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OILWRESTLING = PORNOGRAPHY? Mokum TV - 30.05.2002 02:22
INTERNET PROVIDER CONSIDERS OILWRESTLING OF PORNOGRAPHIC NATURE AND HALT SERVICE DRAWBACK FOR EURO CHAMPIONSHIP ON 2 JUNE IN AMSTERDAM MokumTV Newservice 30 May 02  The organizers of the European Championship of Oilwrestling are ´dazed´ that German-based Internet provider Fortunecity considers their sport of pornographic nature. A week before the European Championship the company ended their services to oilwrestling on ground of ´abuse´. Thousands of oilwrestlers are lost on the Internet, as the Internet shortcut is printed on 3000 posters of the Amsterdam KIRKPINAR 2002 and in advertisements in Turkish newspapers.. ´This has nothing to do with prudence´, declared Türkevi-chairman Veyis Gúngör on May 30, two day´s before the European Championship in the Jaap Eden Sportcenter in Amsterdam. They must have gone mad in Frankfurt to say that Oilwrestling is pornographic. We are shocked by this lack of respect for what is booked by the Guinness Book of Records as World Oldest Sport. Oilwrestling is the most decent and respectable sport you can imaging. An all family event, where the participants even pray before the matches. Oil is used to reduce the change on injuries. The wrestlers, clad in heavy leather pants, are dressed according Islamic rules. The oilwrestlers wearing more cloth as swimmers. Are they gonna say that 100 meter crawling is an act of pornography? After the European Championship on the 2nd of June we´re gonna put an official protest against this insult on the itegrity of the Turkish National Sport. It is a shame that they dare to call our sport unsavory and a setback for our work as promoters of the Amsterdam Kirkpinar as a sportive festival for the whole family. The Oilwrestlers Lifestyle has over the centuries be proven to be a goldmine of health. It is not at all pornographic and we are shocked that the consider such a nobel sport as an abuse of their services. After 3 years the oldest sport in the world, was suddenly ´in conflict´ with the policy´ of the company. No males without a shirt are tolerated. The account go/to.oilwrestling is disconnected, as V3 Redirect Services can change the terms and conditions as they like. Before you could use the V3 Redirect Services you have to agree on forehand with any changes to come. So V3 found just a week before the Euro Championship that Oilwrestling is porno! People using the address are confronted with the message that V3 did ´everything´ they could ´to stop the abuse´. MokumTV Newservice 30 May 02 The oilwrestlingsite can now be reached via http://www.mokumtv.nl (click on the oilwrestler) and http://www.kirkpinar.50megs.com/ Soon come www.kirkpinar.nl as new portal to oilwrestling. E-Mail: news@mokumtv.nl Website: http://www.mokumtv.nl |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | V3.com | surf.to - 30.05.2002 03:01
V3 - Internet Identity Services was founded in 1997 in The Hague (Netherlands) by Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Eric Visser and Hans-Poul Veldhuyzen van Zanten. At the time when the majority of internet user only had access to long and impossible to remember URLS, the "3 Vs" were the first to come with the idea of shorter and friendlier URLs. Soon this idea became a reality shared by many other users who made of V3 one of the fastest growing services in the web. At the beginning of 1999 V3 was acquired by Fortunecity.com Inc. (Frankfurt Neuermarkt: FCT) The combination of V3´s original idea and Fortunecity´s impressive network of personal pages and web tools sealed the success of the redirect service, which became the largest provider of short URLs and personalized email addresses. Today V3 counts with more than 4 million members, and an increasing number of visitors make use of V3 urls.
Website: http://www.come.to | Pornografie? | Ca$h - 01.06.2002 23:56
. Worden toch geen seksuele handelingen verricht? Misschien hand in broek voor houvast, maar dat is voor degene die dat WIL zien slechts erotisch.
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