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Adrian More E.T. - 06.06.2002 10:38
De artikelen eerder van Adrian More, zijn samen gevoegde tot een stuk. dit ingrijpen was nodig om de nieuwslijn werkbaar te houden. The articles posted by Adrian More have been put together to one piece because of flodding, and making the newswire not workable. Adrian More please stop flodding. ZAC IN THE BUSH / May 29, 2002 version ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:15 I explain why, arguably, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller and his predecessors Thomas Pickard and Louis Freeh ought to be shackled and goggled and flown to Guantanamo. ZAC IN THE BUSH / May 29, 2002 version a T.I.P. (Text in Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. La Repubblica, Sept. 13, 2001, p.26: ´Un rapporto Sisde per Genova´, by Liana Milella; 2. Washingtonpost.com, Newsbytes, September 13, 2001, 1:16pm EST: ´Newspaper: Echelon Gave Authorities Warning Of Attacks´, by Ned Stafford, (based on a report in Germany´s daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) online at:
http://www.newsbytes.com/news/01/170072.html ; 3. International Herald Tribune, September 25, 2001, p.3: ´Attacks Found the FBI Ill-Equipped and Unprepared´, by Joby Warrick, Joe Stephens, Mary Pat Flaherty and James V. Grimaldi, Washington Post Service; 4. The New York Times, Sept.30, 2001: ´British accuse Algerian of role in Attacks´, by Raymond Bonner, online at:
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/30/national/30INQU.html ; 5. International Herald Tribune, October 17,2001,p.9: ´Money Linked To Suspect in Hijackings´, by Philip Shenon, New York Times Service; 6. International Herald Tribune, December 12, 2001,p.3: ´Pilot Trainee Is First to Be Indicted in U.S. Attacks´, by Brian Knowlton; 7. International Herald Tribune, January 3,2002,p.4: ´Flight School Official Spoke of Hijack Threat´, by Dan Eggen, Washington Post Service; 8. International Herald Tribune, February 1, 2002, p.3 : ´Suspect´s Silence Baffled Agents Before Sept.11´ by Dan Eggen, Washington Post Service; 9. Los Angeles Times, Feb.7, 2002: ´Indonesia Cleric Tied to ´95 Anti-U.S. Plot´, by Mark Fineman and Richard C. Paddock, online at: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-020702hambali.story ; 10. International Herald Tribune, February 9, 2002, p.3: ´A ´Joyrider´ at Airliner School Soon Raised Suspicions of Terrorism´ by Jim Yardley, New York Times service; 11. International Herald Tribune, March 29, 2002, p.1 (continued on p.4): ´U.S. Seeks Death Penalty For Sept.11 Terror Suspect´, by Brian Knowlton: 12. The Associated Press, May 3, 2002, 22:31 ET: ´FBI Warned of Arabs in Flight Schools´, by John Solomon; 13. International Herald Tribune, May 4, 2002, p.3: ´FBI Agent Had Suspicion About Aviation Students´, by the Associated Press; 14. The Associated Press, May 10, 2002, 17:13 ET: ´FAA Alerted About Hijacker in 2001´, by John Solomon; 15. International Herald Tribune, May 11, 2002, p.3: ´Web Match on Student Visas is Near´, by Cheryl W. Thompson (The Washington Post): 16. The New York Times, May 15, 2002: ´Pre-Attack Memo Cited Bin Laden´, by David Johnson, online at: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/15/national/15INQU.html ; 17. The Boston Globe, May 16, 2002: ´Bush received general hijacking warning before Sept.11´, by Anne E. Kornblut, online at: http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/136/nation/Bush_received_general_hijacking_warning_before_Sept_11+.shtml ; 18. The Associated Press, May 16, 2002, 11:32 ET: ´Lawmakers Seek Hijack Report Probe´, by Ron Fournier; 19. The Associated Press, May 16, 2002, 18:16 ET: ´Clues Before Sept. 11 Were Plentiful´, by Nancy Benac; 20. The Boston Globe, May 17, 2002, p.A1: ´Series of warnings detailed´, by Robert Schlesinger and Wayne Washington, online at: http://nl9.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=0F3942FD0AAE7A3A&p_docnum=1 ; 21. The Associated Press, May 17, 13:09 ET: ´1999 Report Warned of Suicide Hijack´, by John Solomon; 22. The Washington Post, May 18, 2002, p.A01: ´Aug. Memo Focused On Attacks in U.S.´, by Bob Woodward and Dan Eggen, online at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35744-2002May17.html ; 23. International Herald Tribune, May 18, 2002: ´´FBI knew of Qaeda pilot training´, by Philip Shenon (The New York Times), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58146.html ; 24. The Associated Press, May 18, 2002, 12:53 ET: ´Clues Surfaced Before Sept.11´, by Paul Haven; 25. International Herald Tribune, May 21, 2002, p.6: ´The U.S. ignored foreign warnings, too´, by John K. Cooley, online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58269.html ; 26. International Herald Tribune, May 22, 2002, p.3: ´Ashcroft kept president in dark on post-Sept.11 FBI memo´, by David Johnston and Don Van Natta jr. (The New York Times), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58409.html ; 27. International Herald Tribune, May 23, 2002, p.3: ´Midlevel halt to Qaeda inquiry´, by Dan Eggen (The Washington Post), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58650.html ; 28. The Associated Press, May 23, 2002, 04:17 ET: ´White House Was Target of Flight 93´, by John J. Lumpkin; 29. The Associated Press, May 23, 2002, 19:52 ET: ´Bush Opposes Independent 9/11 Panel´, by Tom Raum; 30. International Herald Tribune, May 25, 2002, p.3: ´FBI agents cite blunders in Moussaoui inquiry´, by Dan Eggen and Bill Miller (The Washington Post), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58972.html ; 31. The New York Times, May 25, 2002: ´FBI Agent Says Superior Altered Report, Foiling Inquiry´, by James Risen, online at: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/25/national/25INQU.html ; 32. The New York Times, May 26, 2002: ´Agent´s Role in Inquiries Is Questioned´, by Neil A. Lewis, online at: http://nytimes.com/2002/05/26/politics/26FBI.html ; 33. The New York Times, May 27, 2002: ´F.B.I. Inaction Blurred Picture Before Sept.11´, by Neil A. Lewis, online at: http://nytimes.com/2002/05/27/national/27THRE.html ; 34. Time Magazine, June 3, 2002: ´Coleen Rowley´s Memo to FBI Director Robert Mueller´ (edited version), online at: http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020603/memo.html : 1994: "Muslim militants from Algeria hijacked an Air France jetliner [...] It came out THAT THEY HAD HOPED TO BLOW UP THE JET OVER THE EIFFEL TOWER, DEBUNKING THE NOTION THAT A SUICIDAL AIRLINER ATTACK ON A PROMINENT TARGET WAS UNTHINKABLE BEFORE SEPT.11 [my caps]." 1995: "The AP reported last month [April 2002] that Filipino authorities alerted the FBI AS EARLY AS 1995 [my caps] that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools and at least one had proposed hijacking a commercial jet AND CRASHING IT INTO FEDERAL BUILDINGS [my caps; more on this below]". SINCE 1995: "The FBI had been developing evidence that international terrorists were using U.S. flight schools to learn to fly jumbo jets. A foiled plot in Manila to blow up U.S. airliners and later court testimony by an associate of Mr. Bin Laden´s had touched off FBI INQUIRIES AT SEVERAL SCHOOLS, OFFICIALS SAY [my caps]." "FBI officials were told that one man involved in a plot to blow up U.S.-bound airliners had suggested DIVE-BOMBING A PLANE INTO THE CIA BUILDING JUST OUTSIDE WASHINGTON [my caps]. ´It is a suicidal mission that he is very much willing to execute´, reads one Filipino police report about Abdul Hakim Murad. Murad told of crisscrossing the United States TO ATTEND FLIGHT SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA AND NORTH CAROLINA [caps mine]". "[FBI] agents PARTICIPATED IN THE INTERROGATION IN THE PHILIPPINES OF MURAD [my caps] who had been arrested there". Recap: The Al-Qaida operative Abdul Hakim Murad had trained for a suicide hijacking/jet-bomb attack, Sept.11-style, as he told (let´s repeat it) Philippine authorities and FBI agents after his arrest in 1995: "their [Murad´s and his accomplices´] ultimate goal was TO HIJACK A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER AND CRASH IT...INTO EITHER CIA HEADQUARTERS OR THE PENTAGON [my caps]." SEPTEMBER 1999: "Two years before the Sept.11 attacks, a federal report warned the executive branch that Osama bin Laden´s terrorists might hijack an airliner AND DIVE BOMB IT INTO THE PENTAGON OR OTHER GOVERNMENT BUILDING". This report built on Murad´s confession. JANUARY 5, 2001: source nr 1: the U.S. embassy in Rome shuts down for 3 days on "U.S. orders", because of a feared "ATTACK FROM THE SKY, A MISSILE OR SOMETHING ELSE [my translation & caps]". EARLY 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui (indicted on suspicion to have been the 20th planned hijacker for September 11) trained as a pilot for three months at Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma. MARCH 2001 - JUNE 2001: source nr 2: "U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals... that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to HIJACK COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT TO USE AS WEAPONS TO ATTACK IMPORTANT SYMBOLS OF AMERICAN AND ISRAELI CULTURE [my caps]... the Echelon spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threat, and ...U.K. INTELLIGENCE SERVICES APPARENTLY ALSO HAD ADVANCE WARNING [caps mine]". SUMMER 2001: Jordan´s General Intelligence Division (GID) headquarters in Amman relay an intercept to Washington, "probably through the CIA", and to German intelligence: "A MAJOR ATTACK WAS PLANNED INSIDE THE CONTINENTAL U.S. [...] AIRCRAFT WOULD BE USED." "WHEN IT BECAME CLEAR THAT [...] THE INTERCEPT WAS EMBARASSING TO BUSH ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS AND CONGRESSMEN WHO AT FIRST DENIED THAT THERE HAD BEEN ANY SUCH WARNINGS BEFORE SEPT.11, SENIOR JORDANIAN OFFICIALS BACKED AWAY FROM THEIR EARLIER CONFIRMATIONS". JULY 10, 2001: "Two months before... Sept.11... an FBI agent in Phoenix, Arizona [reportedly a ´Kenneth Williams´, my note], alerted the bureau´s headquarters in Washington that several Middle Eastern men were training at an aviation school and recommended checking with others in the country where Arabs may be studying... Officials said FBI counterterrorism agents in Phoenix were suspicious that several Arab men were seeking airport operations, SECURITY INFORMATION AND PILOT TRAINING [my caps]... The agents were particularly concerned that some were attempting to learn about airport security operations". "The classified memorandum... also CITED OSAMA BIN LADEN BY NAME and suggested that his followers could use the schools TO TRAIN FOR TERROR OPERATIONS [my caps]". "Intelligence sources said [...] that AT LEAST TWO NAMES LISTED... HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE CIA AS HAVING LINKS TO AL QAEDA." And: memo author Williams wrote that the senior Qaeda Abu Zubaydah "had telephone contacts with at least one" of the 8 Arab students at Prescott Flight School in Phoenix whom Williams investigated. That is: the Qaeda link was known by July 10. And although, allegedly, FBI director Pickard or his anonymous Washington agent(s) who received the Arizona memo incredibly didn´t provide it to the CIA back then (but source nr 26 says they did: who´s lying, Mueller or Tenet?); and although the CIA (Tenet) is saying that even if they had gotten the memo in July 2001 they "are not sure that they could have linkled the two names to al Qaeda" then: WELL, IT WAS WORTH TRYING! FORMER FBI DIRECTOR THOMAS PICKARD ("ACTING DIRECTOR IN THE SUMMER OF 2001"): WHY DIDN´T YOU OR YOUR WASHINGTON AGENTS WHO RECEIVED THE MEMO SHARE IT WITH THE CIA? OR DID YOU? WHY ARE YOU AND/OR THEY NOT IN JAIL YET? ONE DIED: JOHN O´NEILL - THE ONLY HONEST ONE - HE HAD RETIRED IN DISGUST IN LATE AUGUST. "COINCIDENTALLY", HE DIED AT THE WTC ON 911. "Government officials said [...] that Kenneth Williams [...] had sent the memorandum directly to the attention of Mr. Frasca. Mr. Frasca was also the liaison in Washington for the Minnesota field office´s requests about Mr. Moussaoui." In other words: THE FUCKING WASHINGTON FBI AGENT FRASCA SABOTAGED BOTH THE PHOENIX AND THE MINNEAPOLIS INVESTIGATIONS! DID HE ACT ALONE? EXTREMELY UNLIKELY. UNDER ORDERS? EXTREMELY LIKELY. More on the traitor Frasca below. Suffice to add for now that David Frasca is the head of the FBI´s Radical Fundamentalist Unit (R.F.U.). A midlevel cog in the wheel. A convenient scapegoat (albeit not an innocent one) to deflect criticism from Pickard/Mueller/Ashcroft. By the way, Mueller - better declassify that Phoenix memo: this is supposed to be an open society, not the stalinized U.S.S.R. you´re turning it into. Of course, then FBI director Thomas Pickard did nothing at all; his worthy successor Robert Mueller had only just begun "discussing conducting a nationwide canvass of flight schools when the hijackings occurred"! Pity that Pickard & Mueller were most arguably under orders from Bush to allow 911 to happen - otherwise they would have acted on the Phoenix tip immediately: they would have run checks on all Middleastern flight school students in 2001; and, at the very least, they would have had Hani Hanjour arrested. And probably Ziad Samir Jarrah too. If only they´d at least canvassed Arizona. Just only Arizona! Mueller said to the Senate in May 2002 that Pickard and CIA director Tenet were not aware of the Phoenix warning, and neither was Attorney General John Ashcroft. WHEN WILL CONGRESS SUBPOENA THE SURVIVING FBI AGENTS WHO RECEIVED THE PHOENIX MEMO IN JULY 2001 TO TESTIFY AS TO WHETHER THEY DID OR DIDN´T INFORM PICKARD/ASHCROFT - AND WHY? Hani Hanjour, according to the FBI, piloted the plane that hit the Pentagon. He had trained at a Phoenix flight school between January and March 2001, and maybe he was training at another in July. And although, according to the Associated Press, his name was not in the Phoenix FBI memo, he could have been arrested and deported (had the flight school canvass been conducted) because he was in the U.S. illegally. Just like Moussaoui. Moreover, if the Phoenix-recommended canvass had been conducted in July 2001, the FBI would have interviewed Peggy Chevrette, then manager of the JetTech flight school in Phoenix; asked if she remembered any suspicious Arab students, Ms Chevrette would have told the FBI THEN (in time) what she´s saying now (too late): THAT SHE "CALLED THE FAA INSPECTOR WHO OVERSAW HER SCHOOL THREE TIMES IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2001 TO EXPRESS HER CONCERNS ABOUT HANJOUR. ´I COULDN´T BELIEVE HE HAD A COMMERCIAL LICENSE OF ANY KIND WITH THE SKILLS THAT HE HAD´". MOREOVER, HANJOUR COULDN´T "SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY AS REQUIRED TO GET A U.S. COMMERCIAL PILOT´S LICENSE". Now: guess what FAA inspector John Anthony did? You´d have expected him to have Hanjour expelled and reported to the FBI. But no - Anthony suggested getting "A TRANSLATOR TO HELP HANJOUR" - TO HELP A RETARD WHO COULDN´T FLY OR SPEAK ENGLISH WORTH A DAMN GET A LICENSE FOR BOEING 737 JETLINERS! I AM ONLY WAITING TO KNOW WHY ANTHONY HASN´T BEEN ARRESTED YET ON SUSPICION OF COMPLICITY IN 911! AND NO FUCKING CONGRESSMAN IS EVEN THINKING ABOUT SUBPOENAING HIM TO TESTIFY, SINCE THE FBI WON´T DO IT! WE ARE GOVERNED BY A CORRUPT BUNCH OF TRAITORS AND TERRORISTS - THE REAL MASTERMINDS OF 911!!! As for Ziad Samir Jarrah, who according to the FBI was one of the 4 hijackers on UA Flight 93 (Pennsylvania crash): "Some witnesses have also said they believe another hijacker, Ziad Samir Jarrah, TRAINED ON AN ARIZONA FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN THE MONTHS BEFORE THE ATTACKS". And though he didn´t turn up (allegedly) in the (classified) July 2001 Phoenix memo, Jarrah would have been screened, had the flight school canvass been conducted. And his record was not clean. He was a member of Mohamed Atta´s Hamburg cell, which had been monitored by Spanish intelligence for years (see my essay ´THE TWIN COWARDS´). JULY 11, 2001: Italy: the Sisde (Italian intelligence) writes report nr "2001ter0011183", based on "a qualified foreign source": according to that report, islamist extremists in London were plotting to use "PLANES" to kill Bush at the Genova G8 summit. This prompted Italian interior minister [secretary of state for the interior] Scajola to