wapenhandel is oorlog en daar hoeft de Nederlandse regering niet schijnheilig over te doen. Ons vredelievend landje maar ondertussen. Wat mij betreft mag er iedere dag en overal gedemonstreerd worden. | |
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