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Undercurrents Releases New Video Compilation i-Contact (Bristol) - 15.04.2002 02:15
Undercurrents 11 will be out soon, in the meantime here is their latest offering. Globalisation and The Media, which explores the role of the media in this corporate led take over of the planet´s natural resources, Revolting in Prague, WTO/IMF conference shut down by activists; Mark Thomas and the Met, watch TV comedian give London police the run around; Stop The Crop, anti-gmo commentary. Undercurrents are distributing this film through http://www.cultureshop.org (a distribution project set up by i-Contact in conjunction with various alternative video makers in the UK). GLOBALISATION AND THE MEDIA The United States has spent the last 50 years constructing the present New World Order. Aided by its powerful military resources, alongside the IMF, World Bank and the World Trade Organisation, the rules of global trade have been largely imposed to serve its own interests. This documentary explores the role of the media in this corporate led take over of the Planets natural resources. We explore how the media is involved in shaping public opinion during the ‘War on Terrorism’. Undercurrents offers a wide range of viewpoints from broadcasters, journalists, computer hackers, media activists, and news editors. We investigate the bias of Television news during the protest blockades of the IMF and the G8 summits. Travelling from Nigeria to Britain we report on the violent suppression of alternative media. Discover how new technology, such as the internet and camcorders, is challenging the role of the traditional news gatherer. Includes Interviews with Chris Cramer- President CNN International news George Monbiot- Investigative reporter Katharine Ainger- Editor New Internationalist Mark Covell- Indymedia.org Sonali Fernadez- Media Workers against the War Danny Schecter- Director Mediachannel.org Emmanuel Goldstein – Editor of 2600 The Hackers Quarterly Amy Goodman- Producer Democracy Now in Exile REVOLTING IN PRAGUE The World Bank and IMF were set up in 1945 to integrate developing countries into the capitalist system of Free Trade. Their irresponsible loans have resulted in massive debt repayments leading to environmental destruction and a massive increase in poverty. In September 2000 the two institutions staged their 55th annual meeting in Prague. Over 15,000 people from 30 countries travelled to the East European city intent on shutting down the meeting of the Worlds leading capitalists. This documentary records the techniques of the various groups over three days. Cameras follow the diverse groups within the ‘pink blockade’ with their samba bands. We also record the ‘Black and Blue Blockades’ as they utilise more confrontational tactics. Despite police and army using tear gas, water cannons and other military hardware, and making over four hundred arrests riot police failed to quell the spirit of dissent. The cameras of the video activists bring you the news direct from the frontline and behind the scenes at how art is used to get the message home. MARK THOMAS AND THE MET Comedian Mark Thomas encounters a bunch of London Metropolitan police officers filming an action. The highest ranking officer involved in the operation douse not even seem to know the other officers are there. Watch as Mark introduces the police offices to there superiors. Classic piece of in your face comedy activism. STOP THE CROP Music by Pagan protest band ´Seize the day´ performed in various locations including during a Genetics Action. Also includes speaches by anti-GMO activists. E-Mail: Undercurrents 11 will be out soon, in the meantime here is their latest offering Website: http://www.cultureshop.org/details.php?code=GTHEM |
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