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control a real goldfish Dr.A.M.Muis - 23.04.2002 15:33
The fish can be controlled by the user. This experiment was started in 1998 in the Knowledge Media Design Institute and Department of Computer Science. Dr. A.M. Muis and Dr. G.H. Venom of the Department of Electrical Computer Engineer have created the signal-inplationer. In short, the signal-inplationer sends waveform data (converted mididata) to a CEC-7. The electric signals control the brainwaves of the fish. This allows you as the user to control the direction in which the fish swims. research project [1.576] The fish can be controlled by the user. This experiment was started in 1998 in the Knowledge Media Design Institute and Department of Computer Science. Dr. A.M. Muis and Dr. G.H. Venom of the Department of Electrical Computer Engineer have created the signal-inplationer. In short, the signal-inplationer sends waveform data (converted mididata) to a CEC-7. The electric signals control the brainwaves of the fish. This allows you as the user to control the direction in which the fish swims. The fish is now almost for three months online. You can give it a try, using the keys. Note: the signals cause the fish no pain or other harmful consequences. The system works totally callous for the fish.» E-Mail: Dr.A.M.Muis@d00p.nl Website: http://www.d00p.nl/edu/g67/KLB/projects/IEP/fish.asp |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | implant the electrodes in your own ass | alf - 23.04.2002 17:42
I wonder if the fish agrees with the nopain or harm bit.... where is the animal liuberation front when you need it? | innovative research | SUWU3 - 24.04.2002 11:40
i think it´s a really innovate research project. Can you please contact me for a new session with a brain-human-control. | Oh my God, it´s isane | Marcus - 29.05.2002 07:52
This is the state of the world. We can en we will do evreything. Even control Animals. What´s next, Human? This is without any respect for the fish. Without any respect for LIFE. I hope the research people who did this aren´t going to church and all of that. Otherwise they are just as sick as George W Bush who is praying to Jesus and in the meantime bombs bombs a certain country. People should learn to respect life, Peace can be achieved with love and not war. You can not get peace when you kill people. And testing stuff on Animals(or Humans) is awfull and should be stopped. Earth, was given to us And we FUCKED it up. Time to do the right thing and we should take care of out mother Earth. BYE | |
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