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Dutch Elections Footsteps - 16.05.2002 02:23
Dramatic shift to the right in Netherlands after historic elections. Little Earthquake in the lowlands. Thatīs how commentators described the election results last wednesday in the Netherlands. The system of goverment in Holland always has been one of coalitions. That hasnīt changed. After this election it is still not sure how the next goverment will look. What we do know is that the reigning coalition for the last eight years has suffered an enormous defeat. Purple as it was called, a mixture between Labour (PVDA) the (neo)liberals (VVD) and a smaller party for Democratic Reform (D66) has been severely critized by the murdered right wing populist Pim Fortuyn. He even wrote a book titled "The ruins after 8 years of purple". After the murder, the remaining members of his newly formed and totally unexperienced party accused the left-wing politicians of creating the social conditions for the crime. The PVDA, the biggest last time, lost half of their votes, VVD lost considerably and D66 has been diminished. The newcomer LPF, named after its former forerunner Pim Fortuyn, has won 26 seats out of parliamentīs 150 seats, which makes them the second party in the country. The Christian-Democrats of the CDA are now by far the biggest party with 43 seats in Parliament. This means the leader of this party will form the next coalition and most probably become prime-minister. Politicians and commentaters alike speak of an extra-ordinary result: a big shift to the right, and a big change in the political and social climate. Fears of increasing polarisation among ethnic and other groups have been raised. Social organisations who have endured threats and fierce criticism after the murder of Fortuyn are worried about what this new goverment will bring. Peter-Jan Balkenende, the next prime minister, hasnīt been clear about what kind of coalition he would like to make. The most obvious would be a goverment with CDA, LPF and VVD, but Fortuynīs party hasnīt proved trustworthy. Before and after Pim Fortuyn died they quarreled among themselves and offended other politicians in a most gruesome manner. Balkenende stated that he would work together with LPF if they would prove a reliable partner and tone down their more controversial issues. |
aanvullingen |  | LPF | PPP - 16.05.2002 12:57
If List Pim Fortuyn will be in that coallition, I will stop speaking Dutch for as long as LPF is in the parliament. | PVDA | Bob - 16.05.2002 13:41
PVDA is halved. The end of corrupt dictatorial autocrats disguised as quasi socialism. They and their useful idiot GL flunkies will end up in opposition. This will give us at least four years of freedom. Pim lives on forever. | Forse winst voor de SP | Jo - 16.05.2002 14:17
Laat ons niet vergeten dat de Socialistische Partij eveneens schitterende resultaten boekt. Van 5 naar 9 zetels. Proficiat. Een links alternatief trekt ook kiezers aan. Website: http://www.lsp-mas.be | Pim: integrationist? | interested - 16.05.2002 14:46
The stories from the left or the right are untrustworthy about Pim. Please see these articles. His concern seemed to be integration of the existing immigrants that he felt the existing government was allowing to form into an underclass. He was for preservation of Dutch liberalism. I do believe that the xenophobic right did vote for him, though this was far from the only demographic: what about Rotterdam? With its high immigrant population, voting for him. HMM?
http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=179372&group=webcast I would appreciate demographic analysis of the Pim vote posted here please to further analyze exactly what this means. I disbelieve the existing left however, as much as the right on this issue.
Website: http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=179372&group=webcast | Most immigrants don´t vote | 16.05.2002 16:39
Most immigrants, in Rotterdam and elsewhere, do not have Dutch nationality and may vote after 5 years at local elections, but not at national elections like on 15 May. Most immigrants who do have the right to vote do not use that right | |
aanvullingen | |