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israel / palestina E.T. - 07.06.2002 10:32
Een serie achter elkaar en op verschillende imcs geposte artikelen over israel / palestina zijn samen gevoegde tot 1 stuk. Dit ingrijpen was nodig om de nieuwslijn werkbaar te houden. A series of articles posted in sequence and on multiple imcs have been concatenated into one piece. This to keep the newswire usable. Poster, please stop this multiple article / multiple imc flooding. some startling facts about Israel Did you know? 1 - THAT, when the Palestine Problem was created by Britain in 1917, more than 90% of the population of Palestine were Arabs, and that there were at that time no more than 56,000 Jews in Palestine? 2 - THAT, more than half of the Jews living in Palestine at that time were recent immigrants, who had come to Palestine in the preceding decades in order to escape persecution in Europe?... And that less than 5% of the population of Palestine were native Palestinian Jews? 3 - THAT, the Arabs of Palestine at that time owned 97.5% of the land, while Jews (native Palestinians and recent immigrants together) owned only 2.5% of the land? 4 - THAT, during the thirty years of British occupation and rule, the Zionists were able to purchase only 3.5% of the land of Palestine, in spite of the encouragement of the British Government?... And that much of this land was transferred to Zionist bodies by the British Government directly, and was not sold by Arab owners? 5 - THAT, therefore, when British passed the Palestine Problem to the United Nations in 1947, Zionists owned no more than 6% of the total land area of Palestine? 6 - THAT, notwithstanding these facts, the General Assembly of the United Nations recommended that a "Jewish State" be established in Palestine?... And that the Assembly granted that proposed "State" about 54% of the total area of the country? 7 - THAT, Israel immediately occupied (and still occupies) 80.48% of the total land area of Palestine? 8 - THAT, this territorial expansion took place, for the most part, before 15 May 1948: i.e., before the formal end of the British forces from Palestine, before the entry of Arab armies to protect Palestinian Arabs, and before the Arab-Israeli war? 9 - THAT, the 1947 recommendation of the General Assembly in favor of the creation of a "Jewish State" was outside the competence of the Assembly under the Charter of the United Nations? 10 - THAT, all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries to have the Assembly submit “the question of constitutionality" of its recommendation to the International Court of Justice for an "advisory opinion" by the Court were rejected or ignored by the Assembly? 11 - THAT, when the Assembly began to experience "second thoughts" over the matter and convened for its second special session in 1948, it failed to reaffirm the 1947 recommendation for the partition of Palestine-thus destroying whatever dubious legality that recommendation for the establishment of a "Jewish State" had had? 12 - THAT, that original 1947 recommendation to create a "Jewish State" in Palestine was approved, at the first vote, only by European, American and Australian States...for every Asian State, and every African State (with the exception of the Union of South Africa) voted against it?...And that, when the vote was cast in plenary session on 29 November 1947, urgent American pressures (which a member of the Truman cabinet described as "bordering onto scandal") had succeeded in prevailing only upon one African country (Liberia), both of which had special vulnerability to American pressures, to abandon their declared opposition?...And that, in other words, the "Jewish State" was planted at the point-of-intersection of Asia and Africa without the free approval of any Middle Eastern, Asian or African country except that Union of South Africa, itself ruled by an alien minority? 13 - THAT, Israel remained, ever since its inception, a total stranger in the emerging world of Afro-Asia; and that Israel has been refused admission to any inter-state conference of Asian, African, Afro-Asian, or Non-Aligned States ever held? 14 - THAT, since the General Armistice Agreements were signed in 1949, Israel has maintained an aggressive policy of waging military attacks across the Armistice Demarcation Lines, repeatedly invading the territories of the neighboring Arab States...And that Israel has been duly rebuked, censured, or condemned for these military attacks by the Security Council of the General Assembly of the United Nations on eleven occasions-five times by the Security Council and six times by the General Assembly? 15 - THAT, no other country in the world, whether member of the United Nations or non-member, has been so frequently condemned by the United Nations? 16 - THAT, no Arab State has ever been condemned by any organ of the United Nations for military attacks upon Israel? 17 - THAT, besides expelling the bulk of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighboring Arab States, Israel has also consistently harassed the United Nations observers and other personnel stationed along the Armistice Demarcation Lines: It has assassinated the first United Nations Mediator and his military aide; it has detained some truce observers; it has militarily occupied and illegally searched the Headquarters of United Nations personnel; and it has boycotted meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commissions?... 