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"Cyber-action" against israel´s embassies Anonym - 05.04.2002 09:34
e-action proposal to block israely embassy comunication in Athens and Bruxelless, today friday from 07.00 to 16.00 A group from Greece had the idea to perform an action via internet against israel´s embassies in atens and bruxelles. The purpose is to block their communications (email, fax, phone) Friday April 5th between 7.00 and 16.00 sending there protesting messages, eventually attaching huge files -consisting of songs, Latuff cartoons etc) or calling them without hanging up the phone -from a public phone, is my personal suggestion- etc. You are free to partecipate...just use your imagination E-mail: Athens@israel.org EUBrussels@israel.org tel: Atene: 003010 6719530-1 003010 6710570 003010 6719773 003010 6722183 fax: 003010 6749510 Bruxelles: 00322 3735500 00322 3735511 00322 3735686 |
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