have "ANTIAIRCRAFT BATTERIES" installed at the Genova airport for the G8; and to close Genova´s airspace for 5 days. The intelligence report said they didn´t deem the attack feasible/believable: but Scajola thought otherwise, and had guns in place and closed the airspace. All of this 2 MONTHS before 911. AND STILL PICKARD AND MUELLER DIDN´T FOLLOW THROUGH ON PHOENIX´S TIP (and on the subsequent, additional Minnesota tip: see below)! THEIRS WAS A DELIBERATE STAND-DOWN POLICY IF THERE EVER WAS SUCH A THING! AUGUST 6, 2001: president Bush is warned by the CIA, in one of the daily morning briefings, "that Osama bin Laden was seeking to hijack aircraft". "It was not clear why the White House waited eight months after [911] [...] to reveal what Mr Bush had been told". This news broke in mid-May 2002. On May 16, 2002, Bush´s propaganda parrot, the liar-for-a-living Ari Fleischer, had the straightface to lie that "the president did not - not - receive information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide bombers. This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen." AS IF BUSH HADN´T JUST RETURNED FROM GENOVA´S INFAMOUS G8, WHERE ANTIAIRCRAFT GUNS HAD WATCHED OVER HIS ASS!!! Not to mention Murad 1995, the January U.S. embassy shutdown and the Echelon warnings and and and... Who do you think you can fool, Fleischer? GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LIVES, YOU AND YOUR SLAVEMASTER! YOU BOTH BELONG IN MOUSSAOUI´S JAIL CELL!! And anyway, what did Bush allegedly do with the CIA´s warning? He allegedly "notified the appropriate agencies". Another arguable Bush/Fleischer lie: Source nr 17: "Asked about the White House comments, Jose Juves, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Port Authority, said [...] ´THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEVER PASSED DOWN ANY INTELLIGENCE REGARDING HIJACKINGS [my caps]´ to Massport." Source nr 19: "´American Airlines received no specific information from the U.S. government advising the carrier of a potential terrorist hijacking in the United States in the months prior to the Sept. 11, 2001´, a statement from the company said." BUSH - A TRAITOR, WHO NEVER EVEN MADE THE WARNING PUBLIC - HE LET AMERICANS BE SLAUGHTERED. Fleischer - a whore. MID-AUGUST 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui "took pilot training" in Eagan, Minnesota, at the Pan Am International Flight school. "The instructor wondered why someone who was not a pilot and had so little experience was trying to pack so much training INTO SUCH A SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME [my caps]." "He wanted to learn FAST [my caps]." MID-AUGUST 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui alarmed flight school instructors "by his request to learn how to fly large jet aircraft - BUT NOT HOW TO TAKE OFF OR LAND" [my caps]. "There was discussion [among flight school employees] ABOUT HOW MUCH FUEL WAS ON BOARD OF A 747-400 AND HOW MUCH DAMAGE THAT COULD CAUSE IF IT HIT ANYTHING" [my caps]. AUGUST 15, 2001: The "Minnesota flight school reported to the FBI that Mr. Moussaoui had been acting suspiciously". "The manager was concerned that Mr. Moussaoui might be planning a hijacking." "...instructors...told the FBI that they were suspicious of his demands to learn to use a Boeing 747 simulator even though he had flunked out of another school´s course for beginning pilots." MID-AUGUST 2001: "A Pan Am vice president told two lawmakers that it took four to six telephone calls to find an agent who would help. The caller finally warned an FBI agent that a Boeing 747-400, which Mr. Moussaoui was seeking to learn how to fly, COULD BE USED AS A BOMB [my capitalization]". FBI director Robert Mueller denied ever having heard of the jet-bomb possibility. Even if this were true, it didn´t take Einstein to connect a guy who wants to learn how to control a flight but not take off or land with a jet-as-bomb concept. If Mueller isn´t lying, he´s stupid and should be fired. If he´s lying, he should be fired and prosecuted for treason. In either case he must be investigated, along with his predecessor Louis Freeh (Mueller reportedly took office on Sept.4, 2001). AUGUST 15, 2001: "An FBI agent and a Minnesota flight school official discussed the possibility that Zacarias Moussaoui was part of a hijacking PLOT BEFORE THE SEPT. 11 ATTACKS [my capitalization]...The official with the Pan Am Flight Academy in Eagan...talked about the threat...with a Minneapolis FBI agent on Aug. 15". AUGUST 16, 2001: Zacarias Moussaoui is arrested on an immigration violation by an "FBI special agent, Dave Rapp, and an immigration agent". Also a friend of Moussaoui´s, Hussein Attas, who had driven "Mr. Moussaoui from Oklahoma to the Minnesota flight school", is arrested on a visa violation, "but was freed on bond" - only to be rearrested after Sept.11. He is now "being held in New York as a material witness". But before being freed (that is BEFORE SEPT.11) Hussein Attas, unlike Moussaoui, "talked at length with investigators, DESCRIBING MR. MOUSSAOUI AS A HOTHEADED RADICAL WHO FREQUENTLY SPOKE OF MUSLIMS BEING KILLED AROUND THE WORLD" [my caps] wherefore Moussaoui was "suspicious" to him too. "About the same time as the Phoenix memo and Moussaoui´s arrest, in the late summer, U.S. intelligence issued a warning that there was a heightened risk of a terrorist attack on Americans, POSSIBLY ON U.S. SOIL [my caps], officials said.": were the Phoenix memo and the Moussaoui affair what prompted this intelligence warning? And if (it´s highly likely) so: why wasn´t the warning QUALIFIED/SPECIFIED as to the jet-as-bomb threat? I AM TALKING TO YOU 2, PICKARD & MUELLER: TESTIFY, YOU ARGUABLE TRAITORS, TERRORISTS, MASSMURDERERS!!! MID-AUGUST 2001: "But according to documents and senior U.S. officials, investigators in Minneapolis immediately viewed Mr. Moussaoui as a terrorist suspect BUT WERE FRUSTRATED IN THEIR ATTEMPTS TO LEARN MORE [my capitalization]": what, who frustrated them? "[FBI] agent Coleen Rowley, who works as a lawyer in the Minnesota office that arrested Moussaoui" wrote in a May 2002 letter to FBI director Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee THAT "THE AGENCY´S [=FBI] HEADQUARTERS HAMPERED THE PRE-SEPT.11 TERRORISM INVESTIGATION OF [...] MOUSSAOUI [my caps]". "Rowley also wrote [...] that evidence gathered in the Moussaoui case, combined with an FBI warning of July 10 that Al Qaeda operatives might be taking flight training in Arizona, should have prompted stronger suspicion at FBI headquarters THAT A TERROR ATTACK WAS PLANNED [my caps]". "THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT HEADQUARTERS WAS THE PROBLEM [my caps]", an official said. Coleen Rowley "accused a supervisor [David Frasca, my note] at [...] Washington´s headquarters OF ALTERING A REPORT IN A WAY THAT MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR INVESTIGATORS TO OBTAIN CRUCIAL EVIDENCE IN THE CASE OF ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI [...] BEFORE THE SEPT.11 ATTACKS [caps I]". A grave, plausible accusation. A brave agent Rowley : congratulations ! (Except you could have written that letter 8 months ago ; but then again, better later than never, as long as the truth does come out). "Officials who have seen Ms. Rowley´s letter say it accuses the supervisor [David Frasca] of ALTERING THE APPLICATION [for a search warrant for Moussaoui] TO PLAY DOWN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY FRENCH INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS ABOUT MR. MOUSSSAOUI´S LINKS TO ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS. [caps me]." So, thanx to David Frasca the stonewaller: "the FBI did not obtain a search warrant to examine his [Moussaoui´s] computer and other belongings until after [911]". "The issues ´are fundamentally ones of INTEGRITY´, Ms Rowley wrote, making her points in capitals." "Ms Rowley wrote that the evidence [needed to issue the search warrant for Moussaoui´s PC + belongings] was so persuasive at the time that the bureau could not hide behind a ´20-20 hindsight is perfect´ argument." Next question is: WHY HASN´T DAVID FRASCA - THIS ASSHOLE AT BEST, CO-TERRORIST AT WORST - NOT BEEN FIRED + ARRESTED YET? WHY IS HE NOT BEING INTERROGATED YET AS TO WHETHER HE INFORMED PICKARD/MUELLER/ASHCROFT OR NOT? AND, MOST IMPORTANT: IT IS NOT PLAUSIBLE THAT FRASCA ACTED ALONE IN MESSING WITH MINNEAPOLIS AND SABOTAGING MOUSSAOUI´S INVESTIGATION (unless he´s a nutcase or a Qaeda): IT IS VERY PLAUSIBLE INSTEAD THAT HE WAS UNDER ORDERS FROM THE BUSH/ASHCROFT/PICKARD/MUELLER CHAIN OF COMMAND TO ALLOW 911 TO HAPPEN! Rowley accused Mueller harshly: "I have deep concerns that a delicate and subtle shading/skewing of facts BY YOU AND OTHERS AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF THE FBI MANAGEMENT HAS OCCURRED AND IS OCCURRING [my caps]". "I feel that certain facts [...] have, up to now, been OMITTED, DOWNPLAYED, GLOSSED OVER AND/OR MIS-CHARACTERIZED IN AN EFFORT TO AVOID OR MINIMIZE PERSONAL AND/OR INSTITUTIONAL EMBARASSMENT ON THE PART OF THE FBI AND/OR PERHAPS EVEN FOR IMPROPER POLITICAL REASONS [caps mine]". Attorney General John Ashcroft, the fundamentalist fanatic co-terrorist, frustrated Minneapolis too. "Before the attacks, the Justice Department had refused an FBI request to search Moussaoui´s computer. The computer files, searched after Sept. 11, showed no direct link to the attacks but did contain data related to jetliners, crop-dusting planes and dispersal of chemicals." Interesting, in our context. Not decisive maybe. But: in August 2001 noone knew (allegedly) what those files contained, and given Moussaoui´s profile, THERE WAS EVERY REASON IN THE WORLD (probable cause + circumstantial evidence + witness) TO ALLOW THE SEARCHING OF THOSE FILES RIGHT AWAY! AUGUST 17, 2001: "THE FBI IN MINNEAPOLIS ALERTED COUNTERTERRORISM OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON [my caps]". AUGUST 17 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2001: "Among the new details that have emerged ABOUT THE EARLY MOUSSAOUI INVESTIGATION...IS THAT CONCERN ABOUT MR. MOUSSAOUI REACHED THE TOP ECHELONS OF THE FBI [my caps]": PICKARD KNEW, MUELLER KNEW. AUGUST 17 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2001: "FBI HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON TWICE REJECTED REQUESTS FROM AGENTS IN MINNEAPOLIS FOR A WIDER INVESTIGATION [my capitalization]". LATE AUGUST 2001: "A classified cable IN AUGUST [my capitalization] from the French intelligence service said Mr. Moussaoui had radical Islamic beliefs and identified a friend as having fought in Chechnya with an Algerian Muslim group that included a known Bin Laden associate, U.S. officials said". And though this French cable "did not tie Mr. Moussaoui directly to Qaida or to any other terrorist group", it should have rung the alarm, coupled with the report that Moussaoui wanted to pilot but not take off or land. If the French cable and the flight school reports, not to mention the Oklahoma/Murad connection, weren´t grounds enough for a Foreign-Intelligence-Surveillance-Act search warrant, they certainly were for the wider investigation requested by the Minneapolis FBI. "French intelligence was aware of Moussaoui AS EARLY AS 1999, WHEN HE WAS PLACED ON A WATCH-LIST FOR ALLEGED LINKS TO THE ARMED ISLAMIC GROUP, WHICH CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1995 BOMBINGS IN THE PARIS SUBWAY": IS IT CREDIBLE THAT THE WESTERN ALLY FRANCE WOULDN´T SHARE THIS INFO WITH CLINTON/TENET/FREEH? Obviously, the U.S. government terrorists won´t say: "Whether that information was shared with U.S. officials is not clear": WILL ANYONE ASK THE FRENCH? WILL ANYONE SUBPOENA ALL AUTHORITIES INVOLVED TO TESTIFY? Conclusion: the well-known terrorist suspect Moussaoui "was granted a U.S. visa to train as a pilot in the United States." All the more so for the following reasons. EARLY SEPTEMBER, 2001: "An agent speculated in notes [...] that MR MOUSSAOUI MIGHT BE PLANNING TO FLY A PLANE INTO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER [my caps]." FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER, 2001: Again, "French law-enforcement officials...say that they TWICE ALERTED THEIR U.S. COUNTERPARTS, IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER, TO HIS [MOUSSAOUI´S] SUSPECTED LINKS TO QAEDA [capitalization by me], the daily Le Monde reported". And that makes 3 warnings from the French alone, with the August cable. Warnings such as these are typically sent to Washington [=Freeh/Mueller] not Minneapolis. Not enough: the French "say they also alerted authorities in Britain, where Mr. Moussaoui had lived on and off for years". My source nr 10 confirms one of the September warnings with new details: "France is reported to have an extensive dossier linking Moussaoui to Al Qaeda. THE FRENCH POLICE, WHO REPORTEDLY BEGAN INVESTIGATING HIM AS A POSSIBLE TERRORIST IN 1999, TOLD THEIR U.S. COUNTERPARTS ON SEPT.1 [2001] THAT HE HAD TIES TO AL QAEDA [my caps]." A critical mass of evidence for charging Moussaoui with planning terrorism was therefore available BEFORE SEPT.11. Let´s put it all together: 1. "Since 1996, the FBI had been developing evidence that international terrorists were using U.S. flight schools to learn to fly jumbo jets" - also for the purpose of slamming them into U.S. buildings; 2. In 1999, Clinton is warned by a report of suicide-hijacking-with-jets-as-bombs possibilities; 3. Zacarias Moussaoui trained at U.S. flight schools just like Qaeda operative Murad whose goal had been a suicide hijacking/jet-bomb attack 7 years earlier; 4. U.S. intelligence had received Echelon warnings of terrorist plans to use jets as bombs; that FBI directors Freeh & Mueller wouldn´t have been told just isn´t plausible; 5. Because of a feared Qaeda attack with planes on Bush at the G8 in Genova, airspace over the city had been closed and antiaircraft guns set up; 6. The Phoenix FBI had warned Washington that Arab students at local flight schools were suspected of being terrorists; 7. Bush had been warned by Tenet about threatened bin-Laden hijackings, and had allegedly "notified all appropriate agencies" (some "appropriate agencies" (FAA, Massport, airlines) say it´s a lie; the FBI though didn´t; therefore we can assume Pickard & Mueller were told); 8. Zacarias Moussaoui alarmed flight school instructors in Minnesota "by his request to learn how to fly large jet aircraft - but not how to take off or land"; 9. therefore, the flight school "manager was concerned that Mr. Moussaoui might be planning a hijacking", and reported so to the FBI; "an FBI agent and a Minnesota flight school official discussed the possibility that Zacarias Moussaoui was part of a hijacking plot before the Sept.11 attacks"; 10. "a Pan Am [the Minnesota flight school] vice president told two lawmakers [democratic representatives Martin Sabo and James Oberstar, both from Minnesota]...that [he] finally warned an FBI agent that a Boeing 747-400, which Mr. Moussaoui was seeking to learn how to fly, could be used as a bomb"; 11. Moussaoui´s friend Hussein Attas "talked at length with investigators, describing Mr. Moussaoui as a hotheaded radical who frequently spoke of Muslims being killed around the world"; 12. "A classified cable in August from the French intelligence service said Mr. Moussaoui had radical Islamic beliefs and identified a friend as having fought in Chechnya with an Algerian Muslim group that included a known Bin Laden associate, U.S. official said"; 13. "French law-enforcement officials...say that they twice alerted their U.S. counterparts, in the first week of September, to his [Moussaoui´s] suspected link to Qaeda"; Now: the above THIRTEEN reported facts should have been "probable cause that a crime had been committed" (the crime of planning terror attacks) and should have warranted a wider investigation for any FBI director who wasn´t Robert Mueller or his predecessor Thomas Pickard - because Robert Mueller and his predecessor Thomas Pickard were arguably under orders from Bush to allow September 11 to happen. And although it´s too late now to prevent Sept.11, it is NOT too late to fire Robert Mueller and arrest him and his predecessor Thomas Pickard on suspicion of co-conspiring to massmurder thousands of Americans and other people on Sept.11. For if the FBI directors had been honest FBI directors and not traitors, they would have thought: - wait a minute, maybe Moussaoui was planning a suicide hijacking with a jet as bomb: that´s why he didn´t need to learn how to take off or land; - let´s remember the Qaida Murad owning up to planning suicide hijacking in 1995; - let´s remember the recent Echelon warnings and G8 threats; - and maybe there´s Moussaoui´s planned co-pilot training somewhere else now; someone, that is, who could replace Moussaoui if he failed to control the plane; - and maybe Moussaoui or his masterminds have planned for more than one pilot in case one gets arrested; - and maybe there´s a plot for a whole bunch of jets-as-bombs: after all that´s what Japanese kamikazes did so often in World War 2; - so, to start with, let´s have a thorough screening of all U.S. flight school students real fast: the wider investigation requested by the Phoenix and Minneapolis FBI is absolutely and urgently necessary. And indeed, just as an example, a stateswide 2000/2001 flight-school canvass (which had been in progress "at several schools" since 1996; and to finish which there was all the time in the world: 2 MONTHS between the Phoenix report and 911; 25 DAYS between the Moussaoui arrest on Aug.16, 2001 and 911) would have led to the arrest of at least 4 more Sept.11 hijackers: Mohammed Atta, the ringleader, who had done everything he could to raise suspicions himself; Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, both of whom the CIA had reportedly linked to Qaeda as early as January 2000; and Hani Hanjour, who was in the country illegally; or at the very least the wider investigation would have led to identifying those 4 or more, starting a massive manhunt, providing their names to all airlines, and placing all airports under maximum alert. And this was NOT about screening "20,000" flight school students, as Mueller recently lied to senators pretending to "tough-question" him; it was about checking the Arab students, as specifically requested by the Phoenix FBI memo: a fraction of the total. The only difference between Zacarias Moussaoui and FBI directors Pickard and Mueller appears to be that Zac may have tried to make September 11 happen but failed - FBI directors Pickard and Mueller (and the rest of the Bush gang) may have tried and succeeded. May 29, 2002 edition; I wrote the first version on January 28/29, 2002. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net __________________________________________________________________ IMMORAL TENET & HIS BLIND-EYE SURVEILLANCE ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:19 The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram themselves into the Pentagon on Sept. 11. IMMORAL TENET & HIS BLIND-EYE SURVEILLANCE A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE Hey CIA director Tenet! Is it true that two of the September 11 hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, were under surveillance in January 2000 on a trip of theirs to Malaysia? Source: Los Angeles Times, Feb2, 2002, "Indonesian Cleric Had Role In Skyjackings, Officials Say", by Mark Fineman and Bob Drogin; Eric Bailey contributed; online at :
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-020202malay.story Here´s what I read - and what blew me away. "Local officials said U.S. authorities had asked Malaysian intelligence to watch for a group of SUSPECTED ARAB TERRORISTS [my caps] who might be entering the country in 2000. The CIA asked the authorities to only record and watch their movements, NOT TO ARREST THEM [my caps]." Now, wait a minute. WHY DID THE CIA TELL THE MALAYSIANS "NOT TO ARREST THEM"? WERE OR WEREN´T THEY "SUSPECTED ARAB TERRORISTS"? My above quoted source continues, somewhat oddly, stating that "those suspects [that is, the group of suspected Arab terrorists], AS WELL AS ALMIHDHAR AND ALHAZMI, arrived in Kuala Lumpur on JAN.5, 2000 [my caps], and Malaysian agents tracked them to...a...condominium complex called Evergreen Park." Now, the oddity is in the words "those suspects, AS WELL AS Almihdhar and Alhazmi": does this mean that Almihdhar/Alhazmi were not part of the suspects? Why did the reporters write "AS WELL AS" instead of "including"? Anyway, "those suspects" AND Almihdhar/Alhazmi, whether the latter two were already suspects or not, ALL went to Evergreen Park, the article appears to say, and were ALL tracked by Malaysian agents. That´s to say, Almihdhar/Alhazmi should have become "suspects" too from this point on, whether they were already suspects from earlier or not: because they joined the "group of suspected Arab terrorists". Let´s read on: "Malaysian officials said they immediately gave SURVEILLANCE PHOTOS of the group to U.S. intelligence." Now, the reporters do not say if photos of Almihdhar/Alhazmi specifically were provided. But even if the CIA didn´t get the individual pictures of the two, they certainly had their names as provided to Kuala Lumpur airport customs on Jan.5, 2002. It is not to be ruled out though that the Malaysian agents did a good job and shot good pictures of all in the group. Did the CIA get photos of Almihdhar/Alhazmi, mr Tenet? And/or, maybe, even video footage? Summing up so far: 1. CIA director Tenet may have known Almihdhar + Alhazmi were suspected Arab terrorists as early as 1999, because "U.S. authorities...asked Malaysian intelligence to watch for...suspected Arab terrorists who might be entering the country in 2000." 2. God knows why, "the CIA asked the [Malaysian] authorities...NOT TO ARREST THEM". 3. CIA director Tenet IMMEDIATELY GOT "SURVEILLANCE PHOTOS" of the group. 4. Therefore, at least AS EARLY AS JANUARY 2000, CIA director Tenet knew that Almihdhar/Alhazmi were suspected Arab terrorists, probably had their photos - and let them go - to the U.S.! Where CIA director Tenet allegedly lost track of them - until Sept.11, 2001. Now, wait another minute. Since Almihdhar/Alhazmi had been linked to a group of suspected Arab terrorists in Kuala Lumpur, and even assuming for a moment that the reason why CIA director Tenet didn´t want them arrested there and then was to learn more about them; THEN WHY FOR GOD´S SAKE WAS THEIR SURVEILLANCE APPARENTLY DROPPED WHEN THEY LEFT MALAYSIA - AND FLEW TO THE U.S.? AND IF THE CIA SURVEILLANCE OF ALMIHDHAR/ALHAZMI WAS NOT DROPPED BUT CONTINUED IN THE U.S., WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONLY LOGICAL THING TO DO, THEN WHY WEREN´T THEY STOPPED BEFORE SEPT.11? TESTIFY UNDER OATH, TENET! In theory there is a third possibility: that the surveillance of Almihdhar/Alhazmi failed for other reasons. If so, exactly WHY and exactly WHEN did the surveillance program collapse? It´s implausible that the two Qaedas would have eluded surveillance after Kuala Lumpur, because to elude something you first have to become aware of it. And if Almihdhar/Alhazmi had become aware of being under surveillance, the last thing in the world they would have done was fly right into the country where the surveillance was most likely to be coming from. And: once in the U.S., the two didn´t hide or go underground - they underwent flight training. But let´s read on, for now comes the (weak) alibi for Tenet: "CIA officials have said they determined only last summer [2001] that the [Kuala Lumpur] meeting was important, when they identified one person in the photos as a possible suspect in the bombing of the U.S. destroyer Cole...As a result, they warned the FBI and U.S. immigration officials to watch for Almihdhar and Alhazmi, but it was then determined that they already had entered the United States." Now - I don´t get it, Tenet. Here were two guys who had been linked to "suspected Arab terrorists" since January 2000. So even assuming you want to continue their surveillance to learn more, YOU CONTINUE SHADOWING THEM. AND YOU TELL FBI + IMMIGRATION TO WATCH FOR THEM RIGHT AWAY - IN JANUARY 2000, NOT SUMMER 2001! WHETHER THE KUALA LUMPUR MEETING WAS ABOUT TERRORISM OR GOLF IS BESIDE THE POINT, THE POINT BEING: ALMIHDHAR AND ALHAZMI WERE SUSPECTED ARAB TERRORISTS, SO WHY ON EARTH DID THE CIA DROP THE SURVEILLANCE AND NOT INFORM FBI + IMMIGRATION IMMEDIATELY, TENET?! In the best-case scenario, you are an idiot so why hasn´t Bush fired you yet. In the worst (and more likely) scenario, the surveillance of Almihdhar/Alhazmi was NOT dropped at all, and you are a traitor who, under orders from the White House to allow September 11 to happen, turned a blind eye to whatever Almihdhar/Alhazmi did between January 2000 and September 11, 2001, although you were closely monitoring them all along. In either case, you ought to be fired and placed under investigation on suspicion of co-conspiring in at least one of the Sept.11 terror attacks. Almihdhar and Alhazmi went on to ram themselves into the Pentagon, reportedly killing 189 people who would be alive without your blind-eye surveillance. Immoral Tenet, you´ll get yours yet. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist March 8, 2002 edition; I wrote the first version on February 6, 2002. No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net __________________________________________________________ THE PEARL HARBOR LIE AND SEPTEMBER 11 ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:21 I argue that President Bush may have known in advance of the planned September-11 attacks but may have allowed them to happen, and why. THE PEARL HARBOR LIE AND SEPTEMBER 11 a T.I.P. (Text in Progress) by ADRIAN MORE president, the arguable likelihood (especially after Robert B. Stinnett´s wonderful ´Day of Deceit´, The Free Press, 2000) that FDR had foreknowledge of the planned attack on Pearl Harbor, but didn´t tell to whip Americans up into a war frenzy, prompts me to ask a few analogical questions about September 11: 1 - Is it true that the local CIA station chief met Osama Bin Laden at the American hospital in Dubai in July 2001, as reported by Le Figaro and by Radio France Internationale on Oct.31,2001? If it isn´t true, then: - why wouldn´t Doctor Terry Callaway, reported to have treated Bin Laden, HIMSELF PUBLICLY comment on the reports? Is it out of fear you would have him harmed if he went public and confirmed the Figaro story? According to Le Figaro as translated into English in:
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0111/S00018.htm Dr Callaway "reached by telephone, several times...did not want to answer our questions." - why did you reportedly recall the CIA station chief on July 15, the day after the reported departure of Bin Laden from Dubai? - why did Emirates officials make no comment on the reports? 2 - Is it true that by mid-July 2001 you had already planned the war on Afghanistan and its October timing, and that you had already stationed military advisers in Tajikistan, and that senior US officials told Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, in mid-July (BBC World News, September 18,2001,11:27 GMT 12:27 UK)? The BBC story did indeed describe an already planned war, as everyone can verify in my above source on the net:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1550000/1550366.stm Here are some excerpts [I capped all-important details]: "Pakistani official claims US PLANNED INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN PRIOR TO WTC EVENTS...Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that MILITARY ACTION AGAINST AFGHANISTAN WOULD GO AHEAD BY THE MIDDLE OF OCTOBER... Mr Naik told the BBC that...the US representatives told him that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly America would take military action to kill or capture both Bin Laden...and Mullah Omar. The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be to TOPPLE THE TALIBAN REGIME AND INSTALL A TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT OF MODERATE AFGHANS IN ITS PLACE...Mr Naik was told that WASHINGTON WOULD LAUNCH ITS OPERATION FROM BASES IN TAJIKISTAN, WHERE AMERICAN ADVISERS WERE ALREADY IN PLACE. He was told that UZBEKISTAN WOULD ALSO PARTICIPATE IN THE OPERATION... Mr Naik was told that IF THE MILITARY ACTION WENT AHEAD IT WOULD TAKE PLACE...BY THE MIDDLE OF OCTOBER AT THE LATEST...And he said he was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if Bin Laden were to be surrendered...by the Taliban". QUITE AN ACCURATE PROPHECY, ISN´T IT? WERE ALL HIS DEAD-ON-TARGET DETAILS OF THE FUTURE REVEALED TO NAIK IN A DREAM? HOW COULD HE POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN EVERYTHING AS EARLY AS SEPT.18, 2001 (OR EVEN EARLIER, IF HIS STATEMENT´S DATE DOESN´T COINCIDE WITH THE BBC REPORT´S DATE), HAD NOBODY TOLD HIM? Furthermore, president, you knew all too well, just like FDR back then, that YOUR PLANNED WAR WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN SUPPORTED BY ENOUGH AMERICANS WITHOUT A COLLECTIVE SHOCK OF SEPT.11 (PEARL-HARBOR) MAGNITUDE. Neither would most of the rest of the world have greenlighted your war so easily, without Sept.11. That´s why you badly needed Sept.11, right? That´s why you may have allowed it to happen, thus co-massmurdering so many of your fellow citizens. Given the plausibility of Naik´s story, it would at this point make perfect sense if, around the same time (July 2001), you, president, had both geared up for your Afghan war and had Osama treated at the American hospital in Dubai: Osama had to live - until Sept.11. Had Osama died of kidney failure, there would have been NO SEPTEMBER 11 - NO MASS CONSENSUS FOR WAR IN THE U.S. - NO WAR - NO U.S. MILITARY/BUSINESS EXPANSION IN CENTRAL ASIA. Bin Laden, unwittingly or not, has been your and your oil/defense regime´s best friend - thus far. 3 - It is known that: a) renewable-energy lobbies don´t have the kind of soft money the oil industry has; b) U.S. oil reserves are dwindling fast; c) the U.S. can´t depend on Gulf oil alone - it´s not eternal; d) Caspian oil seems at present a very significant additional source; e) radical, anti-american Islam has been threatening to seize power in the Caspian area; Iran, Russia and China are in the game too; f) the best (for the U.S.) Caspian oil- and gas-pipeline route would have to cross Afghanistan and Pakistan, to avoid Russia and Iran; g) Russia needs the Taliban to go or be curbed because they are the rear base of Chechen rebels; therefore weak Russia must come to terms with U.S. military presence in central Asia, and give up a chunk of oil/gas business to U.S. companies; h) Chinese influence in Central Asia is contrary to American interests; i) imperial wars are best served in ´self-defense´ sauce. 4 - Just out of curiosity: on September 11, 8:48am you famously happened (?) to be in Florida - safely out of harm´s way. Colin Powell happened (?) to be in Peru - safely out of harm´s way. But - it escapes me - where exactly was Rudy the Hero? CIA director Tenet? FBI director Mueller? To sum it all up: you are not yet another U.S. President who will live on in infamy - are you, mr Bush? May 20, 2002 version; I wrote the first version on October 29, 2001. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net ______________________________________________________________________ FUZZY MATH / may 23, 2002 version ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:22 I argue that the U.S. establishment has been wildly inflating the 9-11 death toll for warmongering purposes. FUZZY MATH / may 23, 2002 version a T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE charles v. campisi, chief of the New York police department´s internal affairs bureau: you´ve raised more dead in 8 months than Jesus ever did in 3 years. By May 23, 2002 you had reported a total of 2,823 WTC victims, deep down from your September 24 high of nearly 7,000. - 1,081 death certificates have been issued, reportedly, by the medical examiner´s office: that is, 1,081 victims have been reportedly identified, having been found whole or fragmented; - 1,627 death certificates have reportedly been issued without a body, reportedly at the request of victims´ families; - 115 people are reportedly missing. (See the Associated Press web site for figure updates. They make it harder and harder to find data, as their special contribution to the general obfuscation/falsification, but if one seeks hard enough one will find.) Summing up: according to you, campisi, as reported by the associated press on May 23, 22:04 ET: 1,081 + 1,627 + 115 = 2,823 people died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Adding the 189 reported Pentagon dead + the 44 reported Pennsylvania dead, the Sept.11 victims total would be 3,056. So far. But 3,056 is by no means the final death toll. First, it must be noted that your figure includes the alleged 19 hijackers, who ought to be separated from their victims. Therefore the reported VICTIMS are 3,037, not 3,056. Second: according to the AP, Feb.8, 2002, 18:12 ET, "The toll is likely to drop slightly as investigators make changes." That´s because your cops, campisi, are hypermeticulous. Or maybe because they´re under orders to go as slow as it gets? Why haven´t you brought the matter to closure yet after over 8 MONTHS? Third, "seven foreign countries still need to confirm their missing-persons lists, which could cause the death toll to drop." Who are those seven "snails"? You´re in no hurry to push them, right campisi? According to your own data, campisi: 1,081 identified dead + 1,627 declared dead by a death certificate = 2,708 confirmed WTC dead. It is NOT correct/logical to add the "115 missing" to the WTC victims total, as campisi does (that´s how he gets his total of "2,823": 2,708 confirmed dead + 115 missing = 2,823). It is not correct because you yourself, campisi, have said, as reported by the Associated Press, March 7, 20:33 ET, that: - of the "158" (then) allegedly still missing, only "SOME ...[ARE] ALMOST CERTAINLY DEAD [my caps]"; but: "SOME [ARE] PERHAPS MISTAKENLY ON THE LIST [ my caps]"; and: "SOME [ARE] POSSIBLY TRYING TO FAKE THEIR DEATHS [my caps]". Moreover: "The police department ESTIMATES AT LEAST 60 PERCENT OF THE 158 STILL CLASSIFIED AS MISSING DID DIE... WHILE THE REST REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION [caps mine]." That´s to say, you campisi have no proof yet (after over 8 months!) allowing you to classify those "115" as victims. So why did you add them to the "official count" of WTC victims - if not to artificially inflate that count? Putting it simply: your "official count" is (at least in part) a lie, campisi. Because it includes "115 missing" of whom you yourself said that a big chunk are mistakes or fakers, and you only "estimate" that the rest did die but you can´t prove it. Again: the (provisory) confirmed WTC total is 2,708. 2,708, NOT "2,823"! Plus Pentagon + Pennsylvania: 2,708 + 189 + 44 = 2,941 alleged Sept.11 dead. Minus the 19 hijackers = 2,922 officially confirmed 9-11 victims. 2,922 confirmed Sept.11 victims - NOT 3,056 (the AP-reported "official count" of yours as of April 22, 20:14 ET). And if and when you´ll come up with proof that the "115 missing" are really dead, I´ll add them to the total. NOT NOW! So the PROVISORY confirmed official total is now (May 23, 2002) 2,922 without the "19 hijackers". That is, unless even the identified-victims and certified-dead-without-a-body totals have been tampered with/falsified/inflated. Ain´t nothing one should NOT be skeptical about with professional smugs the likes of you. As early as late October, everyone else who conducted an independent count of WTC victims, from USA Today to the New York Times to the Red Cross and the Associated Press, had come up with victims totals under 3,000 (International Herald Tribune, October 26,2001, p.3), while you were still touting close to 4,800 dead. Your WTC totals, campisi, which are the only ones most people have been fed by the mass media, have as-slowly-as-possible slimmed down from a sensational ´nearly 7,000´ in late September (full-blown headlines) to the much less than 3,000 of today (no headlines). Sloppy work at best. Yet most effective in brainwashing worldwide TV-fed public opinion into believing the lie of 5 or 6 thousand Sept.11 dead. Once more: according to you, campisi, the total confirmed death toll of September 11 at all three sites (New York, Pentagon, Pennsylvania) would be 2,922 by now. Why haven´t you released a list of names for all victims? And why haven´t you given news organizations access to your full list of victims? Just how reliable is your list? Just how reliable are you? At least you´ve been faintly whispering (though not always, not nearly enough) from the beginning that your figures were in a state of flux due to "duplications"/"errors" and were/are likely to drop further. But the following liars are more than a match for you, as shown by a Nov.21,2001 New York Times report:
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/21/nyregion/21NUMB.html colin powell had the straightface to repeat the 5,000-dead lie in a Nov.19 Louisville speech, although you, campisi, had made officially known WEEKS earlier that the Sept.11 toll had dropped well below 5,000. Actually, by Nov.19 it stood at little over 4,000. You´re busted colin, you spouter of lies. The 2nd certified liar is general richard b. myers , chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who during November briefings repeatedly bleated the "5,000" myth. The 3rd certified liar is don imus, the radio talk show host, who topped everyone else by inventing "6,000" WTC dead on larry king live, saturday Nov.17. The list is long. Too long. Longer than anyone can bear. Overblown casualty lists printed by massmedia whores will always "create a helpful wave of national indignation" - a time-honored dirty trick. See, campisi, these are not trivialities, or morbid curiosity. How can Bush possibly be waging a "proportionate" war (as he and Blair driveled all over the media after Sept.11: see for example International Herald Tribune, Oct.6, 2001,p.1: "Blair...Calls for ´Proportionate´ Strikes"), if the death toll is still uncertain? How many people does Bush have the right to murder back? 2,922 (your PROVISORY confirmed total)? This "proportionate" war has long since become savagely disproportionate: in only 10 days in November, 6,000 Talibans and Qaidas were killed, according to U.S. and French experts (International Herald Tribune, November 19, 2001, p.8). If this is true, then the total death toll of over 6 months of war since Oct.7 is much higher than 6,000, considering: - the fighters killed outside those 10 days; - the refugees who starved and froze to death; - the "unintended victims" (who amount to "certainly hundreds and perhaps thousands of innocent Afghans", according to the International Herald Tribune, Feb.11, 2002,p.1, continued on p.8; who amount to "at least 3,767 civilian casualties from Oct.7 to Dec.6", according to Marc Herold of New Hampshire University, as reported ibid.; who amount to "1,000 to 1,300 deaths" according to Carl Conetta of the Project on Defense Alternatives, as reported ibid.: that is, only until before Feb.11). Maybe it´s time to declassify your victims list, campisi - lest more and more unpatriots should start thinking you are a liar who´s been fabricating inflated figures all along to whip Americans up into a war frenzy. War ought to be the first casualty of the Truth. May 23, 2002 edition. I wrote the first version on September 24, 2001. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net _________________________________________________________ THE TWIN COWARDS ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:24 Clinton & Bush may have ordered a stand-aside policy allowing Mohamed Atta to make 9-11 happen. THE TWIN COWARDS A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. International Herald Tribune, September 14, 2001, p.8: ´Investigators Looking at Florida School for Jet Pilots´, by Jim Yardley, New York Times Service; 2. International Herald Tribune, Sept. 15, 2001: ´An FBI List of the 19 Hijackers Aboard the 4 Doomed Airliners´, by the Associated Press; 3. International Herald Tribune, Sept.15, 2001, p.1, continued on p.3: ´Suspects Lived Openly, Hiding a Deadly Secret´, by Kevin Sack and Jim Yardley; 4. International Herald Tribune, Sept.25, 2001, p.3: ´Attacks Found the FBI Ill-Equipped and Unprepared´, by Joby Warrick and others, Washington Post Service; 5. International Herald Tribune, Oct.6, 2001, p.1, continued on p.7: ´Hijacker Reportedly Met Iraqi Official´, by Peter Finn, Washington Post Service; 6. International Herald Tribune, Oct.17, 2001, p.9: ´Misstep by Hijackers Failed to Draw Careful Scrutiny´, by Jim Yardley, New York Times Service; 7. International Herald Tribune, November 13, 2001: ´The Prague Connection: Saddam and Bin Laden´, by William Safire (originally a New York Times article); 8. International Herald Tribune, November 19, 2001, p.6: ´Spain Links 8 to Hijackings´, by Peter Finn and Pamela Rolfe, Washington Post Service; 9. International Herald Tribune, November 21, 2001, p.1, continued on p.7: ´Qaida and Sept.11: The Spanish Connection´, by Sam Dillon, New York Times Service; 10. Associated Press, December 9, 2001, 08:54 ET: ´Investigator: Atta Visited New York´, by Pat Milton; 11. International Herald Tribune, January 31, 2002, p.6: ´A Single National Security Database´, by Larry Ellison; 12. International Herald Tribune, February 6, 2002, p.1: ´Iraqi Terror Hasn´t Hit U.S. in Years, CIA Says´, by James Risen, New York Times Service; 13. Washingtonpost.com, March 17, 2002, p.A20: ´Hijackers Visa Fiasco Points Up INS Woes´, by Dan Eggen and Cheryl W. Thompson, online at:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac3/ContentServer?pagename=article&articleid=A39121-2002Mar16&node=nation/specials/attacked/archive ; 14. http://www.edwardjayepstein.com/2002question/atta_identity.htm by Edward Jay Epstein; and, finally: 15. The New York Times, May 9, 2002: ´Mr Atta Goes to Prague´, by William Safire, online at:
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/09/opinion/09SAFI.html SINCE 1996: "The FBI had been developing evidence that international terrorists were using U.S. flight schools to learn to fly jumbo jets. A foiled plot in Manila to blow up U.S. airliners and later court testimony by an associate of Mr. Bin Laden´s HAD TOUCHED OFF FBI INQUIRIES AT SEVERAL SCHOOLS, OFFICIALS SAY." 1998 - 2000: in this time frame, whether continuously or not I don´t know, Mohamed Atta (the alleged ringleader of the Sept.11 hijackers) lives in Hamburg, Germany, and while living there he gets involved with Al Qaida - according to Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon. I do not know if Atta was a Qaida before 1998. What connects Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon with Atta? The reported facts that: - Garzon had 8 Qaidas arrested in Spain in November 2001 for playing "a direct role in the preparation of the Sept.11 attacks"; - Atta "twice visited Spain, in January and July 2001...It is now believed that on those trips he met with some of the...members of a Qaida cell"; - Judge Garzon´s account is based in part ON YEARS OF TELEPHONE INTERCEPTS [my caps]. The document [judge Garzon´s detention order] makes clear that Spanish intelligence has been WATCHING MR. YARKAS [Qaida leader in Spain] AND LISTENING TO HIM IN HIS INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER SUSPECTED QAIDA OPERATIVES AROUND EUROPE AND ASIA SINCE AT LEAST 1997 [my caps]." Now, Clinton/Bush, here´s my first set of questions for you on this story: - Since Spain is a U.S. ally, HAD SPANISH INTELLIGENCE TOLD YOU, AS WOULD HAVE BEEN ONLY NATURAL, THAT THEY HAD BEEN WATCHING/EAVESDROPPING ON THE QAIDA YARKAS SINCE 1997? - As "Spanish intelligence had been watching Mr. Yarkas...since at least 1997"; and as Atta, now believed to have been a ringleader, logically would have wanted to meet his counterpart in Spain, Yarkas; was Spanish intelligence watching Yarkas, and therefore Atta too, when Atta met Qaidas in Spain in January and July 2001? Spanish judge mr Garzon, will you finally tell humanity if, as it is logical to assume, Yarkas was among the Qaidas that Mohamed Atta met in January and July 2001? If so, was the meeting shadowed and eavesdropped on, as you had been shadowing and eavesdropping on Yarkas since 1997? And will you tell us, judge Garzon, if Spanish intelligence flagged the meeting, and Atta´s name, to U.S. authorities in January and July 2001? CLINTON/BUSH: TESTIFY UNDER OATH ON THESE VERY SAME POINTS! It is utterly implausible, it is utterly unreasonable to think that Spain, a Western U.S. ally, wouldn´t have informed the U.S. about a meeting of Qaidas. Furthermore: let´s focus on the "telephone intercepts". On the "YEARS OF TELEPHONE INTERCEPTS BY THE SPANISH AUTHORITIES [my caps]". Let us focus on the all-important detail that "the document [judge Garzon´s detention order for the Qaidas of Spain] makes clear that Spanish intelligence had been watching Mr. Yarkas [the Spain Qaida ringleader] AND LISTENING TO HIS INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER SUSPECTED QAIDA OPERATIVES AROUND EUROPE...SINCE AT LEAST 1997 [my caps]". This means that Spanish intelligence was listening to whatever Yarkas AND THOSE HE SPOKE WITH OVER THE PHONE said between "at least 1997" and Sept.10, 2001. And this is reported to be part of the evidence linking Spanish Qaida (with Yarkas) to "THE PREPARATION OF THE SEPT.11 ATTACKS [my caps]". Let´s read on: "The revelation marks the first direct connection made between the Sept.11 plotters, including a Hamburg-based group led by a key-figure in the hijackings, MOHAMED ATTA [my caps] and a string of Islamic terrorist cells in Europe". "Spanish officials also said that the NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF THE ALLEGED LEADER OF THE QAIDA NETWORK IN SPAIN,...YARBAS [sic, = Yarkas as my other related source shows], APPEARED IN A DOCUMENT SEIZED DURING THE SEARCH OF AN APARTMENT OF A SUSPECTED BIN LADEN ASSOCIATE IN HAMBURG AFTER SEPT.11 [my caps]." "MR. YARKAS´S PHONE NUMBER WAS FOUND BY THE GERMAN POLICE IN THE HAMBURG APARTMENT BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN USED BY TWO OF THE HIJACKERS AND SEVERAL OTHER ISLAMIC TERRORISTS TO PLOT THE SEPT.11 ATTACKS, JUDGE GARZON´S [detention] ORDER SAYS. IT [Garzon´s order] LISTS AMONG MR. YARKAS´S EUROPEAN ´CONTACTS´ FOUR OF THE HAMBURG APARTMENT OCCUPANTS, INCLUDING MR. ATTA, WHO PILOTED THE PLANE THAT HIT THE FIRST WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWER [my caps]." Now, let´s sum up and draw some probable conclusions: 1. Spanish intelligence had been tapping Yarkas´s phone line since 1997; 2. Yarkas was in touch with a Hamburg Islamist cell that included Atta; 3. German police confirmed this when they searched the Hamburg apartment reportedly AFTER Sept.11; 4. but Spanish intelligence knew of the Madrid/Hamburg Qaida link BEFORE Sept.11, from eavesdropping on and shadowing Yarkas; 5. let´s add the 2 Atta trips to Madrid in January and July 2001. I THINK THAT AT THIS POINT EVEN A 5-YEAR-OLD WOULD LEGITIMATELY ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. SPANISH PRIME MINISTER MR AZNAR, WHY ON EARTH DIDN´T YOU INFORM GERMAN POLICE AND THE U.S. ABOUT THE MADRID/HAMBURG QAIDA NETWORK BEFORE SEPT.11? 2. OR DID YOU, MR AZNAR? 