18 - THAT, Israel has additionally imposed a system of apartheid upon the Arabs who stayed in their homeland? More than 90% of these Arabs live in "security zones;" they alone live under martial law, restricting their freedom to travel from village to village or from town to town; their children are denied equal opportunities for education; and they are denied decent opportunities for work, and the right to receive "equal pay for equal work?" 19 - THAT, notwithstanding the foregoing facts, Israel has always been, and still is, widely portrayed in the Western press as the "bastion of democracy" and the "champion of peace" in the Middle East? 20 - THAT, the Western Powers have persisted in declaring their determination to ensure a so-called "arms balance" in the area, as between Israel, on the one hand, and the one-hundred million inhabitants of the thirteen Arab States, on the other hand?... And this unilateral Western doctrine of so-called "arms balance" is no more reasonable than the suggestion that, in the Cuba-U.S.A conflict, there should be "arms balance" as between Cuba and the United States... or that the whole Continent of Africa should not be allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... or that Mainland China should not be permitted to have more arms than Taiwan... or that the military allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... and that only thus can peace be safeguarded in the Western Hemisphere, in Africa, in Asia, or in Europe?... 21 – THAT, Israel allots 85% of the water resources in the occupied territories for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 500 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron´s 120,000 Palestinians? 22 – THAT, The United States awards Israel $3 billion in aid each year, more than to any other country in the world: US aid to Israel exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole sub-Sahara Africa? 23 – THAT, GDP, per capita, and consumption per capita in the Occupied Territories have dropped about 15 percent in the West Bank and Gaza since 1993 - that´s even with large foreign assistance pouring in, from Europe, mostly? 24 – THAT, Up until 1993, the U.S. and Israel permitted humanitarian aid to come into the territories. UN humanitarian aid was permitted into the West Bank and Gaza. In 1993, that was restricted? 25 – THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons? 26 – THAT, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites? 27 – THAT, Israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions? 28 – THAT, High-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IDF? 29 – THAT, Israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war? 30 – THAT, Israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses, and land from Palestinians and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer the confiscation? 31 – THAT, Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions? 32 – THAT, Israel´s current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, was found by an Israeli court to be "personally responsible" for the Sabra and Shatilla massacres in Lebanon in which thousands of unarmed Palestinian refugees were slaughtered in 1982? 33 – THAT, Today´s Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 destroyed Palestinian villages, and that the Israelis renamed almost every physical site in the country to cover up the traces? 34 – THAT, Ariel Sharon´s coalition government includes a party -- Molodet -- which advocates expelling all [of the over two million] Palestinians from [their homes in] the occupied territories? 35 – THAT, Israel´s illegal settlement-building in the Occupied Palestinian territories more than doubled doubled in the eight years since the Oslo agreements? 36 – THAT, Illegal settlement building under Prime Minister Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Prime Minister Netanyahu? 37 – THAT, More illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories were built under Prime Minister Barak than at any other time in the history of Israel´s occupation of Palestinian land? 38 – THAT, Despite a ban on torture by Israel´s High Court of Justice, torture has continued by Shin Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners? 39 – THAT, Palestinian refugees make up the largest refugee population in the world? 40 – THAT, Israeli military checkpoints surround every Palestinian population center in violation of the Oslo Accords? 41 – THAT, The right of self-determination is guaranteed to every human being under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December, 1948), yet Palestinians were/are expected to negotiate for this right under the Oslo Accords? 42 – THAT, Palestinians have the highest ratio of PhDs per capita in the world? To be featured on NBC-TV´s Dateline in June 2002 Hitler´s Jewish Soldiers – The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military By Bryan Mark Rigg 2-17-02 May 2002 496 pages, 95 photographs, 6 x 9 Modern War Studies Cloth ISBN 0-7006-1178-9, $29.95 To be featured on NBC-TV´s Dateline in June 2002 On the murderous road to "racial purity" Hitler encountered unexpected detours, largely due to his own crazed views and inconsistent policies regarding Jewish identity. After centuries of Jewish assimilation and intermarriage in German society, he discovered that eliminating Jews from the rest of the population was more difficult than he´d anticipated. As Bryan Mark Rigg shows in this provocative new study, nowhere was that heinous process more fraught with contradiction and confusion than in the German military. Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals. As Rigg fully documents for the first time, a great many of these men did not even consider themselves Jewish and had embraced the military as a way of life and as devoted patriots eager to serve a revived German nation. In turn, they had been embraced by the Wehrmacht, which prior to Hitler had given little thought to the "race" of these men but which was now forced to look deeply into the ancestry of its soldiers. The process of investigation and removal, however, was marred by a highly inconsistent application of Nazi law. Numerous "exemptions" were made in order to allow a soldier to stay within the ranks or to spare a soldier´s parent, spouse, or other relative from incarceration or far worse. (Hitler´s own signature can be found on many of these "exemption" orders.) But as the war dragged on, Nazi politics came to trump military logic, even in the face of the Wehrmacht´s growing manpower needs, closing legal loopholes and making it virtually impossible for these soldiers to escape the fate of millions of other victims of the Third Reich. Based on a deep and wide-ranging research in archival and secondary sources, as well as extensive interviews with more than four hundred Mischlinge and their relatives, Rigg´s study breaks truly new ground in a crowded field and shows from yet another angle the extremely flawed, dishonest, demeaning, and tragic essence of Hitler´s rule. Side and front photographs of "half-Jew" Anton Mayer, similar to those that often accompanied a Mischling´s application for exemption. To see more photographs from the book, click here "Through videotaped interviews, painstaking attention to personnel files, and banal documents not normally consulted by historians, and spurred by a keen sense of personal mission, Rigg has turned up an unexplored and confounding chapter in the history of the Holocaust. The extent of his findings has surprised scholars."--Warren Hoge, New York Times "The revelation that Germans of Jewish blood, knowing the Nazi regime for what it was, served Hitler as uniformed members of his armed forces must come as a profound shock. It will surprise even professional historians of the Nazi years." --John Keegan, author of The Face of Battle and The Second World War "Startling and unexpected, Rigg´s study conclusively demonstrates the degree of flexibility in German policy toward the Mischlinge, the extent of Hitler´s involvement, and, most importantly, that not all who served in the armed forces were anti-Semitic, even as their service aided the killing process."--Michael Berenbaum, author of The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust "Rigg´s extensive knowledge and the preliminary conclusions drawn from his research impressed me greatly. I firmly believe that his in-depth treatment of the subject of German soldiers of Jewish descent in the Wehrmacht will lead to new perspectives on this portion of 20th century German military history."--Helmut Schmidt, Former Chancellor of Germany "An impressively researched work with important implications for hotly debated questions. Rigg tells some exquisitely poignant stories of individual human experiences that complicate our picture of state and society in the Third Reich."--Nathan A. Stoltzfus, Florida State University, author of Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany "An impressive work filled with interesting stories. . . . By helping us better understand Nazi racial policy at the margins--i.e., its impact on certain members of the German military--Rigg´s study clarifies the central problems of Nazi Jewish policies overall."--Norman Naimark, Stanford University, author of Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-Century Europe "An illuminating and provocative study that merits a wide readership and is sure to be much discussed."--Dennis E. Showalter, Colorado College, author of Tannenberg: Clash of Empires "An outstanding job of research and analysis. Rigg´s book will add a great deal to our understanding of the German military, of the place of Jews and people of Jewish descent in the Nazi state, and of the Holocaust. It forces us to deal with the full, complex range of possible actions and reactions by individuals caught up in the Nazi system."--Geoffrey P. Megargee, author of Inside Hitler´s High Command "With the skill of a master detective, Bryan Rigg reveals the surprising and largely unknown story of Germans of Jewish origins in the Nazi military. His work contributes to our understanding of the complexity of faith and identity in the Third Reich."--Paula E. Hyman, Yale University, author of Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History and The Jews of Modern France "A major piece of scholarship which traces the peculiar twists and turns of Nazi racial policy toward men in the Wehrmacht, often in the highest ranks, who had partly Jewish backgrounds. Rigg has uncovered personal stories and private archives which literally nobody knew existed. His book will be an important contribution to German history."--Jonathan Steinberg, University of Pennsylvania, author of All or Nothing: The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-1943 "An original, groundbreaking, and significant contribution to the history of the Wehrmacht and Nazi Germany."--James S. Corum, School of Advanced Air Power Studies, author of The Roots of Blitzkrieg and The Luftwaffe "Rigg´s work has discovered new academic territory."