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Repression against German students EU students - 18.04.2002 22:56
At March 26 2002 the student café TuCa was evicted at the university of Frankfurt (germany). The university called the police to evict the café wich was already existing for 12 years. At April 17 six students were charged for disturbance of domestic peace. Free translation from some mails of german students from Frankfurt: At March 26 2002 the student café TuCa was evicted at the university of Frankfurt (germany). The university called the police to evict the café wich was already existing for 12 years. At April 17 six students were charged for disturbance of domestic peace. At the end of this article you can find e-mail adresses where you can send protest- and solidarity e-mails to. The café was a project that was being organized by students and played an important role for the alternative student culture in Frankfurt. The TuCa were for a lot of students a place wich was free of autoritarian structures, where it was possible to run a café like we think a cafe should be runned, with our own policies. We sold fair-trade coffee and organized political manifestations, students could read free papers and several games had a place in TuCa. During the eviction the police was wearing helmets and confiscated our furniture, some other belongings and also money people have spended as a gift to us. During the eviction a videocamera of the students was demolished. The university wants to start a commercial cafe in what used to be the TuCa. Since the beginning of this summer semester the TuCa collectiv is running a countercafe in the room which is at the opposite of the old TuCa. People can drink coffee, tea and eat cakes and are asked to spend some money as a gift. Thousands of flyers were handed out wich are describing the scandal of this illegal eviction. At April 17 six people became a letter from the police in wich they were charged for disturbance of domestic peace because they were in the Tuca during the eviction. The university had asked the police to prosecute the students. A general assamblee of the faculty of society- and pedagogy with about 100 students discussed the matter at April 17 and demanded to the university to give back the rooms and the belongings of TuCa and also demanded to handover a commercial kiosk to the students so it can be runned by a students collective. They also demanded the removal of security personell, videocameras and policemen (some dressed in civil clothing) and free study for all. After this assamblee there was a short spontanious demonstration to the the bureau of the university president were the chancellor of the university was confronted with our demands. He promised us to give back the belongings of the TuCa cafe and told us a lot about nothing. He would consider the charges against the students. Very clear is that the university won`t give us the TuCa rooms back! You would help us a lot by sending us solidarity e-mails:
krist444@yahoo.de and if you could... Please send protest mails to the presidents and the chancellor (who is directly responsible for the eviction) of the university to protest against the charges for disturbance of domestic peace against six students and the eviction of the Tuca cafe after 12 years without any kind of warning. Send a copy of your protestmail to the solidarity e-mail adress( krist444@yahoo.de ) as well, so the students know what`s happening. The e-mail adress of the president of the Frankfurt university is:
praesident@uni-frankfurt.de The e-mail adress of the chancellor of Frankfurt the university is:
busch@ltg.uni-frankfurt.de Message translated by education is not for sale
http://int-protest-action.tripod.com E-Mail: eustudenten@gmx.net Website: http://int-protest-action.tripod.com |
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