DEMOCRACY DOWN THE DRAIN ! Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars - 18.04.2002 18:54
The UNITED STATES "POWER COMPLEX" : Geopolitically seen - and from a democratic point of view - right now there is only one player in the global field : a forced co-operation between the US and Israel. Result : DEMOCRACY DOWN THE DRAIN ? * The Dutch author of this article was accredited as Latin America correspondent for global media among others in Santiago de Chile, from 1971 to July 1974. Then he was declared "Persona non Grata" by the military junta of General Augusto Pinochet. During the Vietnam war declared "Persona non Grata" in Cambodia. After working in South-Africa and Scandinavia until nov.1987, the author was accredited in Tunisia until 1996, covering North-West Africa, the PLO and the Middle East. Also sometimes for the BBC. Declared Persona non Grata five times by governments in East and West, the latest by Tunisian General Ben Ali in 1996. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NETHERLANDS NEWS AGENCY : the FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION. The UNITED STATES "POWER COMPLEX" : Geopolitically seen - and from a democratic point of view - right now there is only one player in the global field : a forced co-operation between the US and Israel. Result : DEMOCRACY DOWN THE DRAIN ? The NETHERLANDS / FPF-HR - April 2002 - The United States "Power Complex" is at present still further developing an autocratic form of government, in which the state involves itself in all facets of our and the world´s society. This includes controlling the daily life of all of its own citizens, but also of many people living outside the United States. As long as they live in the Power conglomerate´s "field of interest". What´s good for the US is good for the World...? Arms to control This totalitarian government seeks with arms to control not only all the worlds economic and political matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of first of all the "home market" i.e. the American people. And - following this scheme - the populations in the worlds energy-rich countries. All engulfing waves of TV- and radio "Orwellian Newsspeak" take electronically care of the overwhelming indoctrination. The earlier known ´Hidden Persuaders´ have turned into blunt - socalled patriotic - messages, clobbered into the minds of people.The mainstream medium not only has, but ìs the message. Thinking in an objective way is not advised. And state school systems will hardly teach people to do so. Or does anybody know a government which likes critical journalists ? Anywhere in the world ? Citizen´s loyal duty Since the Power Complex managers - and the allies - are in effect - and also the effective - owners of all of the absolutely biggest media channels in the world, the hammering with propaganda lies and -views is easily done through the mainstream media, starting by erasing the distinction between state, church and society. And the biggest publicity firms in the world earn millions of US taxpayers dollars by selling the totalitarian Newsspeak "War on Terrorism makes Peace". The citizen´s loyal duty to the state becomes the primary concern of the totalitarian New World Order community. Like US president Bush said : "You are either for us or against us. No choice was left. The goal of the United States "Power Conglomerate" is first the replacement of the existing US society with a society which is "perfect for the state and its followers". Meaning the very profitable global military-industrial complex which already has been seen at work for many decades. And has cost the life´s of millions of innocent human beings in poorer countries which need "rebuilding" as in todays New York Times: NYT- April 18th-2002 - "Bush Sets Role for U.S. in Afghan Rebuilding : President Bush on Wednesday embraced a major American role in rebuilding Afghanistan, calling for an effort hecompared to the Marshall Plan." End quote NYT. "Herrenvolk"-syndrom. Various totalitarian systems however, have - apart from "rebuilding" - different ideological goals. For example, of the states most commonly described as totalitarian—the Soviet Union under Stalin, Nazi Germany, and the People’s Republic of China under Mao—the Communist regimes of the Soviet Union and China sought the universal fulfilment of humankind through the establishment of a classless society (see communism); German National Socialism, on the other hand, attempted to establish the superiority of the so-called Aryan race, the "Herrenvolk"-syndrom. The US-Israeli Power Complex combines these features, calling the system "War on Terrorism", leaving all options open to themselves. Characteristics. Despite the many differences among totalitarian states, they have several characteristics in common, of which the two most important are: the existence of an ideology that addresses all aspects of life and outlines means to attain the final goal. And : a single mass party ( all fòr us, not against us !) through which the people are mobilized to muster socalled patriotism, tax-money, energy and support. The party is generally led by a dictator and, typically, participation in politics, especially voting will be tampered with. The party leadership maintains monopoly control over the governmental system, which includes the police, military, media/communications, and economic and education systems. Dissent is systematically suppressed and anybody critical of the system terrorized by a secret police, enforced by global snooping systems like Carnivore/Echelon. Autocracies through the ages have attempted to exercise control over the lives of their subjects, by whatever means were available to them, including the use of secret police and military force. However, only with modern weapon- and info-technology has the US-Israeli government acquired the means to control societies, they think... Totalitarianism in it´s present form : the socalled "War on Terrorism" is a recent and dangerous phenomenon. As - within soon - the people in the oil rich countries of Venezuela and Iraq again will find out. Monopoly / cause. The US-Israeli power structure at present has a monopoly on the global use of the military power, and on the main forms of mass communication : leading to the suppression of dissent, especially during times of "home-made tactical crisis". There is no single cause for the growth of totalitarian tendencies. There may be theoretical roots in the collectivist political theories of Plato, Jean Jacques Rousseau, or Karl Marx. But the emergence of totalitarian forms of government is probably more the result of specific historical forces. For example, the chaos that followed in the wake of World War I, allowed or encouraged the establishment of totalitarian regimes. Like in Russia, Italy, Germany - even Sweden* for a short time, while the sophistication of modern weapons and communications enabled them to extend and consolidate their power. Like is happening now. The United States was founded on the concept that an elite few could not dictate how the masses should live. Unless the American military industrial complex begins to reassert that fundamental truth, in no uncertain terms : Democracy is further going down the drain fast, and one soon only will find it as a word in a dictionary... Henk Ruyssenaars* Bibliography : Roland Huntford, on "Sweden : The New Totalitarians", Publisher: Stein & Day Pub; ISBN: 0812860489; Revised edition (April 1980). E. Fromm, Escape from Freedom (1941, repr. 1960); H. Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1958, new ed. 1966); C. J. Friedrich and Z. K. Brezinski, Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy (2d ed. 1967). FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars |