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"Fortuyn´s death has pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since 1945. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed. NETHERLANDS NEWS AGENCY : the FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION. "Fortuyn´s death has pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since 1945. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed. DUTCH DEMOCRACY DISASTER ; "YOU ONLY DIE TWICE" "Things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed" (from our correspondent) FPF-The Netherlands - 09-05-2002 - An obituary in the Dutch newspaper "Het Financieele Dagblad" warned : "that while Mr Fortuyn - a polarizing and charismatic thinker - has been murdered last Monday May 6th, the issues that he raised will survive". But, foreign observers already "have seen the light". And intelligence already shows that this popular "Fortuyn-uprising" and ´the issues´ now are put under control, at any price. The Monday night when mr. Fortuyn was shot, thousands of people marched to the house of parliament and the place where PM Wim Kok is presiding. They shouted for hours : "The Government killed him" and ; "Murderers !". Scenes not seen in the Netherlands for hundreds of years. It was a medieval scene : "Things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed", a newspaper commented. But, at present and behind the scene a myriad of "services and spin doctors" working for the government and in co-operation with "the industry" in The Netherlands, is feverishly pulling all strings possible - and that really means all - to get the situation under control. The fight for facts and power rages between the 16 million not well informed inhabitants, and the ´spin doctors"whom most people do not even know about. All hired from and working for the major publicity/distortion PR- agencies. As well as journalists in news agencies and other media, who have the same owners as the PR- and ad-companies. And this - like usual - will be a sure loser for the taxpayers whom are still partly trusting the "news" which is either portioned out by the govt, or in a bad way commercialized. Very professionally the damage control newsspeak is slid on their plates and minds : "that man nor his issues and party should be remembered nor voted for". And they are they´re trying to use all tricks in the deception handbook. (see Victor Ostrovksy: "Mossad - By way of deception") The Dutch government lost in a landslide vote in the municipal election some weeks ago : an enormous show of no-confidence by all of the few that still in a form of protest took part in those elections. This government - an eight year old socio-rightwing coalition - had apparently lost all credibility. The vote for Fortuyn was often only a vote against the present incompetent Wim Kok´ s "Dutch gold"-government. The Dutch people have many and very good reasons to be annoyed with their government.They are - a good second behind Sweden - paying the highest taxes in the world, and getting very little in return. Dead maverick Fortuyn explained how they have been screwed for many years. And after eight years of ex-union- leader Kok´s right wing coalition government - the Dutch electorate was still seeing no results for earlier made and now empty promises. The level of education kept going down the drain, compared to 10 years ago. Violence in society was growing and - according to statistics - a Dutch cop spent in average 17 - (seventeen)- minutes per working day "on the beat". We all recognize the saying, don´t we ? "They´re never there when you need them". And solving only 15% of all reported crime cases ? The National Health Service has been in charge of one of the vice-PM´s, Els Borst. Earning her the nickname of "Angel of Death" or "Eliminating Els", because of the detoriation of medicare in the country. Last year 3 Dutch surgeons - in desperation - went on national television, angrily explaining that the rule of this minister Els Borst cost approximately and totally unnecessary the lives of ONE THOUSAND people : per year ! Nobody in government nor judiciary reacted : the people in angry despair started travelling abroad to get medicare. The government - as usual - did not react - nobody took any responsibility, so more people died. There are quite some people who hope that the people responsible for the death of beloved ones, will go to court some day. Public transportation has become so bad that only in England - where public transport is an absolute disaster - and the NHS is still worse - people can be found who think this is OK in Holland. Well, people from many Third World countries like it too, I happen to know by living there for many decades, gathering experience in the field. Fortuyn : "I say what I think, and I´ll do what I promise" Along came Dr. Pim Fortuyn, earlier also professor in Marxist sociology at the University of Groningen. An outspoken flamboyant man that caught the eyes and ears of the people with a simple message : "I say what I think, and I´ll do what I promise". Populism ? Yes. But it gave the people a hundred times more apparently, and - many after reading the books written by Fortuyn - chose his side. Many of the things Fortuyn was trying to explain were on a level "the man in the street" could understand, and he was able to at least give the impression that he also would shake hands with people who didn´t wear pin stripe suits. His political party LPF (List Pim Fortuyn) turned into a top hit : "This charismatic outsider was on the point of starting an uprising and he brought about an earthquake in the established and stuffy Dutch political scene. He seemed to have everything the average Dutchman is longing for : an outgoing flamboyant life stile with Italian touch and flavour. Above all : he succeeded in giving the impression to be honest and also touched the underbelly of the electorate. People started thinking : he is a man with a mission". Within 24 hrs. the Black PR-sections - alarmed by the election results - started. A poll by Dutch RTV (NCRV) on Wednesday May 8th, showed the supposed or real "guilt by association" of the press in creating the atmosphere for the killing of Professor Fortuyn. 