indy main b(l)oemlezing piet - 19.05.2002 13:03
bijna de hele 17e mei worden er samenzweringpostjes geplakkerd en gepend (heeft te maken met M Ruppert ´going mainstream´, well, ... almost) maar die moet je zelf maar gaan bekijken. Deze keuze is meer op de levensvatbaarheid ervan gemaakt. 181141 paste from my favorite magazine Mineral Restoration & Utah Rock Dust by David Yarrow April 2000 Reprinted from April 2000 - Vol. 30, No. 4 - Page 14 by David Yarrow ike so many young people, Jared Milarch was in a hurry. At age 13, Jared began transplanting native sugar maple seedlings out of his family´s woodlands in northwest lower Michigan. Thinking ahead, Jared planned to sell them as street trees to pay for his col-lege education. Watching this investment in his future creep skyward, Jared wondered how to speed these trees up ?8212? grow taller fast-er. "I got impatient because the trees weren´t growing fast enough," Jared ad-mitted. About this time, Jared read Secrets of the Soil by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins. One chapter described a fer-tilizer that stimulated plants to remark-able vigor. This "miracle" plant food is a powdered pink clay from central Utah named Azomite, an acronym: A-to-Z Of Minerals, Including Trace Elements. It also goes by the name montmorillonite ore. I asked Jared what Azomite is. "Ground up sea floor bed from Utah mines," he replied. "They grind it up tal-cum- powder fine. I guess it´s easier for plants to digest then." "And for the microbes, too," added his father. "Because plants don´t really take up nutrients in their root hairs, but from dead and living bodies of microorgan-isms that ingest the minerals." Azomite is, in fact, a unique mineral deposit with special biological charac-ter. In ancient geologic times, central Utah was an inland sea. Water washing off then-young Rocky Mountains was rich in minerals, and, over eons, this body of water evaporated and shrunk, until today only the Great Salt Lake and Great Salt Desert remain. Bacteria living in this inland sea ate the minerals, then excreted them in oxi-dized, hydrated and blended forms. The microbial manure accumulated on the sea L floor. This sediment has an abundance of over 60 elements, not just three or four, or a dozen. "I didn´t have a lot of money, so I kept bugging my dad to order a few bags," re-membered Jared. "He reluctantly gave in. When the bags arrived, I sprinkled two tomato soup cans around each baby tree." After 100 trees, his bags were empty, so his other 400 saplings got none. The next spring, Jared watched his unfertilized trees grow 12 inches. But the Azomite-treated trees grew fully 3 feet in one spring spurt! In Jared´s years working in his fam-ily´s shade tree business, this was un-precedented beyond imagination. "The results were just amazing!" en-thused Jared. But even more, treated trees grew not only taller, but better ?8212? healthier. Treat- ed trees had darker color. "Leaf tatter was minimal," explained Jared. "Caliper [diameter] of their trunks was up, too." Impressed by these results, Jared bought more to sprinkle around all his trees. In the family garden, too, where the effect was similar ?8212? bigger, stron-ger plants, with one further benefit. "The taste of the vegetables is dramatically different," reported Jared. "It´s a great taste!" His father David ?8212? a third-generation nurser-yman in this remote cor-ner of northwest Michi-gan ?8212? took notice of Jared´s fertilizer results. In 1996, David decided he had seen enough financial gains on his tree farm, and read enough evidence, to become an Azomite distributor. "After the Gazette article about Jared´s discovery, we got more and more Budding Michigan Farmer Shares Discovery of Rock Powder Potency Mineral Restoration & Utah Rock Dust Kirk Waterstripe, left, and Jared Milarch monitor tomato plants at the Northwestern Michigan College greenhouse. I asked Jared what Azomite is. "Ground up sea floor bed from Utah mines," he replied. "They grind it up tal-cum- powder fine. I guess it´s easier for plants to digest then." "And for the microbes, too," added his father. "Because plants don´t really take up nutrients in their root hairs, but from dead and living bodies of microorgan-isms that ingest the minerals." Azomite is, in fact, a unique mineral deposit with special biological charac-ter. In ancient geologic times, central Utah was an inland sea. Water washing L floor. This sediment has an abundance of over 60 elements, not just three or four, or a dozen. "I didn´t have a lot of money, so I kept bugging my dad to order a few bags," re-membered Jared. "He reluctantly gave in. When the bags arrived, I sprinkled two tomato soup cans around each baby tree." After 100 trees, his bags were empty, so his other 400 saplings got none. The next spring, Jared watched his unfertilized trees grow 12 inches. But the Azomite-ed trees had darker color. "Leaf tatter was minimal," explained Jared. "Caliper [diameter] of their trunks was up, too." Impressed by these results, Jared bought more to sprinkle around all his trees. In the family garden, too, where the effect was similar ?8212? bigger, stron-ger plants, with one further benefit. "The taste of the vegetables is dramatically different," reported Jared. "It´s a great taste!" His father David ?8212? a third-generation nurser-yman Budding Michigan Farmer Shares Discovery of Rock Powder Potency Mineral Restoration & Utah Rock Dust Kirk Waterstripe, left, and Jared Milarch monitor tomato plants at the Northwestern Michigan College greenhouse. It´s a gash, bash flash (but where is the ash that ´keeps´ the ´house´??) And why do you think they chose bright orange for the brick wall going up around the beacon of beauty. the liddul siren slut beckoning to be ravaged in torchlight? Did the makers take inspiration from Pim´s plans? He was surely gonna stake the new limits a little wider and less dumb; load´m with filters membranes, feelers, guagers, intake and output zones, etc. It´s the dishonesty of the left in ´accion flagrante´ amigos if you like this sorta thing try The biggest ecological disaster in the history of Europe has been given green light by Rosia Montana 2002-05-17 11:59:15.910823-07 The Romanian government and the Canadian company ´Gold Corporation´ are willing to extract 300 tons of gold by turning into dust five mountains and leaving in place a lake of 700 ha. full with cyanide water. 150 tons of dynamite will be detonated daily, 250 000 millions tons of mineral will be displaced. Collateral human damages already happening. 180789 One item (// in this case) in the rash n flood of them lateley (almost all of the may 17th ones), trying to prove the ´US´ secretives staged the goddamn spire spoliation --- a commenter (on the Reichstag fire) goes: The only people who believe the Nazis started it themselves are diehard Stalinists. But if you try and take that position among historians, you´ll be laughed out of the room. I know it´s good for conspiracy theorists but it is not the truth. Once again, this does not discount the fact the Nazis used it to their advantage. They may have even "looked the other way." But they did not start the fire. China´s ban on websites lifted I wonder if this is a safe place for mothers to fess up they used the argument of ´aving kids to ´get closer to the fathers´ as a cover up for the fact they couldn´t be near or close to them very well in the first place .. and thus, shouldn´t have allowed themselves to unless they were on their way back to an extended family situation they couldn´t manage to bring the father along to .. .and even then I´d have serious objections to mother instincts overriding the need for amputated parenting. |