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Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre." To INDYMEDIA & " amnesty@amnesty.nl" Cc: Media Channel POWELL CONTRADICTS PERES : JENIN - MASSACRE OR MASSADA ? Peres said so, but....Colin Powell says no evidence so far of Massacre at Jenin By Scott Shepard /Cox News Service 4-25-02 WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Colin Powell, in his first Capitol Hill appearance since his peace mission to the Middle East, told Congress on Wednesday that he has seen no evidence of an Israeli massacre at the Jenin Palestinian refugee camp. "Clearly, innocent lives may have been lost," Powell said in response to questions from senators during a hearing on the State Department´s budget. But, "right now," he added, "I´ve seen no evidence of mass graves, and I´ve seen no evidence that would suggest a massacre took place." Rest of story :
http://www.coxnews.com/newsservice/stories/2002/0425-POWELL-COX.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONTRARY TO COLIN POWELL, SHIMON PERES ADMITTED IN THE BEGINNING ; ISRAELI PRESS : w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m URL : http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=150051 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Peres calls IDF operation in Jenin a " MASSACRE " Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre." IDF officers also expressed grave reservations Monday over the operation in Jenin. "Because of the dangers," they said, "the soldiers are almost not advancing on foot. The bulldozers are simply ´shaving´ the homes and causing terrible destruction. When the world sees the pictures of what we have done there, it will do us immense damage." By Aluf Benn and Amos Harel, Ha´aretz Correspondents ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fwd. by the FPF Foreign Press Foundation
forpressfound@netscape.net The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | disinformation | David Raban - 25.04.2002 23:10
that is simply not true. peres´s actual meaning was that he frears that the palestinians will call th eaction in Jenin a Masacre, as was later corrected. at the monent there is no evidence of a masacre in Jenin, but still the situation there is very grave - more than 1100 homes have been demolished, leaving about 4000 people homeless. at the moment there are about 150 residents of jenin camp that are reported missing, and there is a chance they are buried undr the rubble. there was no masacre there - but wha thappened is worse enough | Why did Peres "correct"? | nowar - 26.04.2002 11:17
Dear David, isn´t there a big possibility that Peres "corrected" hinmself on the "Jenin massacre", *because he had a talk with Ariel Sharon*? If, according to your figures, over 150 people were killed, is that a massacre or not? | seems like a massacre to me | wereldsurfer - 26.04.2002 12:02
but Israel will undoubtly refer to that as unavoidable in the effort to protect Israelin civilians. If you say that nowadays, everything is acceptable, especially if you are American or Israelian. Like "operation enduring freedom" is just an alibi to commit crimes, wich you are trying to protect your own people from. An alibi to do to others civilians, what you don´t want to happen to your own civilians, and that seems rather hypocrit to me. Just a personal opinion ;-).
| what is a masacre | David Raban - 29.04.2002 12:38
this is a question of definition - what do you call a masacre? according to mu understanding, a masacre is an act of deliberately, following an order from above, there is systematic executions of innocent people, women and children. this is not the case here - most of the people who died there were armed men, the rest, number unknown yet, cevilians who died as a result of these actions, but not as a purpose in itself - there was no order to kill them, nor was there a will from the command line to do so. did does not justify, in any way, the horrible actions commited by israel in jenin - but i would not call it a masacre. in fact , the use of this word , is very much against the palestinian interest - the exagerrations of the palestinian reports only make their clames seem unreliable - they should stick to the truth - it´s bad enough E-Mail: draban@pob.huji.ac.il | |
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