29 MAY- STAY ALERT! networks against netwar stay alert! - 23.05.2002 18:43
STAY ALERT! CLOSED MILITARY ZONE INTERPOSITION DURING GLOBAL WAR: NETWORKS AGAINST NETWAR open session with live reports from Argentina and Palestine Indymedia video screenings- "palestine newsreel ", "piquete global" SMASH THE NEW EMPIRE!  NETWORKS AGAINST NETWAR We live in permanent State of War, a war against global rights and against civilians, against people´s sovranity . ---we do not have a conventional war. When it will end? Who will win who will loose and who are the real enemies?--- ---can we talk about a grass root diplomacy that reclaim the rights of interposition against the global war, for the rights of people? Is this a new practice of the Internationalist movement? --- The movement against Global war is creating new kinds of weapons : using their bodys against tanks or fences, fertilizing and crosspollinating with their language and their communication networks like the Independent Media Center....from Seattle to Prague, Genoa, Gotheborg, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem is creating a new communication body, the body of a new language that testimonies and fight back the new global war... --what´s mediactivism during the information war? what meant the cration of IMC palestine for the indymedia network?--- 29-05 Plantage Doklaan 8-10, Amsterdam hr 21.00 STAY ALERT! CLOSED MILITARY ZONE INTERPOSITION DURING GLOBAL WAR: NETWORKS AGAINST NETWAR open session with live reports from Argentina and Palestine Indymedia video screenings- "palestine newsreel ", "piquete global" |