68% of the people voting said the media had helped (the spin doctors and their "agencies") by badly distorting the news and being "their Masters voices". The other 32% disagreed. The inside impression however in the Netherlands is right now that an enormous effort is made to keep going a massive "damage control"-operation round the clock. Many media are getting involved otherwise it will be a disaster in a week´s time. The parliamentary elections on the 15th will - thanks to the violent death of this politician and the right now enormously inflated Fortuyn hype - bring about chaos in the political arena. At least in the beginning and on the surface. The newcomers in parliament will be given a short while to proof that they really can not do anything good. also because the present governments civil servants (I don´t work here, I´m on the payroll)- whom Fortuyn had told to work or get out, will sabotage anything the deceased politician or his new party in parliament ever wanted. They are anyhow - depending on the "fake flag operations" a.s.o. - expected to get one fourth of the 150 seats in Parliament. Internationally, Prof. Fortuyn - in nearly all media - was described, demonized and compared to Le Pen in France and Haider in Austria. This was done by the spin doctors feverishly at work. Collaborating journalists in all major international media have for ten years at least been interwoven with the government : critical journalism in Holland is in a terminal state. According to the main Dutch "news" sources Fortuyn was a racist, and - without ever checking - most media in the world bought the story, served to them by the big news agencies which a long time ago forgot journalism and turned to money making.. Wrongly, or on purpose. Isn´t it strange that at any given meeting even now after his death, almost one third of "Fortuyn´s followers" are foreigners of all colours and races living in Holland ?. And look at all the people showing up at his funeral. Multicoloured. Would they show up for a racist like Le Pen or Haider ? The remnants of the Dutch form of democracy are very much at stake right now. Press-freedom is still breathing. Wether the man who shot Fortuyn really is what he is said to be ( a freak environment activist?) remains to be seen. But never trust the information given to you by the "agencies" serving us all with our daily - not to be trusted - portion of Newsspeak. "Fortuyn will not be around to see where his political adventure will finish... But the premature and uniquely dramatic end of his political aspirations does not negate the fact that he has started a process which established politicians can no longer ignore." They don´t : they´re working round the clock with every good, ignorant or just bad "authority" of any nationality which is offering tactics and means : to control the damage. At stake : the power to amass future profits. The damage control has nothing to do with law, human rights or freedom of speech or such for human beings valuable things. First on the menu among many other deals : a multi -10 or more - BILLION $ deal concerning the ordering of Joint Strike Fighter planes which Holland does not even need. Last Sunday - May 5th 2002 - the American ambassador Mr. Sobel, some American "specialists" and Dutch generals contacted the now killed mr. Fortuyn concerning the deal. Since he was supposed to win in the upcoming elections his vote would be decisive. He told the US ambassador and the delegation he would probably need those billions - with a slowing down economy - for more urgent things in Dutch society. Like medicare, education, public transport etc. Many people who disliked him politically are now heard saying : "By killing him, they (the present government et al) are trying to silence us. He said what many people were thinking. He was like a paradise bird among crows." However controversial he was while alive, "without Pim Fortuyn there is a true threat of chaos", the Dutch government newspaper Volkskrant declared. "Fortuyn´s death has pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since 1945. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed. There is a huge danger that intense resentment will gain the upper hand in this extremely polarized climate." So, what´s going to happen ? People will vote on May 15th - and to many of them this will be similar to paying tribute or signing a register for condolences. Which does not reflect politically thinking realities, because they lack relevant and honest information. The new List Fortuyn-parliamentarians will be allowed to dabble around for a short while, until the following now already fabricated "government crisis" by the "spin doctors" is fabricated. And again will bring those to power, who fit the New World Order : the money-makers and warmongers. So the Dutch are confronted with the second dying of Fortuyn´s and the people´s illusions concerning democracy. The term "Double Dutch" which I learned at Weslyan University (Conn.) many decades ago, I understand better today. Concerning the spin doctors and the present Government : it´s Dutch Gold !. Dutch honesty and democracy died when commerce took over. FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION HENK RUYSSENAARS* THE NETHERLANDS * The Dutch author worked globally for 40 years as an independent journalist / foreign correspondent for many international printed and AV-media. From Scandinavia to Vietnam, as correspondent in Latin America, (Chile ´71-´74), and 10 years in North & South Africa and the Middle East. Lately accredited as N/W Africa & M-East correspondent - based in Tunisia for ten years, reporting for the BBC too... Because of journalistic research declared "Persona non Grata" five times by different governments in East and West. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST !
