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EU telecommunication surveillance ClaraFall - 24.05.2002 14:21
European Parliament faces crucial vote on 29 May to reject the governments´ demands on the retention of data and access by the law enforcement agencies. EU governments are secretly drafting a binding Framework Decision to introduce the universal surveillance of telecommunications >>Statewatch has learnt that in advance of the completion of the EU legislative process on proposals for the revision of the 1997 EU Directive on privacy in the telecommunications sector a number of EU governments are drafting a binding Framework Decision to ensure that all EU member states introduce a law requiring the retention of telecommunications traffic data and the granting of access to it by law enforcement agencies (police, customs, immigration and internal security agencies).<< see full report at: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2002/may/05surv.htm and the update "European Parliament to cave in on data retention?" at: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2002/may/10epcavein.htm |
Lees meer over: europa media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |