Antifa mayday in Czech Republic Prague IMC - trans.mara - 06.05.2002 08:49
Here is an article about the antifascist Mayday demonstration in Brno, and a couple links. MORE THEN 400 ANTI-FASCISTS IN THE STREETS OF BRNO Around 11am demonstrators called together by the Anti-fascist May Day iniciative met on 28. Října Square. Speeches were read by revolutionary Anarchist organizations - Solidarity, the Federation of Socialist Anarchists, and the Feminist Group 8. Března. There were around 350 demonstrators. Headed by a group of about 70 Black Block Anti-fascist militants and chanting Anti-fascist slogans they marched through Cejl, a district inhabited primarily by the Roma ethnic minority. People leaned out of their windows, chanting slogans along with the marchers, some even joining the march. A Neo-Nazi demonstration also took place, organized by Národni Odpor, (National Resistance), one of the few and very dangerous Czech Neo-Nazi organizations. The Neo-nazis met and dispersed at the Main Train Station, bieng scared of the Anti-fascist militants, with whom they had many painful experiences before and after the demonstrations. The Neo-Nazi procession was about the same size as the Anti-fascist march, but they were not joined by any of Brno´-s inhabitants. In fact, corporate news journalists reported loud disagreement from the locals towards this paradenmarsch of Hitler´s postmortem offspring. When the Anti-fascists reached Moravské Square and wanted to continue the march toward the group of Neo-nazis, the police blocked the way and held them back, attacking them with truncheons. The corporate media reported that the demonstrators attacked the police with rocks, bottles, (I personally didn´t see any) and Molotov cocktails, this information was accompanied with photographs and shots of a burning smoke bomb. In the end the police surrounded the march and arrested four demonstrators (who were allegedly beaten up at the station). After several dozen minutes the police began to let the demonstrators out in groups. That night there was a presentation and a concert by several Anti-fascist bands at a local club. Anarchist comix inspired by Mayday: Anticapitalist mayday in Prague: E-Mail: |