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TheGuardian + WashingtonPost about Indymedia M02 - 23.04.2002 00:03
"I on the News With Digicam and Laptop, ´Independent´ Journalism Rewrites the Rules, if Not Its Reporting "  " The exotic, impassioned, sometimes inscrutable protest tribes are back in Washington, and a horde of media people is tracking their every move. It turns out there are two media tribes. One is familiar -- the tribe getting paid to be here, which includes CBS, CNN, The Washington Post, etc. That´s the "corporate media," not a complimentary term, according to members of the other tribe. This second group includes the ones running around with tiny digital video cameras, looking as if they´re making home movies. Or wearing headphones and holding microphones for interviews that may soon be heard in Columbia Heights; Burlington, Vt.; Jerusalem. Or scrawling notesfor future letters to the world. They represent something called the Independent Media Center (IMC), a kind of global volunteer newsroom that exists primarily on the Internet, offering proudly biased fare that its advocates say compensates for the blind spots of the mainstream media. " Read further: Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25676-2002Apr21.html |
Lees meer over: LINKS globalisering media wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | The Guardian: ´Be the media´ | 23.04.2002 00:10
" When the Israeli tanks rolled into Bethlehem, the only organisation left behind to report was a fledgling DIY news website. But that was enough. " " The centre´s shaky net connection collapsed completely after the Israeli army raided the offices of Palestine Online, the local internet service provider. But the global IMC network has its own unique back-up: while the Palestine site administrators were offline, the newswire, being fed directly by its users, kept reporting. Moreover, international peace volunteers in Palestine phoned live reports back to IMCs in their home countries, where volunteers could update their native sites and, in a tidy loop, cross-post the latest details back to the IMC Palestine newswire. Now back online through a single laptop with an Israeli net connection, the Palestine centre can report only in English - the laptop isn´t Arabic-enabled. " Read further:
Website: http://media.guardian.co.uk/mediaguardian/story/0,7558,684338,00.html | | 23.04.2002 00:12
DIY = ´Do It Yourself´ | |
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