3. GERMAN CHANCELOR MR SCHROEDER, WILL YOU PROCEED TO TESTIFY? DID OR DIDN´T AZNAR INFORM YOU? AND IF HE DID, AS IT WAS THE ONLY LOGICAL OPTION BETWEEN ALLIES, WHY DIDN´T YOU PLACE ALL THE HAMBURG APARTMENT OCCUPANTS INCLUDING ATTA UNDER SURVEILLANCE THERE AND THEN? OR DID YOU? 4. MR CLINTON/MR BUSH, WHAT DID YOU TWO KNOW ABOUT THE YARKAS PHONE TAPS BETWEEN 1997 AND SEPT.10, 2001? TESTIFY UNDER OATH! Hot on Atta´s trail around the globe, next stop Prague. JUNE 2, 2000: "Atta, an Egyptian with ties to Islamic fundamentalists in Germany, flew to Newark, N.J., on June 2, 2000 from Prague in the Czech Republic, Czech authorities have said." Why would Mohamed Atta want to go to Prague first? Why didn´t he fly to the U.S. directly from Hamburg, Germany? My source nr 5 (of Oct.6, 2001) says: in order to meet "with an Iraqi intelligence official in Prague...sources in the Czech government said". My source nr 7 (of Nov.13, 2001) says that the Atta/Iraqi spy meeting in Prague happened on April 8, 2001, not June 2000. Were there 2 meetings? Anyway, that´s totally beside my point. What really interests me about the meeting is what my source nr 12 (of FEB.6,2002) says: "NOW SENIOR U.S. INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS HAVE CONCLUDED THAT THE MEETING BETWEEN MR. ATTA AND THE IRAQI OFFICER, AHMED KHALIL SAMIR AL-ANI, DID OCCUR". So: the last stand of the matter, according to U.S. intelligence, as of FEB.6, 2002, is that Atta met Ani in Prague. - I couldn´t care less, in this context, whether U.S. intelligence know or not what was discussed; - I couldn´t care less, in this context, whether the 2 met once or twice and exactly when; - I couldn´t care less, in my context, if U.S. intelligence say Al-Ani was "a mid-level intelligence officer" or if he was a spymaster; - I couldn´t care less, in my context, if Atta/Ani discussed blowing up Radio Free Europe in Prague or the WTC or maybe tennis. What I DO care for, is that "now" (FEB.6, 2002) "U.S. intelligence have concluded that the meeting did occur". Next: how do they know? According to my sources, it was the Czechs who announced it first. For example, "the Czech prime minister , Milos Zeman, confirmed to CNN that Mr Ani and Mr Atta met in Prague". Czech intelligence had shadowed the meeting. And then they "shadowed Mr Atta to the airport for his flight to the United States." Now, one can´t help but ask the same question William Safire (a conservative!) asks in my source nr 7: "Why didn´t the BIS [the Czech secret service] inform the United States about Mr Atta at that time?" Whatever Atta and Ani had discussed, here was a guy who´d just met a rogue-nation spy and was flying to the U.S.! Reason enough to tell the CIA + U.S. customs + FBI right away, especially since the Czechs are U.S. allies and since Czech president Havel is a decades-old friend of the Bushes´. But one should also wonder, again with Safire: "WERE THE CIA AND FBI KEPT IN THE DARK...OR WERE U.S. COUNTERSPIES INFORMED BUT DID NOTHING?". As for the subsequent allegations denying the Atta/Ani Prague meeting (Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov on "Meet the Press", March 17, 2002; columnist David Ignatius in the Washington Post, republished in International Herald Tribune, March 16, 2002): I need not respond - old William Safire (the same conservative hawk) did it for me in IHT, March 19, 2002, p.8: "No, it isn´t ´wrong information´" (originally a New York Times article): "On solid evidence: The Czech intelligence agency, BIS, had the Iraqi Embassy spy in Prague under constant visual and wiretap surveillance...Three months ago...Interior Minister Stanislav Gross issued a statement that ´BIS guarantees the information, so we stick by that information´...On corroboration of the evidence that Atta flew 7,000 miles, from Virginia Beach to Prague and back to Florida...: The FBI has car-rental and other records that Atta left for Prague on April 8, 2001, and returned on April 11. The BIS report of the meeting that Saddam´s case officer had with the suicide hijacker fell precisely within those dates...On CIA assessment of evidence: James Risen reported in the New York Times last month that... ´senior American intelligence officials have concluded that the meeting between Atta and the Iraqi officer, Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samir Al-Ani, did take place´. Congressional intelligence committees could confirm that." And as for the latest attempts at denying the Prague meeting planted in all mainstream media by the CIA (first in Newsweek, end of April, 2002): once more: long live William Safire! I´m so lucky that this old conservative Bushiite is responding for me! Amazing - and amusing, that my view should be defended - unwittingly - by the least person in the world I could possibly identify with! See for yourself reader: source nr 15. Here are some convincing highlights from it: "A misdirection play is under way in the C.I.A.´s all-out attempt to discredit an account of a suspicious meeting in Prague [...] They are telling favored journalists: Shoot this troublesome story down [...] Notice how this parade of pooh-poohing never has an official´s name attached to it. Rarely do you see such skillful manipulation by anonymous sources whose policy agenda is never revealed to readers. [...] Unreported (except on http://www.edwardjayepstein.com , the website of my unfazed Angletonian friend) is this week´s response to the hidden policy-driven doubters by the Czech interior minister, Stanislav Gross: ´I believe the counterintelligence services more than journalists´. Did his agents have new information that would cast doubt on the Atta meeting [...]? He checked with Jery Ruzek, his intelligence chief: ´The answer was that they did not. Therefore, I consider the matter closed.´ Whom do you believe - a responsible official on the scene speaking on the record, with no ax to grind, or U.S. spooks WHO MAY BE COVERING UP A MISSED SIGNAL FROM PRAGUE ABOUT SEPT.11 [my caps] [...]? Hard-liners can play this background game, too. A ´senior Bush administration official´ [...] tells me: ´YOU CANNOT SAY THE CZECH REPORT ABOUT A MEETING IN 2001 BETWEEN ATTA AND THE IRAQI IS DISCREDITED OR DISPROVEN IN ANY WAY. [my caps]´" Thanks, William! The only difference between William Safire and me on this one is that the former defends Atta´s meeting in order to support the war on Saddam - I defend Atta´s meeting in order to establish probable cause of Bush´s complicity in 911. Recapping so far: IT IS MUCH MORE LIKELY/PLAUSIBLE/LOGICAL THAN NOT THAT THE U.S. ESTABLISHMENT WAS INFORMED BEFORE SEPT.11 ABOUT MOHAMED ATTA´S LINKS WITH SPAIN´S QAIDA AND WITH IRAQ IN PRAGUE. SO WHY ON EARTH WASN´T ATTA IN JAIL, OR (AT THE VERY LEAST) BEING SHADOWED BY SEPTEMBER 11? Back in the U.S.A. now, from Prague. JULY 2000-NOVEMBER 2000: Venice, Florida, Huffman Aviation School: Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi train here (the latter reportedly would die hitting the WTC´s South Tower on Sept.11). By the way, Clinton/Bush: was Huffman one of the "several schools" under FBI inquiry since 1996? DECEMBER 26, 2000: Miami International Airport. "Mr Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi, another hijacker-in-training, taxied a small private plane toward a runway when, unexpectedly, it stalled. Unable to restart the engine, the two men shut the plane down, FLIPPED OFF THE LIGHTS AND BY ONE ACCOUNT, WALKED OFF...THE STRANGE INCIDENT, WHICH HAPPENED ON A BUSY TRAVEL DAY [THE DAY AFTER XMAS] AT THE NINTH-BUSIEST PASSENGER AIRPORT IN THE COUNTRY, IS ESPECIALLY NOTABLE BECAUSE OF HOW CLOSE IT BROUGHT THE TWO MEN TO OFFICIAL SCRUTINY. ACCORDING TO ONE FORMER FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR, A FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL PLACED AN ANGRY CALL THE MORNING AFTER THE DEC. 26 INCIDENT [i.e. on Dec. 27, 2000], THREATENING TO INVESTIGATE THE MAINTENANCE RECORD OF THE PLANE AS WELL AS THE TWO PILOTS...A SPOKESMAN FOR THE AVIATION AGENCY REFUSED TO COMMENT ON WHETHER ANY OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION HAD BEEN LAUNCHED AGAINST THE TWO TERRORISTS, citing the ongoing...investigation into the hijackings." BUT: "A CURRENT EMPLOYEE AT HUFFMAN CONFIRMED THAT THE FLIGHT SCHOOL DID FORWARD THE AGENCY THE PLANE´S MAINTENANCE RECORDS." Therefore, it is to be assumed that the Federal Aviation Agency DID INDEED follow through on its threat of launching an investigation: the maintenance-record part was looked into but - WHAT ABOUT THE TWO PILOTS? They had angered the FAA with reckless behavior that had endangered airport safety on Dec.26, 2000: - they had flipped off the lights at "5:45pm" (not exactly broad daylight anymore); - they had abandoned the plane in the middle of a runway "without radioing the tower and were walking across the airfield", as an "irritated official in the flight tower" explained over the phone to Dale Kraus, then the general manager at Huffman Aviation. It is therefore logical to assume that the FAA followed through on its "angry" threat to investigate maintenance - and the two pilots. Clinton/Bush, can humanity finally, over 8 months after Sept.11, be told if the FAA placed Atta/Al-Shehhi under investigation over the Dec.26, 2000 incident? And if the FAA did investigate them, DID IT INFORM THE FBI (which would have been only natural, feds-to-feds crosschecking)? APRIL 2001: Broward County, Florida: Mohamed Atta is "ticketed for driving without a license. He failed to show up for court, AND A BENCH WARRANT WAS ISSUED FOR HIS ARREST [my caps]; [a ´bench warrant´ is "a warrant issued by a judge for the arrest of a person who is in contempt of court", according to Merriam-Webster´s dictionary of law]. But with more than 200,000 warrants pending on minor offenses in Broward County, he was never picked up". What a convenient explanation. Yet, even if true, the "200,000" pending warrants fail to explain why Atta wasn´t arrested. First, quick recap/refocusing. By April 2001, Mohamed Atta had already screwed up so much that the claim he went undetected as a suspicious person until Sept.11 is utterly ridiculous: 1. on December 26, 2000 he had so blatantly endangered Miami airport safety that by April he may have been under FAA investigation, though FAA won´t comment; 2. if indeed he had been under FAA scrutiny, crosschecking with the FBI would have been routine; 3. the FBI had "several" U.S. flight schools under terrorism-related inquiry since 1996; 4. Atta had flown to Spain in January 2001 to meet Qaidas at least one of whom was being shadowed by Spanish intelligence - that the Spanish wouldn´t flag Atta to the U.S. after this isn´t plausible; 5. Atta had met Iraqi spy Samir Al-Ani in Prague, monitored by Czech intelligence - that the Czechs wouldn´t flag Atta to the U.S. then isn´t plausible. And - one more thing: had the Florida arrest warrant been entered in the "INTERAGENCY WATCH LIST DATABASES CALLED NAILS AND IBIS"? Obviously Immigration don´t check all local databases; but do they check NAILS and IBIS when passengers are entering the U.S. from abroad? Clinton/Bush, testify again under oath: WAS ATTA´S APRIL 2001 ARREST WARRANT DETECTABLE BY CHECKING NAILS/IBIS? IF SO, WHY WASN´T HE ARRESTED WHEN HE REENTERED THE U.S. IN JULY 2001 AFTER HIS 2nd QAIDA-RELATED TRIP TO MADRID? AND IF NOT, WHY WASN´T ATTA´S ARREST WARRANT ENTERED INTO THE NAILS/IBIS INTERAGENCY WATCH LIST DATABASES? The author of source nr 11 says that "once you´re in the country" it´s easy to escape NAILS/IBIS detection because "the watch list is very rarely cross-checked". BUT ATTA IN JULY 2001 WAS FLYING BACK INTO THE U.S. FROM SPAIN. SO EVEN IN THE UNLIKELY CASE THAT SPANISH INTELLIGENCE HADN´T BLOWN THE WHISTLE, WHY DIDN´T IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS DETECT ATTA´S WARRANT ON NAILS/IBIS? Is NAILS/IBIS a routine check for passengers from abroad or not? I do not know, so now - TESTIFY! Mohamed Atta "mostly used his own name and vital statistics as he traveled the country in the months before the hijackings." Things were made as easy as it gets for him. As if there weren´t plenty enough probable cause/circumstantial evidence already that the U.S. establishment allowed Atta to plot & perform Sept.11, here´s one last breadcrumb on his trail. MOHAMED ATTA WAS ALLOWED TO TRAVEL BACK AND FORTH FROM AND INTO THE U.S. WITHOUT A VALID VISA FROM JANUARY THROUGH APRIL 2001. Source nr 6: "In January 2001, after flying from Miami to Madrid, HE WAS ALLOWED TO RE-ENTER THE COUNTRY DESPITE OVERSTAYING HIS PREVIOUS VISA [the visa on which he´d entered the U.S. on June 2, 2000, see above]; [caps mine]". But the point is not only that Atta wasn´t held accountable for overstaying his previous visa - THE REAL POINT IS: ATTA DID NOT HAVE A NEW VISA until July 17, 2001 (source nr 13), when the INS reportedly approved a student visa for Atta; a visa which was reportedly sent to him ´last summer [2001]´. But there is no proof of all this because "INS officials have declined to provide copies of the actual approval notices they say were sent to the men [Atta and his cohort Al-Shehhi] last summer." Anyway, even assuming that Atta received his new visa shortly after INS approval of it on July 17, 2001: WHY FOR GODSSAKE WAS HE ALLOWED BACK THROUGH CUSTOMS: - IN JANUARY 2001, BACK FROM MADRID, WITHOUT A VISA; - ON APRIL 11, 2001, BACK FROM PRAGUE, WITHOUT A VISA? - IN JULY 2001, BACK FROM MADRID, WITHOUT A VISA? HE VIRTUALLY ENJOYED DIPLOMATIC STATUS - THANKS TO YOU BOTH, CLINTON/BUSH? TESTIFY! FBI, CIA: TESTIFY! Reader please note that Atta was reportedly an Egyptian, and Egyptians unlike Westerners need a visa even for tourism in the U.S.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, 8:48am: Bush happens (?) to be in Florida. Clinton happens (?) to be in Australia. Mohamed Atta, "now" believed to have been the ringleader of the Sept.11 hijackers, allegedly proceeds to massmurder scores of people at the WTC. BUT IF HE WAS AN EVIL TERRORIST, WHAT ABOUT THE TWIN COWARDS WHO ARGUABLY HAD THE POWER AND FOREKNOWLEDGE TO STOP HIM - AND CHOSE NOT TO DO SO?... ...nice finale Adrian but - wait a second man. What if - what if Mohamed Atta had never died at all? Bush & his gang of thugs/liars-for-a-living have been telling us for over 8 months that Mohamed Atta flew AA11 into the WTC. Source 14 has it otherwise. Here´s what Edward Jay Epstein (whom William Safire calls ´my Angletonian friend´) says: "[Atta´s] trail ends at 5:58am on September 11th at Portland International Airport in Maine [nobody knows why he allegedly went to Portland before Boston - my note]. He is photographed by a security camera there with an unidentified man [...] using the ´Alomari´ credentials [that is, the alleged hijacker ´Alomari´ may have been using a stolen identity - my note]." Unfortunately, Epstein doesn´t source his statements, and is not 100% accurate. But IF he´s basically telling the truth, then "the... plane departed from Boston at 6am. NO ONE ABOARD THE PLANE RECALLED SEEING ATTA. NONE OF THE SECURITY CAMERAS AT LOGAN AIRPORT PHOTOGRAPHED ATTA [my caps]. The first-class ticket that Atta had purchased on American Airlines Flight 11 was used to board the plane, and a ticket agent reportedly recalled questioning an Arab man [...] BUT THERE WAS NO VISUAL IDENTIFICATION OF THAT PASSENGER [caps mine]." "After Flight 11 crashed, the bag Atta left in Portland was retrieved by the FBI." Atta had checked it "at the US Airway Desk, which services the Colgan Air flights between Portland and Boston". So why wasn´t the bag directly transferred to the connection flight - AA11? Why did US Airway not load Atta´s baggage and then transfer it to AA11 at Logan? Allegedly, that bag contained Atta´s "will, videos of the interiors of Boeing airliners and a flight computer". Perfect stage setting: clearly fabricated evidence, planted by the FBI most likely because: why would Atta, if he really was bound to die, want to take his will with him? A will is something you leave behind for your legatees, not something you take with you into the grave. The FBI has been telling us that Atta´s passport was found - miraculously intact - on top of the smoldering WTC rubble. Could you show us that passport, FBI director Mueller? And Atta´s bag and its contents too? No trace of Atta - pulverized, cremated? But his superresilient, fire-proof passport was harder than a black box (not found at the WTC). I´m not the first one to poke fun at this story - but I can´t logically rule it out 100% - so show me Atta´s passport + bag, Mueller. One last thing for now: Atta´s father claimed that he had spoken to his son after the crash. Hey CNN: how about a live, prime-time interview with Atta´s father? Just joking, you Bush parrots. Yet one would have expected law enforcement (Mueller) to have interviewed Atta´s father at length - forget it. NO ONE SHOULD EXPECT A SERIOUS 911 INVESTIGATION FROM THOSE WHO SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED: BUSH & CO. Hey Bush - where is Mohamed Atta? May 24, 2002 edition; I wrote the first version on February 20, 2002. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net ____________________________________________________________ CATCH 9 ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:25 Nine Sept.11 hijackers went through special security screenings that morning... "stand-aside" security screenings. CATCH 9 A T.I.P. (Text in Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. The Economist, Sept. 14, 2001: ´The pursuit´ (anonymous), online at:
