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UNHCHR on Sweden UNHCHR - 09.05.2002 10:18
UNHCHR on Sweden http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/view01/FBDF93D4912B5C68C1256BB30025E67B?opendocument excerpt: Among matters of concern, the Committee noted that there had been several cases of excessive use of force by police personnel and prison guards, leading to the deaths of the persons concerned, in recent years, and that in 2001 the Goteborg riots had led to police response in which use of weapons was authorized and many complaints of ill-treatment were made; that there were allegations that guidelines given to police personnel and prison guards regarding the use of force were often subjective and imprecise; and that there seemed to be no legislative rule which clearly spelled out a prohibition of the use of statements obtained under duress as evidence in legal proceedings. excerpt: One matter of concern noted by the Committee -- that three people had been killed by police quelling riots in Goteburg in 2001 -- was contested by the Swedish delegation. A Government representative said no one had been killed during the riots and requested that the assertion be deleted from the Committee´s findings.
http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/newsroom excerpt: The use of force in response to demonstrations during a European Union summit held in Gothenburg was now subject to an investigation, Mr. Ehrenkrona said; a survey and analysis was being undertaken by an independent committee. The conclusions of the committee were expected by 31 December of this year. Some members of the Committee had questioned why there had been few charges filed against police officers involved, but charges might still be filed, as the matter was still being investigated. The delegation did not consider that it could comment further as the investigative committee had not concluded its work. |
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