Paedophile Hysteria: Part of ROLLBACK critical thinker - 29.04.2002 15:29
Readers familiar with the ´wry wit´ of Noam Chomsky will certainly be able to identify with this magnification of his 1991 "Media Control" speech, which, in much detail, shows how one aspect of *Rollback* was, and continues to be stage-managed. For those who wish to understand how Unaccountable Power plays its games, so to undermine new strategies of *Rollback*, this article should be on everyone´s list to read!  Article below short introduction (intro) Perhaps the biggest thing about the pedophile scare is that it´s the *situation*, not so much the numbers (even tho THOUSANDS of men AND boys (and women and girls) are languishing in America´s prisons and psychiatric"hospitals", etc.). I mean by "situation", that the *card*, the hysteria, the *ONE TRUTH IS UNDERSTOOD AT THE EXPENSE OF ALL OTHER truths* is played in such a HUGE way. The situation of hysteria against the scapegoat is what´s BIG; what´s fucking with the whole society, distracting the unwitting public, and being used as a tool to continue the systematic *ROLLBACK* of such things as our hard-fought-for civil liberties and other freedoms. THAT is the reason why "pedophilia" is such a crucial issue for the public to understand! And most people are not getting it thru their hyped-up, thick skulls! HELL, THEY DON´T EVEN CARE! Enter, a way to BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND the GAMES that are being played: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SPECTACULAR ACHIEVEMENTS OF MEDIA CONTROL: An Exercise in the Crucial Arts entire text: Anti-copyright Chuck d 1994-´97; Nonsilent Press See detailed Notes via link Part One The Horrid Plague Unsightly Carnage Part two Save the Children! Damage Control Part three The Building Crisis Parade of Enemies Part four Selective Perception The Fight for Kids´ Freedoms Last Part Reasons for the Emotional Outcry Representing the Kids ---------------------------------------------------------- "After the free love and truly radical movements lost their momentum we moved to a business-run society at a remarkable level. Organizations and individuals now seeming to assert kids´ rights are professionals with interesting stakes in their latest endeavors." -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- "The strategy was to...turn the public against the inappropriate beliefs that some of these people held --like, the one that says kids aren´t arbitrarily incompetent and irrational compared to adults. Or the one that claims that the young people could form fuly genuine--but nontraditional--bonds with adults they liked." --------------------------------------------------------- The [influence] professionals and the concerned mothers all have the same interests. We can work together and work for Family Values and Harmony, liking and trusting each other, but we have to make sure that these "kiddie pornographers" don´t come in and wreck what we´ve got going. That was the message essentially. A huge amount of effort was put into presenting it. This is, after all, the Business Community in general, so they control the media and have massive resources [and can make sure that prejudices towards misunderstood groups remain prejudices]. And [this] has worked very effectively. Some people who´re now catching on in part call it the "child abuse hysteria," and are trying to say how it has gotten out of hand and that some of our hard-worked-for rights are beginning to be victimized as a result of it. Canada´s law banning all positive images and textual accounts or [positive] arguments of legal sexual acts is a case in point. (7) It´s vital to realize that such hysterias have been promoted over and over again to keep people on the Proper Track. Such ruses have worked very effectively by mobilizing community opinion in favor of vapid, empty concepts like Family Values. Who can be against that? Or Harmony. Who can be against that? Or, as in the child sex abuse hysteria of the day: "Save the Children!" Who can be against that? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If you´re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."--Malcolm X -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In fact, what does it mean if somebody asks you, Do you want to save the people in Iowa? Can you say, Yes, I want to save them, or No, I don´t want to save them? It´s not even a question: it doesn´t mean anything. The point of public relations slogans like "Save the Children!" is that they don´t mean anything. They mean as much as whether you want to save the people in Iowa. Of course there was an issue. The issue was --Do you support our policy? But you don´t want people to ponder that issue. That´s the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody´s going to be against, and everybody´s going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn´t mean anything. It´s crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That´s the one you´re not allowed to talk about. So you have people arguing about Saving the Children? "Of course I don´t not support them." --then they´ve won. It´s like Family Values and Harmony. We´re all together, empty slogans, let´s join in, let´s make sure we don´t have these weirdos with their talk about intergenerational intimacy or kids´ ability to figure out what they want and that sort of business. That´s all very effective. It runs right up to today. And of course it is all carefully thought out. The people in the public relations industry aren´t there for the fun of it. They´re doing work. They´re trying to instill the right values. In fact, they have a conception of what freedom ought to be: it ought to be a system in which "mature" people are trained to work in the service of the masters (the people who own the society)--and keep the naive and incompetent children and others in their proper place. The young people ought to be deprived of any form of genuinely constructive organizations where [dissident] adults might build honest and lasting bonds with them, because such bonds just cause trouble. The "not yet fully human" people ought to be sitting in front of the TV and having drilled into their heads the message, which says, that in their time of to life --childhood--they have to engage in play (not too serious) and watch adults doing incredible things, and be outside of the adult world pretty much while attending school and children´s activities. (...) But remember, much of the aim of the mechanisms behind these hysterias, such as the magazines which publish such views, or the professionals who counsel so many sex abuse "survivors," is to uphold their own reservation in the actual Establishment. So whether the "child-saver" extremists (or "femi-nazis") are wittingly or unwittingly serving the interests of Real Power by distracting the bewildered herd with their impassioned calls against Patriarchal White Males (old and young) doesn´t matter as long as people are kept on the Proper Track. (16) It has been necessary to allow such distractions to become official and well-understood.This is true on every other topic. Pick the topic you like: student illiteracy, inattention, school violence, drug abuse, youth gangs, drop-outs--whatever it is, the picture of the challenges truly facing young people that´s presented to the public has only the remotest relation to reality. (...) --------------------------------------------------------------- "Still, there had been a few inappropriatly honesty-prone people who...realized that people could possibly be duped on broad, connected terms, and they kept their projects open to all kinds of discussions that weren´t acceptable in the larger culture." -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "All these great advancements on legal terrain against views that virtually dare not be defended and that were never actually understood to begin with. That gives relief --we were saved at the last minute." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the 1930´s Hitler whipped them up into a fear of Jews, Gypsies, gays, and political dissidents. You had to crush them to protect yourselves and the Next Generation´s chances for making lasting Changes for a Brighter Future. We have our ways too. Over the last few decades, every year or two, some major discovery is made at home. There used to be the one which all by itself was readily available: sexual perverts, especially the homosexual variety. But the "gays" have lost their attractiveness as an enemy, and it´s getting harder and harder to use that one now that they´ve done their bit of progressing towards Harmony. So, some new variations have had to be conjured --something that could still be drawn from the perpetually available ignorance and fear regarding sexuality. So it has been "kiddie" pornographers, "snuff films," "child stealers," "sex rings" at day care centers, "Satanic ritual violence," abuse "survivors" now molesting and the descriptionless pedophile who is everywhere, lurking not only among nonconforming neighbors, family members and loved entertainers, [and priests], but in newly-recalled "memories." They´ve got to keep coming up one after another. You frighten the population, terrorize them, intimidate them so that they´re too afraid to let their kids out of their sight and they tremble with hysteria over the thought that any non-professional --you´ve got to have professionals no matter what-- relating to their kids might be a potential child-rapist. (...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "People like John Crewdson or Andrew Vachss can´t go on their stage if their target can fight back. That´s much too dangerous. But if you´re sure that they will be crushed, maybe we´ll knock that one off and heave another sigh of relief." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the same time that these survivor´s movements were arousing great horror with their harrowing experiences, survivors of a different sort were making court testimony about their harrassment, threats, and torture at the hands of a different kind of abuser. Together with parents and upright lawyers, they compiled sworn affidavits of precise and systematic abuse by police detectives, officers, and other law enforcement professionals. These survivors refused, initially, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in accepting the Conclusion that they had been sexually violated. Among the threats and torture methods used on these survivors by professional "child-protectors," were detainments, solitary confinement, and threats of rape at local juvenile detention centers. To substantiate this last one, "Michael," 13, states that n.y.p.d. detective Robert W.Maginnis "threatened to beat me, [and] take me to Spoffard [Bronx juvenile jail] where six guys his size would hold me down and fuck me up the ass." He also implicated two Bronx Assistant DA´s in his abuse, stating that one, while repeatedly calling him "queer" and "fag" also threatened to tell people at his school that he was gay. (23) (...) Even the famous Los Angeles Police Department got caught in the act, when one of its employees dangled two boys, ages 12 and 13, over an oceanside cliff by their ankles. (25) All these strategies were used to try to get the "needy child" to finally share their "best kept secret." The man who performed this last deed of assured "comfort" was named Detective Lloyd Martin, and he never got punished for this kind of professionalism; in fact he remained with the l.a.p.d.´s "Sexually Exploited Child Unit" for many years afterwards. (...) These unusually explicit affidavits of police brutality are probably unique in their detail about how the "Official Guardians of Protection" systematically carry out their important work. And it provides an insight surrounding the abuse of young people at the hands of the Real Power. Certainly these accounts could have brought an would interesting twist to the furor that was at the time motivating "conscious" circles to get organized so that they could "meet the challenge" with strong opposition. Yet the U.S. media were not interested. This material was suppressed entirely, without a word, in the national media, where more than a few "lightheaded and cold-blooded" "advocates for children" sang praise to "pedo squads" and their "rapid response" to the burgeoning social ill facing Conscious Americans everywhere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Few ask whether such media exposure might have offered [these kids] some protection from contemplating these alternatives." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- These unprepared survivors were not encouraged by soothing legions of professionals to sue the cities where they´d been victimized, and there were no new laws made to help them prosecute their tormentors; rather, they were pretty much forced to continue living quite silenced in the System of Things, and get used to knowing who was the Boss. Young people staggering from these kinds of situations have often chosen drug abuse, crime, and suicide as their outlets; yet much of the evidence about the background for why they choose such outlets does not appear in the U.S. media. And few ask whether such media exposure might have offered them some protection from contemplating these outlets. This tells you something about the way in which a well-functioning system of consent-manufacturing works. In comparison with the revelations of the straightforward abuse that the above kids endured, the much more vaguely-defined and less-straightforward (yet accepted) idea is not even nearly as much of a scandal when one considers what´s going on. Besides that the Shared Interests get off scot-free --there is this unwavering trust that the vaguely-defined label of sexual abuse is the CAUSE for all manner of social problems and difficulties later in life, regardless of the true nature of the crime. But "Child Protectors" have their job to do. 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