http://www.economist.com/agenda/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=786197 ; 2. International Herald Tribune, Sept.14, 2001, p.2: ´U.S. Reopens Its Skies Under Strict New Rules´, by John Schimd; 3. International Herald Tribune, Sept.15, 2001: ´An FBI List of the 19 Hijackers Aboard the 4 Doomed Airliners´, by the Associated Press; 4. Associated Press. Nov.23, 2001, 07:05 EST: ´Hijackers´ Legal Status Had Expired´, by Larry Margasak; 5.Washington Post, March 2, 2002, p.A11: ´Airports Screened Nine of Sept.11 Hijackers, Officials Say´, by Dan Eggen (Don Phillips contributed); 6. Associated Press, March 3, 2002, 11:55 ET: ´Some Sept.11 Hijackers Were Spotted´, by Jonathan D. Salant; 7. International Herald Tribune, March 14, 2002, p.2: ´Flight School Gets Visa Approval for Sept.11 Hijackers´, by Dan Eggen and Mary Beth Sheridan (originally in The Washington Post); 8. International Herald Tribune, March 21, 2002, p.1: ´30-day Limit Considered for Millions Visiting U.S.´, by Cheryl W. Thompson (originally in The Washington Post); 9. Associated Press, April 10,2002, 15:25 ET: ´Feds Working on Airline Staff IDs´, by Jonathan D. Salant; 10. Reuters, May 15, 8:59pm ET: ´Aides: Bush Knew of Hijacking Threat Before Sept.11´, by Adam Entous, online at: http://www.reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=topnews&StoryID=967465 : "Nine of the hijackers who commandeered jetliners on Sept.11 were selected for special security screenings that morning, INCLUDING TWO WHO WERE SINGLED OUT BECAUSE OF IRREGULARITIES IN THEIR IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS [my caps], U.S. officials said". Wait a second man. If those two had irregular documents, EXACTLY WHY ON EARTH WERE THEY ALLOWED TO BOARD THEIR FLIGHT(S)? EXACTLY WHO WERE THE SECURITY SCREENERS WHO SCREENED THOSE TWO, AND WHY ARE THEY NOT TESTIFYING UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS YET? Again: "Nine of the hijackers...were selected for special security screenings that morning": exactly WHICH HIJACKERS? THE NAMES! WHY ARE FBI + FAA WITHHOLDING THE NAMES OF THOSE 9? Those 9 names are an all-important detail, especially if among them were Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, both of whom had been on an FBI watch list of potential terrorists reportedly since Aug.23. Moreover, Alhazmi´s visa had expired. Now, that "airline security officials did not know on Sept.11 that two of the hijackers were on an FBI watch list" (source nr 3) is UTTERLY IMPLAUSIBLE/UNREASONABLE/ILLOGICAL: it simply stretches belief. Because, in theory, the FBI had been looking for those 2 in the U.S. since Aug.23, so first thing in the morning the FBI would have told airlines and FAA to watch for Almihdhar/Alhazmi. And if instead the 2 FBI directors involved in this umpteenth 9/11 "failure" (Louis Freeh from Aug.23 through Sept.3; Robert S. Mueller from Sept.4 through Sept.10) had failed to do their jobs and tell airlines + FAA about Almihdhar/Alhazmi, then WHY HASN´T MUELLER BEEN FIRED YET? IT ONLY INCREASES SUSPICION THAT BUSH WOULD STILL BE BACKING SUCH A RETARD! OR MAYBE IS IT THAT MUELLER & BUSH ALLOWED SEPT.11 TO HAPPEN? WERE THEY ACCESSORIES BEFORE THE FACT? Next. - Was hijacker Satam M.A. Al Suqami (Flight 11, WTC) among the 9 singled out for the special security screenings? I ask because his visa had expired by Sept.11, therefore he should have been arrested. Was he one of the "two" with irregular documents? More on Suqami below. - Was hijacker Hani S.H. Hanjour (Flight 77, Pentagon) among the 9? Same story: he was in the country illegally on Sept.11. Was he one of the "two" with irregular documents? - Was hijacker Mohammed Atta (Flight 11, WTC) one of the 9 singled out? I ask because, among many other things (see my essay MORAL GROUND ZERO / V, "The Twin Cowards"), Atta had an outstanding arrest warrant in Florida, which a ´special security screening´ should not have failed to turn up. MUELLER, WAS OR WASN´T ATTA ONE OF THE 9? TESTIFY! Let´s recap: We want the names of those 9 hijackers singled out for "special security screenings" on Sept.11 - AND WE WANT THOSE NAMES NOW BECAUSE WE WANT TO KNOW: - IF THE 3 HIJACKERS WHO WERE IN THE U.S. ILLEGALLY ON SEPT.11 (SUQAMI, ALHAZMI, HANJOUR) WERE AMONG THE 9; - IF SO, WHY THEY WEREN´T ARRESTED BANG DEAD ON RIGHTS; - MOREOVER, WE WANT TO KNOW IF ALMIHDHAR AND ALHAZMI WERE SCREENED BECAUSE THEY WERE ON AN FBI WATCH LIST; AND IF ATTA WAS ONE OF THE 9, BECAUSE HE HAD AN OUTSTANDING ARREST WARRANT. Let´s carry on. Source nr 3: "The hijackers used box cutters AND KNIVES [my caps] to take over the airplanes, but those items were allowed...on board before the attacks". Pause. "AND KNIVES"? Was one allowed to carry knives of any length on board until Sept.11? No: source nr 2: "Previously, only knives with blades longer than four inches (10 centimetres) were barred." Did the screeners find knives belonging to those 9? Exactly how long were the blades of those "knives"? "Authorities...said...they could not say": WHY CAN´T THEY SAY? THEY MUST BE SUPOENAED TO SAY, BEFORE CONGRESS THAT IS, AND UNDER OATH! Source nr 8 reports a convenient, yet suspicious story: "Some aviation experts believe that the KNIVES AND BOX CUTTERS [again distinct; caps mine]... were hidden on the planes while they were parked". Sounds like an alibi concocted in order to exonerate the special security screeners: who the hell are now these ´aviations experts´? THE NAMES? Why would it take ´aviation experts´ to elaborate about such an issue as how knives got onto the planes? What´s their evidence/arguments prompting them to ´believe´ that knives + boxcutters had been hidden on the parked planes? Who and how could possibly have done that? FBI director Mueller, what´s your take on all this? Will you finally elaborate, possibly UNDER OATH AND BEFORE CONGRESS, AND LIVE ON PRIME TIME CNN? Source nr 10: Bush´s spokesman Ari Fleischer said in mid-May that the perpetrators of 911 "used box cutters AND PLASTIC KNIVES [caps mine]". It´s beginning to sound ridiculous - I mean, the whole official story of what happened to those 4 planes. Let´s go on. Source nr 6: "[the terrorists] bought knives AND CANS OF MACE FOR SUBDUING THEIR FELLOW PASSENGERS". "CANS OF MACE"???!!! Were cans of mace allowed on board before Sept.11, FAA boss Jane Garvey? Hey FBI director Mueller: did the special security screeners find "cans of mace" belonging to any of the 9 that morning? WHY AREN´T YOU TESTIFYING UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS RIGHT NOW, YOU AND ALL THE ´SPECIAL SECURITY SCREENERS´ INVOLVED! WHY WERE WE TOLD ALL THIS ONLY AFTER NEARLY 6 MONTHS (WASHINGTON POST OF MARCH 2, 2002)- AND ON PAGE A11, NOT ON PAGE 1 IN BANNER HEADLINES? And now - the smoking gun. "One group, Families of September 11, has called for a congressional investigation of possible security lapses that day, INCLUDING A DISPUTED REPORT THAT ONE OF THE TERRORISTS FIRED A GUN ON ONE OF THE JETLINERS."[my caps] That report "says a flight attendant on board Flight 11 [American Airlines Flight 11, which hit the north Twin Tower] ´INFORMED THAT A PASSENGER LOCATED IN SEAT 10B SHOT AND KILLED A PASSENGER IN SEAT 9B [my caps] at 9:20am... ´ONE BULLET WAS REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN FIRED´ BY HIJACKER SATAM M.A. AL SUQAMI [my caps], and that the victim was passenger Daniel C. Lewin...FORMER ISRAELI SPECIAL FORCES OFFICER [caps mine]". Now, it goes without saying that "FAA and FBI officials...have...said the gun reference was a mistake... American Airlines spokesman John Hotard... said no such report was made to the FAA by an American official". But the FAA memo with the gun reference cites "a report to the FAA BY AN AMERICAN AIRLINES CORPORATE SECURITY OFFICER [my caps]": who´s lying, Hotard or the FAA? Or maybe both - Hotard in denying it was an American Airlines officer who reported the gun to the FAA; the FAA in denying that the gun reference was true? In any case, Stephen Push, of Families of September 11, perfectly logically said "At the very least, there has not been a thorough investigation of this memo, because no one seems to have solid information on how this got in the [FAA] file" [Stephen Push is the treasurer for Families of September 11; his wife Lisa J.Raines reportedly was killed on American Airlines Flight 77]. Now here´s my own next set of questions for FBI director Robert S. Mueller, for FAA boss Jane Garvey and for American Airlines spokesman John Hotard: 1. Was hijacker Satam M.A. Al Suqami, reported to have fired the gun, one of the 9 hijackers flagged for "special security screenings"? 2. Was it or wasn´t it an American Airlines security officer who reported to the FAA about the shooting? FAA says yes, Hotard/American Airlines says no - TESTIFY UNDER OATH, THE 3 OF YOU PLUS THE AMERICAN OFFICER IN QUESTION - BY THE WAY, WHAT´S HIS NAME? 3. The "9:20am" reference for the shooting is clearly (and suspiciously) wrong because the airplane reportedly crashed at 8:48am. But: a. if one or more details are wrong, it doesn´t necessarily follow that ALL DETAILS ARE WRONG; b. the report may have been tampered with by authorities - only biased dogmatics would rule out doubt. 4. Since, according to the AP, as of April 22, 2002, 974 WTC victims had been identified: is passenger Daniel C. Lewin among them? Has the medical examiner found any traces of a bullet wound on him? 5. "FAA and FBI officials...said ...the evidence [WHAT evidence?] indicates that Lewin ...was probably stabbed to death along with the two pilots on Flight 11": really? FAA and FBI would have us believe that 5 hijackers with boxcutters and 4-inch (or shorter)-blade plastic knives "stabbed to death" a former Special Forces officer and two trained pilots while another 84 passengers + crew on board just sat watching, frozen up, all of them. How old were the 2 pilots? Lewin was 31, according to the Associated Press victims database. Trained as the 5 may have been for the kill, they may have pulled it off with boxcutters plastic knives and bare hands - but I wouldn´t recommend anyone try to confront a 31-year-old Israeli Special Forces officer & two U.S. pilots, plus 84 passengers + crew, with boxcutters and short plastic knives. American Airlines Flight 11 was by far the most crowded of the 4 doomed planes, with 92 people on board - the most difficult for the hijackers. And with 2 pilots and a former Special Forces, a gun would explain the hijackers´ tragic success much better than boxcutters and... plastic knives. Of course, if the gun report was true, and if Suqami who reportedly fired it was one of the 9 - how did the gun make it through the "special security screenings"? I HEREBY REQUEST THAT ALL CELL PHONE CALLS MADE FROM FLIGHT 11, "INCLUDING A RECORDED CALL MADE BY A FLIGHT ATTENDANT" IMMEDIATELY BE MADE PUBLIC (TRANSCRIPTS, RECEIVERS´ TESTIMONY, ORIGINAL PHONE COMPANY RECORDS), AND THAT ALL THOSE WHO RECEIVED CALLS FROM FLIGHT 11 TESTIFY. HOW CONVENIENT ISN´T IT MUELLER, THAT NONE OF THE 4 BLACK BOXES OF THE 2 PLANES THAT HIT THE TWIN TOWERS HAVE BEEN RECOVERED - THAT IS, REPORTEDLY. I HEREBY PREEMPTIVELY DISMISS AS A SHAM ANY CONGRESSIONAL (OR OTHER) INVESTIGATION NOT SATISFACTORILY EXPLAINING ALL POINTS RAISED HERE AND NOT INCLUDING INTERROGATION OF ALL WITNESSES MENTIONED. AND I CALL IT A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY THAT NO CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT´S RESPONSE TO, AND POSSIBLE FOREKNOWLEDGE OF/COMPLICITY IN 911 IS UNDER WAY YET. Catch 9 , baby. Alright boys, spread-eagle & let´s see. Irregular documents? Forgiven this time. Expired visas? We´re not the INS. Knives? Sure. Cans of mace? Ya never know. A gun? This is the U.S. after all. American Airlines, the FAA, FBI, George Walker Bush and Al Qaeda wish you a pleasant flight. May 20, 2002 edition. I wrote the first version on March 19, 2002. ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net __________________________________________________________ AIR FARCE ONE ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:27 The official story of the jet-scrambling in response to the 9/11 hijackings is, most arguably, a cover-up. AIR FARCE ONE A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE According to: 1. CBS Evening News (6:30pm ET) - CBS, Sept.14, 2001, online at:
http://emperor.vwh.net/9-11backups/changes.htm 2. The New York Times, Sept.15, 2001: ´Pentagon Tracked Deadly Jet But Found No Way To Stop It´, by Matthew L.Wald, online at: http://college4.nytimes.com/guests/articles/2001/09/15/868107.xml ; 3. Ilarion Bykov and Jared Israel: ´Guilty for 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers´, posted Nov. 14, 2001, updated Nov.17, 2001, online at: http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/indict-1.htm ; 4. George Szamuely: ´9-11: Ho-Hum, Nothing Urgent´, posted Jan. 9, 2002, online at: http://emperors-clothes.com/indict/urgent.htm ; 5. The Associated Press, March 11, 9:49 ET: ´Timeline of Events on 9/11´; [Warning: the above article is anonymous, but has at the bottom: ´Sources: AP wire reports, North American Aerospace Defense Command´; in other words, this is the official story] 6. VisionTV Insight: transcript of Mon., Feb.18, 2002 Broadcast, online at: http://www.visiontv.ca/programs/insight/mediafile_feb18.htm : 7. International Herald Tribune, Apr.12, 2002, p.3: ´Bush Approves Sweeping Change at Top of Military´, by Thomas E. Ricks (The Washington Post): SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 "7:59a.m. - 8:14a.m.": all 4 doomed planes leave their airports. 8:20am: source nr 2: "CONTROLLERS IN NEW ENGLAND KNEW ABOUT 8:20am THAT AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 11, BOUND FROM BOSTON TO LOS ANGELES, HAD PROBABLY BEEN HIJACKED [my caps]... AND WITHIN A FEW MINUTES MORE, CONTROLLERS WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT BOTH UNITED 175 (THE SECOND PLANE TO HIT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER) AND AMERICAN 77 (WHICH HIT THE PENTAGON) HAD PROBABLY BEEN HIJACKED. [caps mine]" Source nr 5: "BY 8:20, ACCORDING TO ITS OWN OFFICIAL REPORT [my caps] ...the FAA is fully aware". "8:40a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] notifies the North East Air Defense Sector...(a division of North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD) that Flight 11 may have been hijacked". Now, Flight 11 reportedly would crash 8 minutes later (8:48am) into the WTC. It reportedly had been the first of the 4 to leave, at 7:59am. One first remark: Since the hijacking of Flight 11 must have started long before 8:40 (the hijackers couldn´t possibly have done it all in 8 minutes); that is, since Flight 11 must have strayed from its course before 8:40; and since, according to source nr 2 quoted above, "controllers... knew about 8:20am that Flight 11... had probably been hijacked": 1 - why did it take the FAA until "8:40" to notify NORAD? That is, WHY DID IT TAKE THE FAA 20 MINUTES TO NOTIFY NORAD? ´Bureaucratic´-delay alibis make no sense at all, because emergency procedures ARE DEVICED PRIMARILY TO BYPASS BUREAUCRACY AND DEAL WITH URGENT PROBLEMS FAST. This was 2001. But even as early as 1941, army chief of staff G. Marshall had a scrambler phone THAT HE DELIBERATELY CHOSE NOT TO USE IN TIME TO ALERT HAWAII COMMANDERS OF THE UPCOMING (BUT STILL HOURS AWAY) PEARL HARBOR RAID, AS CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRIES ASCERTAINED. One would hope the FAA had better and faster means available to alert NORAD in 2001. Moreover, the looming catastrophe WAS NEITHER UNPRECEDENTED NOR UNEXPECTABLE: 1 - kamikazes using jets as bombs are in the U.S. defense´s gene pool ever since WWII; 2 - since the 1995 confession of the Qaida Murad, suicide hijacking using jets as bombs had been taken into account as A VERY REAL THREAT: A KNOWN LOOMING POSSIBILITY SINCE 1995; 3 - January 5, 2001: the U.S. embassy in Rome shuts down for 3 days on U.S. orders because of a feared "attack from the sky, a missile or something else"; 4 - Echelon had warned MONTHS before Sept.11 of jet-as-bomb plans; 5 - July 11, 2001: Italian intelligence (Sisde) report nr "2001ter0011183": islamist extremists in London are plotting to use "PLANES" to kill Bush at the Genova G8 summit. Wherefore Italian interior minister Scajola has "antiaircraft batteries" installed at the Genova airport for the G8 and closes Genova´s airspace for 5 days; 6 - authorities knew since the Aug.16 arrest of Zacarias Moussaoui (the ´20th hijacker´) that a plot to use jets as bombs was a very real possibility. (Please read my essay ´ZAC IN THE BUSH´ for sourcing/discussion of the above 4 points). THEREFORE ONLY LIARS COULD STILL REPEAT THAT 9/11 WAS "UNPRECEDENTED" OR UNEXPECTABLE/UNEXPECTED. Quite the contrary: the recent Echelon warnings + Genova threats + arrest of Moussaoui should have warranted a state of high alert. What´s missing from my AP source is an exact timeline of known events on Flight 11 between 7:59 and 8:40: FAA boss Jane Garvey, will you please testify, over 8 months later? 