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CHARIOTS OF FIRE SolarNight - 01.05.2002 16:12
The principles of the new Bio-Electronic "Computer Cars", are now fairly well defined. All - whether metal/air fuel cell, Hybrid fuel cell, solar cell, magnetic tape, or others, share the "free-floating" electron-sourcing feature at the current production pole, and mate with hub magnetic drives at the power delivery end, with some kind of grounded battery mediation to restore the percentage of residual friction-lost energy (wheel ball bearings being the main friction/heat loss-site remaining in the no physical contact/ non-mechanical Magnetic Drives).        Of course millions of current vehicles are driving POLLUTION - FREE, and FUEL - FREE! Any "old-timey" electric vehicle that plugs in for re-charge to Hydro-electric power sources. Yet "motor-cretinism" is so advanced in many places that since they pay an electric bill, most simply assume that they have used "Fuel" of some kind! So much for non-thinking consumer-cretins - the same in many cases who are still eating Bio-Tech food - long after the disproving of the Crick-Watson DNA-theory on which it is based, was announced by the Royal Society in England, when even feeding ANIMALS genetically manipulated food has been outlawed in most of the world! Our little SymBioniC Solar Cycles that you see here, even though they are only two or three steps in advance of conventional electric vehicles, lay claim to being the worlds´ first true "Computer Vehicle". One pole is Solar silicon computer chips, the other pole - the magnetic wheel- drive, is encompassed by re-cycled computer hard-disk magnets. Mediating, are small 12v lead batteries in series - which in another form the computer also has to keep the time on your calendar. These STAND-ALONE natural-energy powered vehicles point the direction to PARADISE ON EARTH, and are thus a key factor in the fullfillment of Earth-Prophecies! In a appenda to a previous report; Fuel-using motors are not only ENTROPIC - they actually DEFINE entropy by the classical Guassian experiment of the unrecoverable mixure of expanding gases - and thus are not only linked to the now rapid death of our PLANET; but also to the death and final degradation of the UNIVERSE itself! A logical deduction of this is that NO FUEL-BURNING vehicle, can EVER be 100% pollution-free! Yet we MUST have pollution-free vehicles: NOW: if Life-on-Earth is to be saved! There are three forms of this gas-expansive entropy: 1) Contained (Motors). 2) Semi-contained (Guns). 3) Uncontained (Bombs). - This pretty well explicates the forces of death and destruction on this planet today. Deduce on your own the escatological role of the professed leader of all of these entropic means in the world today! - ZPE-physics and ecology have shown that property is indeed THEFT! But not from the worker primarily, but from God-in-Nature! This is true whether the "owner", is Individual, Communal, State, Tribal, or Religious! What really matters most is the nurturing and husbanding of life in the given Earth-place. True custodians of Earth-Life will be recognized by the fruit which springs forth from their occupancy. If the MEANS are DEATH; the results will be DEATH! If the means are LIFE-GIVING; the results will be LIFE-GIVING! - The prophecies of Revelations and Peter II, tell that the Messiah will appear with his Angels on Chariots of Fire; and that this "Fire" will be one that doesn´t CONSUME, doesn´t DESTROY; but one that makes one LIVE, rather than KILLS! - That is what we have been building, and trying to show all of you the scientific and practical basis of. So build some - nothing is really stopping you but your own enertia! Those shown were less costly than a new bicycle! Join our new Order of "Solar Nights"! Members of all religions, races, and sexes, are free to join. We have NO RULES - only a "Golden Guide": "Do, or do not do, unto others, what you would have others do, or not do, unto you - whichever leads to more LIFE, LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS - as YOU see it!" Members are on "probation" until they build or obtain some kind of POLLUTION-FREE, FUEL-FREE vehicle - and ride it. Then they are FULL-FLEDGED MEMBERS of the "Messiahs´ Party" of SOLAR NIGHTS! Helping to erect the Golden-Sun standard of zero pollution/zero fuel for the whole planet! Magnetic Drives can be obtained inexpensively at: http://www.GoldenMotor.com (the brushless ones). Inexpensive Solar Chips can be obtained in GRAB-BAGS at: http://www.Plastecs.com - A whole new world of silent safe driving, and exciting energy-channeling FASHIONS awaits you as you see! - Begin today to build the world of the future Paradise on Earth! (Nobody is going to do it for you!) (Next come the Light-Emitting-Diode LIGHTS on the SOLAR VEHICLES and SOLAR CLOTHES - to find the hidden paths to Paradise through the Hell of the late-industrial death-world (the TRUE IMPORT of "acceptable-risk"!)........ hope to see all of you there in the Bio-Electronic Organic Gardens! Website: http://www.Znet.org |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | ga toch fietsen! | biker - 01.05.2002 20:51
Wist je dat de productie van een zonnecel meer energie kost dan deze in haar hele bestaan zal opleveren? Een simpel CO2 rekensommetje laat dan al snel zien dat het gebruik van zonnecellen een stuk slechter voor het milieu is dan van vrijwel welke andere ´klassieke´ energiebron. Als je werkelijk iets voor het milieu wil doen moet je toch echt je mobiliteit beperken of gaan lopen! (ook een fiets maken kost immers grondstoffen en energie) | energy cost of solar cell production? | Peter - 01.05.2002 21:59
