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Info Avond over Indonesie in Vrankrijk CSVI/GPDI - 04.06.2002 11:35
Info Avond in Vrankrijk;vrijdag,14 juni over pro-democratische beweging in Indonesia, na 11 september. Met spreker:Ismunanto van PRD (People´s Democratic Party) en video:The New Rulers Of the World (van John Pilger, 2001) ***************************************************************************** U I T N O D I G I N G Info Avond in Vrankrijk ***************************************************************************** Amsterdam, 03 juni 2002 Beste mensen, Hiermee willen wij; CSVI/GPDI jou uitnodigen voor Info Avond in Vrankrijk, Amsterdam. Bij deze gelegenheid gaat Ismunanto van PRD (People´s Democratic Party), die op dit moment in Amsterdam is voor internationale campagne en solidariteit, vertellen over pro-democratische beweging in Indonesia, na 11 september. Info Avond vindt plaats in Vrankrijk Spuistraat 216 Amsterdam op vrijdag, 14 juni a.s. om 21.00 Programma: - Video: The New Rulers Of the World (van John Pilger, 2001) - Pauze - Spreaker: Ismunanto (PRD) - Bijpraten We hopen van harte dat je er bent. met vriendelijke groet, CSVI/GPDI Ratih bijlage: - text over de video: The New Rulers Of the World ============================================================================== John Pilger´s The New Rulers Of the World (2001) John Pilger explores the impact of globalisation, taking Indonesia as his prime example, a country that the World Bank described as a "model pupil" until its ´globalised´ economy collapsed in 1998. Under scrutiny are the increasingly powerful multinationals and the institutions that back them, notably the IMF and The World Bank. THE NEW RULERS OF THE WORLD? Globalisation. You hear about it on TV and you read about it in the papers. We are all part of one big global village, where national borders and national identities no longer matter. But what is globalisation? And where is this global village? In some respects you are already living in it. The clothes in your local store were probably stitched together in the factories of Asia. Much of the food in your local supermarket will have been grown in Africa. It´s easier than ever to buy music from Mali, read novels from Colombia and watch films from Iran. The world is shrinking. Globalisation has not only made the world smaller. It has also made it interdependent. An investment decision made in London can spell unemployment for thousands in Indonesia, while a business decision taken in Tokyo can create thousands of new jobs for workers in north-east England. This might seem a very natural development if you live in a country like Britain, with its long international history as a trading nation and imperial power. Bringing the world closer together may throw up new opportunities for cultural and economic interaction, but it also exposes us to the negative aspects of life on a shrinking planet, whether it be the threat of global warming, the international traffic in women for sexual exploitation or the spread of AIDS throughout Africa and Asia. More and more people across the world are acknowledging the threats posed by globalisation. Anti-globalisation demonstrations at the World Trade Organisation´s Ministerial Meeting in Seattle in November 1999 were reported on TV screens across all continents. The protestors come from many different countries and many different backgrounds, but they are united by one aim: to ensure that globalisation works in the interests of all the world´s people, not just a fortunate few. E-Mail: peace@xs4all.nl Website: http://www.xs4all.nl/~peace |
Lees meer over: Agenda | aanvullingen |  | National borders DO matter . | Perantau - 06.06.2002 13:00
National borders do matter, but only for the avarage citizen of this world, not for the big capital. Take the fortress of the Netherlands as an example: The size of his/her wallet decides, whether a Dutch citizen can even marry a citizen from a former colony like Indonesia and many other countries which are considered poor. This is the ultimate consequence of a system which has subordinated all other values to the power of money and which has given to the economy an almost totalitarian status, unfortunately also in the so-called western democracies. Tuan Ismunanto silakan bacalah artikel """Kebijaksanaan Rasis Pemerintah Belanda"" di Indymedia-Jakarta. | |
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