2 - Even more importantly: did NORAD really need the FAA "8:40" notification to learn of the hijacking of Flight 11? In other words: is NORAD unable to monitor/defend U.S. air space without the FAA? Again: isn´t NORAD supposed to have (and use 24 hrs. a day) the best radar system in the world? And isn´t NORAD supposed to routinely, daily send out air patrols, including Awacs (special radar-equipped planes), to monitor/protect U.S. air space from all sorts of dangers? FAA/NORAD collaboration is welcome but - is NORAD lost without FAA input? Repeating: if the FAA person in charge of the "8:40" notification had been in the bathroom instead, would NORAD have waited to learn of the hijacking of Flight 11 from CNN? Once more: IF FLIGHT 11 HAD BEEN A CHINESE BOMBER CARRYING A PAYLOAD OF NUCLEAR BOMBS, WOULD NORAD HAVE SLEPT ON UNTIL 8:40, WAITING FOR THE FAA TO CALL? WHO THE HELL IS SUPPOSED TO MONITOR/DEFEND U.S. AIR SPACE, NORAD (WITH WELCOME, BUT NOT INDISPENSABLE HELP FROM THE FAA) OR THE FAA? WHAT WERE FAA AND NORAD´S RADAR OPERATORS DOING BETWEEN 7:59 AND 8:40am ON 9/11? WILL THEY ALL FINALLY TESTIFY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS AFTER OVER 8 MONTHS, TOGETHER WITH ALL AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND OTHER STAFF INVOLVED? Recapping/refocusing: 1 - Flight 11 must have been hijacked well before "8:40am" - so exactly why did it take the FAA so long to notify NORAD? What did the FAA use, a public phone? A carrier-pigeon? 2 - Who the hell cares anyway: isn´t NORAD supposed to be monitoring/defending U.S. airspace through round-the-clock radar surveillance, quite independently of the FAA? NORAD HEAD, GENERAL RALPH EBERHART: TESTIFY! Back to the AP propaganda parrots: "8:46am - The North East Defense Sector notifies Otis Air National Guard Base at Falmouth, Mass., on Cape Cod that Flight 11 may have been hijacked." Another precious 6 minutes reportedly lost by NORAD just to NOTIFY Otis. Reader please note: a crucial bit of info is missing from the AP report at this point: by "8:46am" FAA/NORAD must have learned of at least a 2nd hijacking in progress: that of Flight 175, departed at 8:14, and which would crash into the WTC at 9:03. It is logical to assume that Flight 175 too had been hijacked already by 8:46. But the AP is silent over FAA notification to NORAD of the hijacking of Flight 175. Anyway: what happens now, reportedly? "8:52am - Two F-15s are scrambled from Otis." Repeat, for the astonished: "TWO F-15s". At (long) last: NORAD/Otis, confronted with the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil ever (Flight 11 reportedly had crashed into the WTC at "8:48", 4 minutes earlier); NORAD/Otis, I say, most arguably knowing by 8:52 that there´s another hijacked plane around (United Flight 175) - again, NORAD/Otis, that is, the best air force on the planet, responds by scrambling... ONLY "2" MEAGER F15s; 2 F15s, YOU DIG? WITHOUT EVEN ONE AWACS PLANE FOR BETTER RADAR DETECTION! ONE WOULD HAVE EXPECTED THE AIR FORCE TO SCRAMBLE WHOLE SQUADRONS OF FIGHTERS TO RESPOND TO THE WORST ATTACK ON THE U.S. IN ITS HISTORY! WHAT IS THIS, ANDORRA? "TWO" F-15s!!! I´M ONLY JUST STARTED, BUT IT SHOULD ALREADY BE SUPERCRYSTAL-CLEAR BY NOW TO ANYONE WHO´S NOT A LIAR-FOR-A-LIVING OR A COMPLETE IDIOT THAT THE "2 - F15s" STORY, IF TRUE, OUGHT TO HAVE GOTTEN THE HEAD OF NORAD RALPH EBERHART FIRED ON THE SPOT! BECAUSE: EITHER THE HEAD OF NORAD RALPH EBERHART ON 9/11 WAS A RETARD (UNLIKELY); OR HE WAS A TRAITOR UNDER ORDERS FROM BUSH TO ALLOW 9/11 TO HAPPEN UNTIL ITS MOST VISIBLE/LETHAL CONSEQUENCES (MOST LIKELY). ONLY THE LATTER OPTION COULD POSSIBLY JUSTIFY THE OTHERWISE ASTONISHING NEWS ITEM REPORTED BY SOURCE NR 7: THAT "GENERAL RALPH EBERHART... HAS BEEN CHOSEN TO RUN THE NEW NORTHERN COMMAND, WHICH IS BEING CREATED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES ITSELF."! THE FAITHFUL SERVANT TRAITOR REWARDED (FOR ALLOWING 911 TO HAPPEN) BY THE 911 MASTERMIND, CHIEF BUSH: YEAH, THAT MAKES SENSE! Pause. Once more, let´s recap and refocus: - hey FAA boss jane garvey: when exactly, at what exact time did the FAA learn of the hijacking/changing course of Flight 175? And at what exact time did the FAA notify NORAD of the hijacking of Flight 175? What was the emergency communication system used for the notifications? TESTIFY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS RIGHT NOW, YOU AND ALL FAA FLIGHT CONTROLLERS AND OTHER STAFF INVOLVED, lest we should think that you too, FAA boss jane garvey, were an accomplice in the 9/11 massmurders; - hey NORAD head on 9/11 Ralph Eberhart: what about NORAD´s radar surveillance? And what about the GPS system, and satellites that can trace and monitor far-distant, fast-moving asteroids millions of miles from Earth, but allegedly can´t tell us about 4 off-course planes? And: WHY FOR HEAVENSSAKE DID YOU ALLEGEDLY SCRAMBLE ONLY 2 F-15s WITH NO AWACS AT 8:52am ON 9/11? And: WHY COULDN´T FAA + NORAD RADARS TRACK DOWN IN TIME FLIGHTS 175 (CRASH TIME: 9:03); FLIGHT 77 (PENTAGON; CRASH TIME: 9:43); AND FLIGHT 93 (PENNSYLVANIA; CRASH TIME: 10:10)? Let´s proceed with the amazing official story. 9:03am: while the 2 F15s from Otis (Cape Cod) reportedly still haven´t reached Manhattan, Flight 175 crashes into the 2nd Twin Tower. At this point (9:03am) you would have expected, as a minimum precautionary measure, the entire U.S. air force on or near U.S. territory to scramble, accompanied by all available Awacs for prompter radar detection - BUT NO! INCREDIBLY, ASTONISHINGLY NO OTHER PLANE IS SCRAMBLED UNTIL "9:30am"!!! And no Awacs will be scrambled at all, until after the Pentagon crash. Back to the AP sheep. "9:24am - FAA notifies the North East Air Defense Sector that controllers have lost contact with Flight 77." American Flight 77, which would crash into the Pentagon at "9:43am", had left Washington at "8:10am". Again: the hijacking + changing course of Flight 77 must have started long before 9:24am. Source nr 2 again: "Flight 77, which took off from Dulles International Airport outside Washington shortly after 8am, stayed aloft until 9:45am. AND WOULD HAVE BEEN VISIBLE ON THE FAA´S RADAR SYSTEM AS IT REVERSED COURSE IN THE MIDWEST AN HOUR LATER [that is, shortly after 9am] TO FLY BACK TO WASHINGTON. THE RADARS WOULD HAVE OBSERVED IT EVEN THOUGH ITS TRACKING BEACON HAD BEEN TURNED OFF [my caps]". So again, jane garvey of the FAA: - if you notified NORAD at 9:24 about Flight 77, when exactly had your controllers lost contact/realized things were wrong? Why did your radar operators waste another 20 minutes before alerting NORAD - and this after TWO suicide crashes had already occurred (8:48 + 9:03, Twin Towers)? - NORAD´s head general Eberhart: what do FAA + NORAD radar surveillance records tell us about Flight 77 between 8:10 and 9:24 on 9/11? TESTIFY! PRODUCE ALL INVOLVED RADAR OPERATORS + RECORDS! On with the show. "9:30am - Three F16s are scrambled from Langley Air Force base in Hampton, Va.". [This time around, time lapse between FAA notification (9:24) and scrambling (9:30) is 6 minutes: half of the first time (8:40-8:52: 12 minutes)]. The worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history have just happened at 8:48 and 9:03; at 9:24 the FAA has notified NORAD of a 3rd hijacking in progress; AND ALL NORAD COMES UP WITH IS 3 F16s AT 9:30, WITHOUT AWACS AND CLEARLY WITHOUT RADAR GUIDANCE FROM THE GROUND - BECAUSE THOSE REPORTED 3 FIGHTERS DON´T FIND/INTERCEPT A DAMN THING, AT LEAST NOT UNTIL AFTER 9:43. By the way - source nr 1: "[shortly after the 2nd WTC crash at 9:03] the F15s [the two that had been scrambled from Otis at 8:52 according to the AP; or that "WERE AIRBORNE" at 8:52 according to source nr 1] reached Manhattan and began flying air cover missions over the city." NORAD head Eberhart: why didn´t you divert those 2 F15s at 9:24, after receiving FAA notification about Flight 77? I am being very naïf and pretending you didn´t know about Flight 77´s hijacking long before 9:24. But even assuming you learned about Flight 77 at 9:24 from the FAA; and since you knew of NO other upcoming danger for New York; WHY DIDN´T YOU IMMEDIATELY TELL THE 2 F-15s THAT WERE LOITERING OVER N.Y. TO INSTEAD HUNT DOWN FLIGHT 77? Wherefore... "9:43am - American Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon." 9:55am: 1 more scrambling - it´s Air Force One, whisking away the 911 terrorist mastermind. Hear? The Bushiite wisecrackers are sayin´: "But - suppose we´d intercepted or even shot down the 4 planes, how were we to know we wouldn´t have ended up killing even more people?" Really not hard: 1 - Bush and his terrorist gang most arguably had foreknowledge of the hijackers´ plans (see my essay Moral Ground Zero III, ´ZAC IN THE BUSH´); 2 - Even assuming (1) isn´t true: IT WAS WORTH INTERCEPTING THE PLANES BECAUSE IF AUTHORITIES REALLY HAD NOT KNOWN BEFOREHAND THAT THIS WAS A SUICIDE HIJACKING WITH JETS-AS-BOMBS, THEN IT COULD HAVE BEEN "TRADITIONAL", NON-SUICIDAL HIJACKINGS, AND THE PLANES COULD HAVE BEEN FOLLOWED, MONITORED, WARNED OR FORCED DOWN - NOONE COULD HAVE FORETOLD THE HIJACKERS´ REACTION TO INTERCEPTION! 3 - ONLY WITH POST-EVENT KNOWLEDGE CAN WE ASSUME (BUT NOT BE CERTAIN!) THAT, SINCE THE HIJACKERS REPORTEDLY WERE ISLAMIST FANATICS, THEY PROBABLY WOULD HAVE IGNORED THE INTERCEPTORS´ WARNINGS. AND - IN THIS LAST, EXTREME EVENT, EXTREME REMEDY: DOWN THE PLANES. CERTAINLY DO SO WHEN THE HIJACKERS ARE FAST APPROCHING THE TWIN TOWERS OR THE PENTAGON AT 500MPH! AT THAT POINT, YOU WOULD KILL ALL THE PEOPLE ON BOARD - WHO, YOU CAN FORETELL, ARE ABOUT TO DIE ANYWAY. BUT SINCE FIGHTER JETS FIRE MISSILES THAT BLOW UP MOST OF THEIR TARGETS, WHAT WOULD HAVE FALLEN TO THE GROUND WOULD HAVE BEEN SCATTERED DEBRIS, NOT 3 WHOLE PLANES AT 500MPH! THEREFORE THE NUMBER OF VICTIMS ON THE GROUND COULD HAVE REASONABLY BEEN PROJECTED TO BE WAY INFERIOR TO THE DEATH TOLL CAUSED BY THE INTACT PLANES CRASHING/EXPLODING INTO BUILDINGS - AT 500MPH. AND: THIS IS NO EASY HINDSIGHT: SOURCE NR 2: "AN F.A.A SPOKESWOMAN SAID... THAT THERE WAS A POLICY FOR SHOOTING DOWN CIVILIAN AIRLINERS BUT WOULD NOT DIVULGE IT." "A POLICY": WHY FOR CHRISSAKE WAS THIS POLICY VIOLATED? EBERHART! - WHY? After over 8 months, the shoot-down policy in place BEFORE 911 has still not been divulged. This has become Stalin´s U.S.S.R. A secret government lurking in the dark like a fuckin´ roach. COULD IT BE THAT BUSH HAD ORDERED FAA/NORAD (THAT IS THEIR TOP BRASS) TO DO THEIR DAMNEDEST TO ALLOW SEPT.11 TO HAPPEN? Shamming the scrambling, you dig? Air Farce One. May 20, 2002 edition. I wrote the first version on April 12-13-14-15, 2002 ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net Reakties: eeeeh 05.06.2002 20:38 biertje? ... ja 05.06.2002 23:54 ja, ik wil wel een biertje. Fijn artikel! janko ________________________________________________________________ MR PUSH, WHERE IS YOUR WIFE? / may 27, 2002 v ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:28 Is Meyssan right that AA77 never crashed into the Pentagon? MR PUSH, WHERE IS YOUR WIFE? / may 27, 2002 version A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE Dear Mr Stephen Push, treasurer for the 911 victims association "Families of September 11": let me first inform unaware readers that you are reportedly the widower of Lisa J. Raines, passenger of Flight AA77 that reportedly crashed into the Pentagon on 911. I´d also say that you´ve been the de facto spokesman for your association - you´re everywhere on the world media. The Bush propaganda parrots of the Associated Press call you "Steve". No wonder they´re on friendly terms with you, Mr Push: you´ve been toeing the Bush party line very faithfully and effectively in your recent statements - which carry the added "moral" value of a 911 victim relative: gravitas=added influence power. Yet your start hadn´t been bad. I had been inspired and encouraged when I read your early march 2002 endorsement of a congressional investigation of security lapses on 911, including the gun report for AA11 (see my essay ´CATCH 9´). Therefore I sent you most of my Bush-did-it essays. But since then, it´s been downhill all along. First, you supported the death penalty sought for Moussaoui by Attorney General Ashcroft. That very same Ashcroft who ought to be sitting in jail with Moussaoui for stonewalling a nation-wide canvass of flight school-students requested by the Minneapolis FBI after Moussaoui´s arrest (Aug.16, 2001), and which could have prevented 911 (see my essay ´ZAC IN THE BUSH´). This is not about the death penalty issue. What astonished me is that, on the one hand, you want the execution of a little retard of a would-be "martyr" (Zacarias Moussaoui) - the last failed cog in the 911 wheel - but you don´t even question the stand of a guy who may well be one of the masterminds of your wife´s reported assassination (Ashcroft). You got back on track on May 16, telling the Associated Press that Bush was wrong not to make public his Aug.6 hijack warning, because "My wife, had she known, would not have taken that flight". But let´s get to the main point. A statement of yours to the French daily "Libération", published on March 30, 2002 ("Pourquoi la démonstration de Meyssan est cousue de très gros fils blancs", par Fabrice Rousselot, online at: http://www.liberation.fr/quotidien/semaine/020330-000004112LARU.html ) The context is one of mainstream-media lynching of Thierry Meyssan´s book "L´effroyable imposture", where the author had asked, quite reasonably, how AA77 could possibly have crashed into the Pentagon if there´s hardly a trace of it in the photos taken right after the alleged crash. I don´t necessarily agree with EVERYTHING Meyssan says (I read the book and I know French). But: a lot of it makes quite a bit of sense to me. And NOT because I too have been researching Bush´s complicity in 911. But because Meyssan does make some convincing points. You though, Mr Push, disagreed on Libération. To Meyssan´s provocative question: "Qu´est devenu le vol 77 d´American Airlines, ses passengers sont-ils morts?" (What happened to AA77, are its passengers dead?), you replied to the dogmatic French daily: "Ma femme, Lisa Raines, était dans le vol 77" = "My wife, L.R., was on Flight 77"; "ELLE A ÈTÈ IDENTIFIÈE GRÂCE Á SES EMPREINTES DIGITALES [my caps]." = "She was identified through her fingerprints". Now, the crash according to official sources "pulverized" the plane (this is how the Pentagon explained away the nearly total lack of plane débris in the photos). Whatever wasn´t "pulverized" on impact, melted away in the ensuing fire, the official story goes. The next question is (and I think it´s been asked already on one of Meyssan´s websites:
