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Senaat (VS) houdt olie boren Alaska tegen! (Bron) Environmental Defense - 19.04.2002 11:00
April 18 - The U.S. Senate today rejected an effort by Alaska´s Senators and the oil industry to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. Action Network from Environmental Defense *************************** April 18 - The U.S. Senate today rejected an effort by Alaska´s Senators and the oil industry to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. Strong opposition to oil drilling, including messages from over 70,000 Environmental Defense Action Network activists like you, helped sink this effort. This is a big victory for the environment, the wildlife that call the Arctic Refuge home, and for future generations. The bill to open the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling was rejected 46-54. To see how your senators voted, visit:
http://actionnetwork.org/alert-story.tcl?alert%5fid=2001111 **Next Steps** While the Senate´s rejection of oil drilling in the Arctic Refuge is a victory, the House of Representatives passed an energy bill last Fall that would allow oil companies to exploit this majestic wilderness area. The House and Senate may have to reconcile their differences on the issue - stay tuned for future action alerts. |
aanvullingen |  | Zie je | Phreakmeister - 19.04.2002 22:00
Zie je wel, Amerika is zo´n slecht land nog niet. Zelfs in Amerika weten de volksvertegenwoordigers milieu hoger te waarderen dan economie. Ik zie de Tweede Kamer nog niet zo ingaan tegen Jorritsma, moet ik zeggen... | Niet dus.. | Neoweb.nl - 17.03.2005 19:43
Gister heeft de senaat met een krappe meerderheid ingestemd om te boren naar olie in de natuurreservaten van Alaska.. Website: http://www.neoweb.nl | |
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