http://www.google.com/search?hl=nl&q=%22FOREIGN+PRESS+FOUNDATION%22&lr= HR |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | suggestief | zusje - 09.05.2002 13:10
Hallo. Dit verhaal klinkt leuk en is precies wat linkse mensen willen horen. maar er ontbreken een heleboel bronnen en een aantal essentiele "feiten" zijn bronloos. Bovendien staan er fouten in. PF was hoogleraar in Rotterdam niet in Groningen. Erg suggestief verhaal. | Ome Henk | Wilbert van Leijen - 09.05.2002 13:23
Ik ben tot de conclusie gekomen dat Ome Henk een oplichter is die zich voor journalist uitgeeft. Geen enkel blad gaat dit publiceren. Het is geraaskal - toegegeven, de auteur heeft een betere taalbeheersing dan de meeste scribenten op Indymedia. Die komen in het Engels niet verder dan het slaken van een paar kreten. Het tussen aanhalingstekens zetten van woorden die geen citaten zijn, het gebruik van SCHREEUWENDE KAPITALEN en pejoratieven als "de restanten van de Nederlandse democratie" "de Nieuwe Orde van de oorlogshitsers" -- diskwalificeren hem als een onversneden querulant. Als hij echt een reputatie had, dan was het niet nodig om zijn c.v. onder elke bijdrage te zetten. Ik lees al 25 jaar kranten maar had tot vorige maand nog nooit van Henk Ruyssenaars gehoord.
| Ome Wilbert | Tom Welschen - 09.05.2002 18:12
en ik nog nooit van ene Wilbert van Leijen... Had je ook nog wat inhoudelijks op te merken!? | Henk, this is disinformation | 09.05.2002 18:57
Fortuyn SUPPORTED the Joint Strike Fighter, and did NOT want any money for health and education. The spin doctors HELPED him, and whip up mass hysteria, like with Princess Diana. As he was a tool of capitalist scum Website: http://www.dewaarheid.nu | Jijbak | Wilbert van Leijen - 09.05.2002 19:50
Dat is een jijbak, Tom. Ik geef me niet uit voor journalist. Maar vertel, is Henk Ruyssenaars een graag geziene gast op Radio de Vrije Keijser? Want daar luister ik niet zo vaak naar.
| bron en bewijs? Hup Henk! | piet - 10.05.2002 18:29
Ik citeer henk (en die citeert ???): Last Sunday - May 5th 2002 - the American ambassador Mr. Sobel, some American "specialists" and Dutch generals contacted the now killed mr. Fortuyn concerning the deal. Since he was supposed to win in the upcoming elections his vote would be decisive. He told the US ambassador and the delegation he would probably need those billions - with a slowing down economy - for more urgent things in Dutch society. Like medicare, education, public transport etc. Dat is toch gewoon hartverwarmend? and I wouldn´t put it past our pied pim (speaking of which, who ever allowed the organic cake quality code effect to be broken (leaving it prone to accusations of excrement and barf being the ingredients) by opening a bottle of some stink or other at around the same time?????? Symbolic of the bankruptcy in matters organic and tasteful I guess, leave it to the odious odor, dubious debates and all modern debacles prone dutch I guess. Een scherpstelling polarizeert, bevordert de eetlust en orienteert maar ik zou het geen politiek willen noemen totdat het echt ergens over gaat: geld. Hoe komt het tot stand? Hoeveel soorten (belangrijker dan hoeveel) heb je minimaal nodig om levensvatbaar te zijn? Kijk daarvoor eens achter de Bth links (je moet het begin van de URL´s handmatig veranderen sorry. debat Website: http://members.lycos.nl/vadercats | De druiven die te hoog hangen..... | Defense ! - 17.08.2002 19:03
Maar ze citeren die ruyzenaars wel in het buitenland ! "Een artikel van HR van de Foreign Press Foundation, gepubliceerd op 11 (!) Mei, is interessant om te lezen teneinde een meer precies beeld te krijgen van het momenteel in nederland heersende klimaat() etc. :
http://www.dedefensa.org/article.php?art_id=219 Le climat a été décrit par le journal Volkstrant, avec cette citation notamment : « Fortuyn's death has pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since 1945. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed. There is a huge danger that intense resentment will gain the upper hand in this extremely polarized climate. » Un article de Henk Ruessenaars, de la Foreign Press Foundation, publié le 11 mai, est intéressant à lire pour avoir une idée plus précise du climat des Pays-Bas, aujourd'hui, à l'heure d'un vote particulièrement ouvert et dont il est difficile de dire quels seront les effets immédiats et, plus loin, les conséquences politiques. Die anonieme schrijvers die altijd zoveel kritiek hebben, worden die ook wel eens ergens en op niveau geciteerd ? laat maar zien in de antwoorden, FPF-Fan
Website: http://www.dedefensa.org/article.php?art_id=219 | |
aanvullingen | |