http://www.effroyable-imposture.net ): how could your wife´s fingerprints possibly be taken after such a "pulverizing" crash and "metal-melting" fire? I won´t rule out entirely that such a miraculous event may have happened: that Lisa Raines´ fingers were found at all (already difficult) and that they were not only not charred, but so well-preserved that her fingerprints could be taken. But you´ll admit Mr Push, that questioning this point is not illogical, not far-fetched. You continued on Libération: "J´ai un certificate de décès et j´ai pu l´enterrer" = "I have a death certificate and I was able to bury her." Well, if it really is so, Mr Push: - DID YOU EVER ACTUALLY SEE YOUR WIFE´S REMAINS? - IF YES, DID HER FINGERS LOOK AS IF THEY WERE WELL ENOUGH PRESERVED AS TO ENABLE THE EXAMINER TO TAKE HER FINGERPRINTS? - OR DID YOU BLINDLY TRUST WHATEVER THE PENTAGON TOLD YOU AND GAVE YOU? - MOREOVER: EVEN ASSUMING THAT THE REMAINS YOU RECEIVED WERE YOUR WIFE´S, HOW CAN YOU BE SURE SHE WAS FOUND AT THE PENTAGON? And - even in the case that you really saw for yourself, Mr Push: fingerprint matching has a much higher error rate than modern DNA testing. So don´t you find it a little strange, to say the least, that the Pentagon didn´t use DNA matching to identify the victims (as has been done for the WTC), but instead relied on error-prone fingerprinting? In other words, Mr Push: HOW CAN A HUSBAND SLEEP AT NIGHT, KNOWING THAT THE REMAINS HE BURIED MAY NOT BE HIS WIFE´S AT ALL? HOW COME YOU DIDN´T EVEN THINK OF DOUBLE-CHECKING THROUGH A DNA TEST - POSSIBLY NOT WITH A GOVERNMENT-APPOINTED MEDICAL EXAMINER? But it´s not too late for that, Mr Push - you could lay the whole issue to rest and finally deal Meyssan the decisive blow - if you had those remains DNA-matched, although the question of WHERE those remains were found would remain open. And - not only you, but all known AA77 victims´ relatives who received remains ought to have DNA-tests performed. You owe such a test not only to a victim´s memory, Mr Push - you owe it to humanity as a whole, because we´ve all been enduring the consequences of 911 to this day, in terms of thousands of innocent deaths in Afghanistan, gestapoization of America, intensified Palestinian genocide, etc. etc. I´ll put my judgement on hold until the DNA results, Mr Push. Meanwhile though, I can´t help but continue to wonder. To wonder how a failed pilot like Hani Hanjour, who allegedly flew AA77 into the Pentagon, could ever possibly perform such acrobatics as making a 270-degree bank in front of the White House (something few experienced pilots would pull off with a large jetliner) - especially since Hanjour, according to his flight school manager Peggy Chevrette, couldn´t fly worth a damn (see my essay ´ZAC IN THE BUSH´ for this). Moreover: according to Edward Jay Epstein ( http://www.edwardjayepstein.com/nether_WWDK2.htm ), "the fifth hijacker [of AA77], Hani Hanjour, according to the Washington Post, WAS NOT ON THE FLIGHT MANIFEST. THERE IS ALSO NO RECORD OF A RESERVATION OR TICKET [my caps]. If so, how did he get aboard?" As you see, Mr Push, Meyssan and I are not alone in raising reasonable doubts on the official AA77 story. I am truly surprised you don´t join us. Thierry Meyssan does not have the possibility of answering his question but - YOU do: where is your wife, Mr Push? ADRIAN MORE poet, songwriter/singer, essayist May 27, 2002 edition. First version written on May 14, 16 and 18, 2002 No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net ____________________________________________________________________ HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (may 30, 2002 versi ADRIAN MORE 05.06.2002 18:30 Cheney is a terrorist liar. HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (may 30, 2002 version) A T.I.P. (Text In Progress) by ADRIAN MORE Hey Cheney! On Sunday May 19 2002 you reportedly said more terrorist attack on U.S. targets were "not a matter of if, but when": how do you know? Because U.S. intelligence agents reportedly have intercepted Al Qaeda communications recently, pointing to 911-size or bigger attacks. No specifics, as usual. No time, place or methods. Reportedly, you Cheney don´t know when or where. How reassuring. Just like last summer, before 911. An anonymous "senior administration official" told the New York Times though that the intercepted intelligence relates to Europe, the Arabian Peninsula or the U.S. So this official is flatly contradicting you, Cheney. Because you said you don´t know where. Your official does. Europe, Arabia, U.S. You don´t. Strange. So what are you doing to prevent these future massmurders? Your official said: "There´s just a lot of chatter in the system again. We are actively pursuing it". What does that mean? Anyway, you Dick have already given up hope of prevention: "It´s not a matter of if, but when" you said. You are sure it´s going to happen. You are sure it´s not preventable. God knows why. Well, you are a liar Cheney. And a traitor. Because if what you´re saying is true and not just a scarecrow diversion from recent attacks on Bush for failing to heed 911 warnings - then there IS something you and your henchmen could do - if you only cared: Qaeda is reportedly being "intercepted": this implies U.S. intelligence is able to pinpoint the LOCATION of the Qaedas talking about future attacks. How are they talking? "Interception" is the word being used by U.S. intelligence: that is, they´re eavesdropping on phone, email or radio messages. Well, computers have IP addresses: we may know were these alleged terrorists are, or at least where they are emailing from. Cell-phone users are pinpointable too. And phone numbers can be monitored and connected to subscribers/owners. Radio signals of all kinds are traceable to their sources. I won´t even mention analog phones because if you´re listening to those it means you´re tapping the lines so you know exactly who these people are. In other words - IF YOUR AGENTS ARE REALLY "INTERCEPTING" TALKS OF QAEDAS PLANNING THE NEXT 911: WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT IN JAIL YET OR AT LEAST WHY HAVEN´T YOU LOCATED WHERE EXACTLY THEY ARE CALLING/EMAILING FROM? IT´S BEEN "MONTHS". I won´t even mention snail mail or messengers - because if that´s what you´ve been intercepting, it means you´ve made arrests or you have infiltrated Qaeda: again, you´d know exactly WHO and WHERE they are. So again: if you have intercepts, than you must have suspects: why are these alleged Qaedas, planning for the next slaughter of Americans, not in jail yet? Or maybe should I ask: WHY ARE YOU, CRIMINAL DICK, AND THE REST OF YOUR GOVERNMENT OF TRAITORS AND STATE TERRORISTS NOT IN JAIL YET? It´s not the allegedly "vague" details that "hamper defensive action" - it´s you, Cheney - and your cohorts. Do us all a favor - have a last stroke & die. Adrian More poet/songwriter-singer/essayist May 30, 2002 version. I wrote the first version on May 21-22, 2002. Sources: 1. International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2002: ´Bush´s critics backing off on Sept.11 clues´, by Brian Knowlton, online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58255.html ; 2. International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2002, p.3: ´U.S. intercepts talks of new Qaeda attack´, by James Risen and David Johnston (The New York Times), online at: http://www.iht.com/articles/58250.html . No rights reserved. This material MAY and OUGHT be published, broadcast, rewritten and redistributed, as long as Adrian More is credited as author. eMail: MoreAdrn@netscape.net geef een korte reaktie op dit artikel 05.06.2002 18:55 GELIEVE MAXIMAAL 3 ARTIKELEN PER DAG MR. MORE Brp 05.06.2002 19:23 Dan mag je ook even je toetsenbord laten nakijken. De Capslock hangt nogal vaak. Kun je dit niet voortaan op www.conspiracy.org of op www.internationalesocialisten.org plaatsen ? Brp cry for for right s to fbi? 05.06.2002 23:51 ´In other words - IF YOUR AGENTS ARE REALLY "INTERCEPTING" TALKS OF QAEDAS PLANNING THE NEXT 911: WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT IN JAIL YET OR AT LEAST WHY HAVEN´T YOU LOCATED WHERE EXACTLY THEY ARE CALLING/EMAILING FROM? IT´S BEEN "MONTHS". ´ says mister moore.... in the 60´s these powers (investigating without concrete suspicion, preventing crime instead of investigating it)have been taken away from the FBI unde pressure of the civil rights movement. the bush administration has now reinstated them: war on terror, remember? if half the world or more understands why planes where flown into the WTC and the pentagon (without not necessarly agreeing with the approach), is there no smarter approach then more soldiers cops and jails (and graves!)? like more food? who´s side are you onb mr moore kazinsky He Moore, write a book and leave us alone! 06.06.2002 09:51 Dump your writings somewhere else, your are poluting the newswire... What about writing a book?? anitflodding _____________________________________________ |
Lees meer over: zonder rubriek | aanvullingen |  | wat een sukkel | pine - 06.06.2002 12:25
blerk :P Heeft amerika geen indymedia waar dat op kan pleuren??? als ie dan zonodig moet, kan hij het beter eerst (laten) vertalen... Of ben ik te dom voor deze publicaties? En is indymedia ´te moeilijk´ voor mij? | komplottheorie | Eppo - 06.06.2002 14:14
De schrijver van dit stuk heeft duidelijk gehandeld in opdracht van de imperialistische CIA; doel van deze undercover-operatie is het lamleggen van het extreem-linkse computernetwerk van Indymedia, een stalinistische dekmantelorganisatie die vanuit Moskou wordt gefinancierd. Bij deze wordt hij bedankt voor deze daad van patriottische onbaatzuchtigheid! | Introducing a Bush mole | me - 07.06.2002 18:55
Introducing a Bush mole The spam comment posted above (05.06.2002, 23:51) is by an American troll/mole on Bush’s payroll. His sole purpose is to spam critical/rational thinkers on Indymedia. The very same assmole also wrote the idiotic 06.06.2002, 09:51 spam comment above.
| Adrian More is right | we - 08.06.2002 17:10
If U.S. interceptions of Qaedas planning terror are real, then they have nothing to do with "investigating without concrete suspicion", as the C.I.A. mole "kazinsky" ranted in his 05.06.2002, 23:51 piece of shit above. Qaeda is a terrorist organization, not a freedom movement like the civil rights groups of the 60ies.
| "E.T." IS A TERRORIST SABOTEUR… | Erasmus - 11.06.2002 19:33
…planted in Indymedia by the Bush/Blair thugs to counter rational thinkers like the brilliant, original Adrian More. The fucking "E.T." asshole, who says in his 06.06.2002, 10:38 notice on top of More’s essays that he put together More’s essays "because of flooding", is really only misusing/abusing his password power (or hacker’s ability) to take visibility away from anti-Bush thinkers. Otherwise this infiltrator motherfucker should explain to us why Adrian More’s original, well-documented and logical research "makes the newswire not workable"! Urgent message for "E.T.": GO FUCK YOURSELF, BLOODY BUSH MOLE!!
| WHY MAX. 3 ARTICLES A DAY? | Fucklimits - 11.06.2002 19:40
Who’s this anonymous asshole who posted the 05.06.2002, 18:55 "comment" above? Who does this sucker think he is, the self appointed king of Indy? Indy was born to host rational/logical/critical thinkers like Adrian More, not fascist infiltrators like mr "3 artikelen". Get cancer & die, would-be king.
| bunch last 10 spammy adrianmore posts please | piet - 11.06.2002 23:00
Dear indy clerks and clerkesses, why don´t you? Zealots like AM push and elbow e furry body out. ---- If I am not mistaken Adrian More doesn´t have such a good name on the circuit on this score (a blurb about their content in a minute) along with propaganda matrix and the like. The more we are obsessing about how liddul kinsporeIseize collide with, get bunched, punched, suckered and subsumed by bigger ones the less time we have left to see how to sprout old and honorable seeds. Example: Ulrich von Beckerath updated by Todd Boyle ------- here is about a twelfth of all his links (biggest I know in this ((mind you, to me not really familiar)) field): Webledgers ASP/xSP directories, news, and information sites Web Services Directories Peer-to-Peer filesystems Accounting Software Locators and Lists Open Source accounting software Old ´99 Links Peer-to-Peer filesystems ( ...an unregulated internet within the internet.) WorldOS http://www.worldos.org Mojo Nation http://www.mojonation.net/ NeuroGrid http://www.neurogrid.net/php/index.php Tipster http://tipster.weblogs.com/ Blocks http://www.kripto.org/blocks/ Freehaven http://freehaven.net/ FreeHaven Archives http://freehaven.net/archives/freehaven/dev/ Magi http://magi.endeavors.org/html/index.html Freenet http://www.freenet.org Freenet http://freenet.sourceforge.net/ Publius http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~waldman/publius/ Oceanstore http://oceanstore.cs.berkeley.edu/ Gnutella http://gnutella.wego.com/ Agoric Systems Inc http://www.agorics.com/agorpapers.html InfoAnarchy http://www.infoanarchy.org M-o-o-t http://www.m-o-o-t.org/ Well hell, these guys have all the links http://www.cypherspace.org/links.html ----------------- -- this is how I was made aware of his existence: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/ nettime-l-0205/msg00083.html post by Hettinga (thanks) Professor James Petras, of Binghampton University wrote: > > One of the ways that so much unaccountability happens in society is that > > money has no history... we never know what we are inadvertently supporting > > by passing along particular currency. > http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PET108A.html The trouble with rants like Petras is they leave the reader powerless. Think about direct action, instead. Money freed from space and time, 5000 years before the internet. And it also freed us from the tyranny of barter, i.e. - the limitation to a particular trading partner, - the limitation to trades of equivalent value, and - the necessity of deep analysis of comparative value, in every trade. But its curse is that it blocks information, first of all you cannot associate your own judgments of the value of this and that, as well as the market can. As a result, young people have the continual experience of losers. You´re fifty years old before you understand the value of money itself. Evil issuers increase and decrease the value intentionally, within a game calculated to maximize their takings from money users. The curse of money is that it´s *incapable* of conveying a history even between consenting parties who *want* the history available for analysis. Better money would allow the user to collect the details of all transactions, rather than coercing the discarding of the information content of the money. Settlement itself, is a relinquishing of claims by the payor, making the history of the money irrelevant for most purposes. But we have computers now :-) Doesn´t that invite a re-examination of the idea of settlement? Settlement itself is an intentional blocking of information. (Product codes such as EAN UCC or other barcodes, similarly, destroy all of the supply chain contributions, stripping all producers of their reputations except the "Brand" seller at the top of the pyramid.) In a utopia, perhaps, nothing would ever settle. Obligations might be left to run in an open-ended way. Communities would observe balances of their members, and members would have the power to provide views of historical transactions to other members. The persistent nature of this information and the fact it was controlled by members rather than banks, would reduce the role of the state in financial matters. Again-- there has never been a computable infrastructure that could provide a history to money - -but it could be done fairly quickly, within an intentional community, using e-business standards like ebXML which focus on collaboration and trade. You can´t cure the Money problem, by trying to fix the Money system. Todd AR/AP everywhere http://www.gldialtone.com http://www.arapxml.net/arapCloud.htm 184400 has another few snippets (should you be heading that way) | In praise of Adrian More | duegiver - 13.06.2002 18:11
Adrian More is one of the founding fathers of the 911 "conspiracy" literature. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH A CONSPIRACY THEORY – PROVIDED IT’S RIGHT (like More’s)!!!
| Adrian’s a classic | supporter - 13.06.2002 18:50
2 of the above-printed Adrian More’s essays (‘Zac in the Bush’ + ‘Immoral Tenet & his Blind-Eyed Surveillance’) became Time Magazine + Newsweek cover stories 4 months after Adrian had written and disseminated them – yet noone seems to be aknowledging/crediting More’s foresight & courage.
| "piet" = "brp" = "kazinsky"… | conspotter - 14.06.2002 19:52
…= bush troll/mole/whore: this guy spends all his waking hours, 7 day’s a week, on Bush’s payroll, to troll/spam antiestablishment truth purveyors.
| To "piet" | pietstopper - 15.06.2002 18:32
Your 11.06.2002, 23:00 drivel above is just the umpteenth typical example of spammers vainly attempting to divert attention from Bush’s crimes. Kill your selves, duplicator!
| To the assmole "piet" | molekilla - 16.06.2002 15:49
Adrian More posted 9, not 10 posts here as you lied in your 11.06.2002, 23:00 hogwash above – learn to count, Bushy whore.
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