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kamikaze bombings... towards a isPEACE SUMMIT fencesitter - 24.04.2002 17:46
A Peace Summit is needed TODAY in israel and palestine the israelies have the most physical concessions to make but stands to regain their soles the palestinians have the most to gain physically and have a terrorised people to heal so much pain unless a start towards peace is made, i fear for us all... conclusions: 1. israel has all the US military and financial support 2. israel has most of the land and is encroaching further onto the west bank and gaza 3. isreal uses tanks, planes, helicopters, bulldozers 4. isreal has been the prison wardens of "palestine" since 1948 the palestians have: 1. only one weapon, maybe an ultimate weapon, the SUICIDE (say it again) SUICIDE bombers... they are so committed to causing extreme fear (terror) in the israelis that they are willing to die to achieve their aim... the palestinians have been so suppressed, so pushed around, so terrorised that israel has forced the palestinians into kamikaze bombings, the only effective, desperate weapon they have left... i israel has pushed the desperation level up so high that palestinians have no hope, no future, that they are willing to kill themselves and others... to make the supreme sacrifice... to make the Ultimate Protest. i kill myself and i kill you because you are killing us... the endless cycle of violence... it is time to recognise the protest, it is time to step back from the HELL that is being created... israel holds all the cards, the first card to be delt in good faith would be to withdraw to the 1967 "borders" next, citizen representatives (not sharon or ararfat) need to be elected, maybe 500 from each side, 50% women, to represent ALL levels of society on both sides in a PEACE SUMMIT... before the peace summit can commence a curfew of the whole of isreal and palestine would have to be in place, co-ordinated and managed by 20,000 UN peace keepers the summit would have to managed by the UN and they would have to thrash it out for as long as it takes... if it does not resolve anything concrete then it has to be done again and again and again... with 50 years of bad blood between these two peoples it is probably going to take 150 years to get anywhere... but this has to be better than killing each other... both societies have to drag themselves away from their extremist killers... they have to move towards healing both societies and that is going to take a lot of work it is far harder to wage peace the israelies have the most physical concessions to make but stands to regain their soles the palestinians have the most to gain physically and have a terrorised people to heal so much pain unless a start towards peace is made, i fear for us all... fencesitter 25 april 02 |
aanvullingen |  | Arafat | Phreakmeister - 26.04.2002 23:43
Dus het beleid van de Israelische regering rechtvaardigt de moord op duizenden en duizenden onschuldige Israeli´s? Al die zelfmoordaanslagen op bussen, café´s, discotheken, bruiloften, noem maar op, daar is allemaal nix aan de hand??? Sharon heeft meer dan het recht Arafat kei- en keihard aan te pakken. Dat Arafat niet in staat zou zijn Hamas, Jihad en Hizbollah aan te pakken, omdat zijn politie-apparaat aan diggelen geschoten is, is al onwaarschijnlijk, omdat datzelfde politie-apparaat wel in staat is om de Palestijnse bevolking te onderdrukken en afwijkende meningen de kop in te drukken. Maar Al Aqsa en Al Fatah staan direct onder gezag van Arafat. Die milities kunnen geen actie uitvoeren, geen aanslag plegen, zonder uitdrukkelijke, expliciete toestemming/bevel van Yasser Arafat. Arafat heeft de dood van duizenden onschuldige Israeli´s op zijn geweten. En dat kan met geen mogelijkheid goedgepraat worden.
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