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Pretext for Gaza Invasion Exposed Ryan Alford - 10.05.2002 16:36
Israeli government has relied upon a rumor campaign that suggested that the latest suicide bombing was carried out by Gazan militants: This is obviously untrue. The real motive for this invasion is obvious. The Israeli government is now ready to unleash the "defense forces" on the Gaza strip, in what CNN has called "retaliation" for the latest suicide bombing, that of Rishon Letzion. Even the most uniformed observor familiar with the geography of Israel/Palestine would question the assumption that has provided the justification for the invasion of Gaza - that the suicide bomber was from the Gaza strip. This is because Rishon Letzion is twice as close to the West Bank than it is to Gaza. In addition, the Gaza strip is completely surrounded by barriers, ditches and checkpoints in a way that makes the barrier between the West Bank and Israel appear porous. Nevertheless, the Israeli Minister of the Interior has used the bombing as a pretext for the invasion of Gaza, where "terrorist nests" (note the dehumanization inherent in the phrase) are supposedly located. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority has made the claim that the bomber was in fact a former resident of Jenin, the site of an atrocity which Israel refused to allow the international community to investigate. The Israeli government refuses to address the issue that the man the PA accusses of being the bomber, Zidan Mohammed Vazani, was from Jenin. In fact, they do not need to do so, since the story does not appear in the leading American press outlets, including those updated frequently, such as CNN online. (My source on the identity of the bomber is the Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail, story located online at http://www.globeandmail.com) Of course, admitting that the bomber came from Jenin would completely demolish the pretext for not only the invasion of Gaza, but that of all the invasions of "Operation Defensive Shield", as Jenin´s "terrorist infrastructure" was apprently not destroyed despite the complete obliteration of the refugee camp where Palestinian militants coordinated their operations within Jenin. Rather, it exposes the fact that Israel is intent on destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority or indeed that of the Palestinian population. If the pattern of Ramallah, Jenin and Nablus is continued, water pipes, electrical generators and town halls will all be destroyed. This may not happen, as the operation will need to be more "focused" owing to the fact that a full-scale invasion of Gaza is almost impossible without taking serious casualties. The latest developments in fact validate the opinions of Robert Fiske and other alternative journalists who have highlighted Israel´s true aims for "Defensive Shield." For more information visit www.zmag.org and in particular the piece by Fiske entitled "They are Coming", which predicted these latest events. See also "Cockburn: Sharon´s Solution" and Uri Averny´s "The Real Aim" for futher analysis in depth of what is happening at present. The massacre at Rishon Letzion illustrates that safety and security for Israel will not come from warfare - but following the latest turn of events, one might be forgiven for being cynical enough to presume that Sharon, who came to power because of Israeli insecurity, is all to happy to catalyze further violence. E-Mail: ryan_alford111@hotmail.com |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | wedervraag | Ca$h - 10.05.2002 19:58
wat hebben de Palestijnen tot nu toe ondernomen om tot een vrede te komen? | De Palestijnen | Zapata - 10.05.2002 21:57
De Palestijnen hebben in de Oslo akkoorden een historisch compromis gesloten door genoegen te nemen met de zgn. 1967 grenzen. Het Palestijnse gebied binnen de 1967 grenzen bestaat uit slechts 22% van het oorspronkelijke "Mandaat Palestina" en is de 50% van wat hen toebedeeld was middels de VN partitie van 1947. Israel daarentegen saboteert al meer dan 50 jaar elke mogelijke vredespoging middels etnische zuiveringen (1947/1948), het bouwen van nederzettingen (1967 t/m vandaag), het gebruik van grof militair geweld, het systematisch discrimineren van de eigen Palestijnse bevolking, het systematisch vernederen van de bevolking van de bezette gebieden, het zo nu en dan bombarderen van kampen met door henzelf verjaagde Palestijnen, etc, etc... | Een traantje weggepinkt voor de palestijntjes | Ca$h - 11.05.2002 00:18
Is je de recente golf van antisemitisme in Europa niet opgevallen ? Gaat lekker zo. palestijnen vallen nog steeds burgers aan m hun zin door te drammen. Nee, geen sympathie voor dat hysterische zootje met hun Arafat.
| gaan we weer | antizionisme is geen antisemtisme - 12.05.2002 05:34
antizionisme is geen anti-semitisme cash deprogrameer je brein eens jongen.. Israel is een ordinaire schurkenstaat veroordeelt door de hele wereld ivm met misdaden tegen de mensheid, maar jij weet het beter? Oh ja, jij vind de VN niet geschikt ofzo, dus de mening van de internationale gemeenschap is te idealistisch teveel volkerenbond achtig.... wake up man
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