On a couple of occasions i have ran into ppl telling me that the production of solar cells costs more energy then they will ever yield, i was wondering if someone had some links to website or papers where those claims are stated and backed up. | Groene energie bestaat nog niet | Ca$h - 01.05.2002 23:07
You don´t need to calculate anything. Even solarpanels suffer wear and tear. It´s an ecological sideshow, most exhaust coming from burning fossil fuels is H2O already. A volcano that erupts does much more harm than mexicocity on an average day. Same goes for windmills (investment 250.000 euro?) no way dreamers, I go for fuelcells and cold fission | Numbers please, no empty statements | Kleine Sjor - 02.05.2002 16:30
I think you actually DO need to calculate something. It rather easy to state mexico city on an average day does less harm than a volcanoe erupting, but mankind adds up to about 400 mexico cities (400 x 14 Mil. people), which is more than your daily rate of erupting volcanoes (at least the eruptions that matter). As for the cost to produce a solar cell, I´d like to see some numbers as well. | cost of solar cell | ld50 - 05.05.2002 13:07
i followed a course on solar cells, i remember reading (or the professor saying) somewhere that a polycrystalline (PC-Si) solar cells has to be used for about 8 years to win the energy back that went into it´s production. as far as i remember PC Si cells are the most energy consuming to produce (except for monocrystalline cells)... but i guess it depends how you claculate, cause if you take rawmaterial depletion into account, then no you never win it back, but that is true for any physical product.. oh wait i found my text book "solar cells" by martin a. green. okay here is the short version... the production of monocrystalline cells costs approx. 2170 kWh(e) /m^2 (including now assuming 5h of peak sunshine per day on average and 12% cell efficiency, the total annual amount of energy generated will be 219 kWh(e)/m^2 which means energy payback time of... just under 10 years. this is for a monocrysalline cell which is the most energy intensive to produce because of the added "Czochralski process", which turns polycristalline into a monocrystalline structure. it is also important not to confuse this payback time with the economical payback time (or breakeven point), which is also important. | "Cost" not the issue | Solar Night - 10.05.2002 02:00
In making Solar Cycles "energy-costs" are not a primary issue! For instance the MAGNETS in the MAGNETIC DRIVES come from re-cycled COMPUTER HARD-DRIVES (Pentium I;II; and soon III). There are over 300 million of these being trown in re-cycling bins as they become obsolete! By the way - a new "miniture" hard-drive has just been introduced for Pantium IVs´ so this source is REALISTICALLY LIMITED! These are virtually INDESTRUCTABLE; HAVE NO MOVING PARTS TO WEAR OUT - and can be REALISTICALLY EXPECTED TO LAST ABOUT A CENTURY - 100 years. Compare that to motor-fuel monsters that begin at once to destroy themselves through several hundred CONTACTING PARTS - from the moment you first start it NEW? About one year until SOME replacement parts are needed; maybe THREE years "prime running time"; and the junk yard usually within 10 years! Same with the SOLAR CELLS: these are BROKEN CELLS that would otherwise be thrown away! They work just as well as new commercial cells - but are 1/20th the cost! Also; SOLAR HEATING WAS USED to accelerate the growth of these silicon crystals - so the ENERGY CALCULATIONS in the previous pieces are TOTALLY MIS-LEADING! POLLUTION-FREE IS POLLUTION-FREE: NO MATTER HOW MANY B.P.U.s´ are calculated! Mis-information and DIS-INFORMATION abounds and is FREQUENTLY PAID FOR in this field! It sckews ALL "CONSUMER" PERCEPTIONS (including mine originally!)(And probably still!) For example: the glass panels you see were TESTED IN THE FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY; at the 50th parallel! THE SNOWS ALBIDO ACTUALLY IMPROVED CHARGING PERFORMANCE TIME over a comparable SUMMER DAY! Even though I had studied ASTRONOMY - this information took a while to "kick in" (even with the results right before my "meter eyes"!) - I too had been "brain-washed" to think of solar panels for the Southlands only! - You can build one of these Solar-Cycles for LESS THAN $500 and about 50 hours work. It is well-worth the experience; if only to reveal many of the cumulative layers of EXTERNAL and INTERNAL "Industrial-consumer brain-washing" we have ALL been subjected to! - Besides: GMO- contamination is spreading; prions of many kinds are accelerating world-wide! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE SOON FROM THESE WORLD-PLAGUES! - The only real chance you have is NO-FUEL multi-crop organic seeding and weeding! Otherwise GMO will spread UNCHECKED; NO MATTER HOW MANY BILLIONS PROTEST AS THEY DIE! This is REAL; TRUE; and extensively documented in many fields! And being covered-up publically by nearly every government and corporation in the world! These people stand PARALYZED before the political ramifications of this inexorably approaching reality of disaster! FUEL-LESS VEHICLES - BUILT BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES - IS THE ONLY WAY OUT! I have tried to make it easy for all of you! But the little, arrogant "rational mind", can always find reasons to DO NOTHING - if it keeps the PETTY EGO INTACT; by PREVENTING ANY AND ALL CHANGES! (Even when they clearly lead; not only to survival - but to a far better world). I hope that doesn´t describe YOU! | |
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