--Manfred Messerschmidt, Freiburg University, author of Die Wehrmacht im NS-Staat (The Wehrmacht in the Nazi State) BRYAN MARK RIGG received his B.A. with honors in history from Yale University in 1996. Yale awarded him the Henry Fellowship for graduate study at Cambridge University, where he received his M.A. in 1997 and Ph.D. in 2002. Currently Professor of History at American Military University, he has served as a volunteer in the Israeli Army and as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. His research for this book has been featured in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and London Daily Telegraph. The thousands of pages of documents and oral testimonies (8mm and VHS video) the author collected for this study have been purchased by the National Military Archive of Germany. The Bryan Mark Rigg Collection is housed in the Bundesarchiv-Militrarchiv in Freiburg, Germany. Click here to learn more about the author and his research experiences.
http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/righit.html "We have created this camp especially for you, it is built according to the same design of a concentration camp, and what the Nazis did to us, we will do to you, and after we punish you, maybe you will find another people whom you will persecute and torment like we are doing to you." Israeli officer: "Our detention camps are similar to German concentration camps" By Khalid Amayreh Occupied Jerusalem: 3 June, 2002 (IAP News) - An Israeli army has brazenly admitted that many of the recently- opened detention camps throughout Palestine in which thousands of Palestinians are interned were "built along the same fashion as German concentration camps during the second world war." According to a testimony by a Palestinian detainee, who has just been freed from the Ofer detention camp, a high-ranking Israeli camp official told Palestinian detainees last month that "we will treat you in the same way the Nazis had treated us." "We have created this camp especially for you, it is built according to the same design of a concentration camp, and what the Nazis did to us, we will do to you, and after we punish you, maybe you will find another people whom you will persecute and torment like we are doing to you." The Palestinian detainee, identified as 34-year-old Abdul Rahman al Ahmar of the Deheishe refugee camp near Bethlehem, said he was ordered to translate the remarks of the Israeli officer from Hebrew to Arabic. An Israeli army spokesman refused to confirm or deny the remarks. Al-Ahmar described conditions at the Ofer detention camp as "very very harsh and criminal." Another detainee, Jamal Abdullah Amre of al-Khalil, testified that Palestinian detainees were being systematically tortured, humiliated and harassed very harshly. Amer said he personally was subjected to extremely harsh treatment by Israeli soldiers as he was being transferred from Hebron, where he lives, to the Ofer camp. "I was handcuffed, and my legs were in shackles for more than six hours during which I was constantly beaten, humiliated and insulted." The testimonies of al-Ahmar and Amer were both published in the Palestinian daily newspaper Al-Ayyam on Monday. Did The Balfour Declaration in l9l7 and the U Neither Balfour nor UN partition plan support any legal claim from zionists. Did The Balfour Declaration in l9l7and the U.N. Partition Resolution In 1947 Give Zionists a Legitimate Claim to Palestine? It is difficult to imagine how a letter from a British Foreign Minister, Lord Balfour, to a British Zionist leader, Lord Rothschild, could be the legal basis for dispossessing an indigenous population in the Middle East. If anything, Balfour´s letter was a political maneuver meant to further British imperial interests in the Middle East during World War II by rallying Jewish support for the Allied effort. According to the American diplomat Sol Linowitz, "Great Britain had no sovereign rights over Palestine; it had no proprietary interest; it had no authority to dispose of the land. The Declaration was merely a statement of British intentions and no more." [See C. Wright, Facts and Fables: The Arab Israel Conflict, Kegan Paul, 1989, p. 159.1 Nor does the U.N. Partition Plan of 1947 give Zionists legal claim to Palestine because: (1) the U.N. Plan, which granted 55% of Palestine to the Jews, who were then 30% of the population and owned 6% of the land, violated Article 1 of the U.N. Charter. This is the Article that sets forth the principle of self-determination for all peoples on earth, including the 70% of Palestinians who then owned 94% of the land; (2) the Resolution was not binding since it was not passed by the Security Council but by the General Assembly, which can only recommend rather than legislate; (3) the Resolution, like the Balfour Declaration, was a product of great power machinations, orchestrated by the United States, rather than the result of political idealism. [See A. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?, Dodd, Mead, 1978.] Geographically and demographically, the two-State solution is nothing short of a gigantic scandal. Futility of the two-state solution by Khalid Amayreh* Source: Palestine Times February 2001 (Ptimes.com) It is not hard to realize what prompted the Zionist regime to adopt the so-called “two-State solution” as the most expedient political device to end the Palestine question. We all know that reaching true peace with the Palestinians and other Arabs and Muslims in the region has never been a real Zionist consideration. Indeed, decades of Israeli bellicosity, aggression and hostile alliances amply testify to the Zionist aversion to peace and peaceful coexistence with neighbours. Moreover, Israeli leaders on the right and left don’t seem to have been suddenly transformed into true peace-lovers believing in generosity and self-abnegation. In fact, the Zionists realize well that the two-State solution is in reality no more than a euphemism for the liquidation of the Palestine question. They are absolutely right. The two-State solution would enable the Jewish State to arrogate 80%-84% of mandatory Palestine and deny the vast bulk of the estimated 4-5 million Palestinian refugees their inalienable right to return to their hometowns and villages from which they were expelled at gunpoint by Zionist troops and irregulars, or fled in fear, when the Zionist regime was established in 1948. Furthermore, the scandalous arrangement would conceivably allow the Zionists, perhaps at some point in the future, to deport the already sizeable and growing Palestinian population still living in pre-1967 Palestine to the adjacent Palestinian “State” on the grounds that “this is our State and that is yours.” Geographically and demographically, the two-State solution is nothing short of a gigantic scandal. The nearly 8 million Palestinians worldwide would be given the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which make up less than 22% of Palestine and which are already congested beyond capacity (the Gaza Strip has the highest population density on earth). In contrast, the estimated 5 million Jews now living in Palestine would be given the remaining 78%, along with the lion’s share of underground water, economic resources, arable land and other basic infrastructure essential for making a State viable and sustainable. More to the point, the outlook for the two-State solution would even look grimmer and bleaker for the Palestinians if a significant number of Jewish settlements were allowed to remain in the West Bank because then we wouldn’t be really speaking about a prospective serious State or even a quasi-State but rather about a big joke, even if metaphorically called a Palestinian “State” and celebrated by the capitals of the world as the “ultimate embodiment and consummation of Palestinian national yearning for freedom and liberation.” Now, what logic if any is there for accepting such an obscene obliquity? Would the Palestinian leadership be so gullible and so drunk to sign away Palestinian rights? Indeed, what kind of “peace” would emanate from the perpetuation of all these inequities and injustices which Palestinians have endured (and continue to endure) since the misbegotten birth of the Zionist regime, the source of all evils in the region. Besides, what right does the Palestinian Authority and its aging leader Yasser Arafat have to allow ethnic cleansing to win? It has absolutely no right, and that must be made crystal clear to Arafat and his advisors. We are not here talking merely about symbolic values only, but rather about tangible material rights that don’t and won’t become obsolete with the passage of time. Clearly, the recent signing of the “oath of return” by so many Palestinian refugees in Palestine as well as in the Diaspora is a clarion message to the world that the Zionist thieves will have to return whatever they had stolen to the original owners. Or else, how could there ever be a real peace that is worth the name? A “peace” that is built on the perpetuation and “legitimization” of the biggest act of thievery in history, even if sustained by sheer military power and economic bribery, will not last for a long time. This humane and equitable solution would necessarily require the dissolution and dismantling of the Zionist regime (Israel) and the establishment in Palestine of a democratic, non-racist, multi-religious and multi-ethnic civil State in which Jews, Muslims and Christians live together in peace and equality. Such would be the State of Palestine of, for and by all its citizens irrespective of race and faith. A State where religious freedoms and justice are guaranteed for all. A State without checkpoints and roadblocks and without a justice system based on evil racism whereby child killers go free because the victim is perceived to be a child of a lesser God and the murderer a member of a chosen race. Can’t an egalitarian State as such be a more humane alternative to the truncation of Palestine into “two States” laden with huge inventories of mutual bitterness and dormant enmities awaiting the first historical opportunity to explode into a fresh war? ------------- * Khalid Amayreh lives in the West Bank Town of Al Khalil (Hebron) and is the Editor in Chief of the Khalil Times. Events of the last 24 h in Palestine,060602 Israeli occupation soldiers force the Palestinians to stand on one leg for an hour while the soldiers beat and humiliate them under gun point. The IOF killed Osama Shabit (19) from Gaza, while his friend Ihab Hyder Gazal (17) was severely injured all over his body. Ramallah June 6th 2002 Wafa; Below is brief of the major events and developments of the past 24 hours on the Palestinian arena: Dr. Moawiya Hasanain head of the emergency of Gaza hospitals said that the Palestinian citizen Muhammad Abu Amra (23) from Deir Albalah died due to sustained wounds since the end of last month by an Israeli tank, stationed at Abu Holey Passage, which opened its machinegun fire towards Palestinian pedestrians hitting him by a bullet that penetrated his head. The Ramallah District and its 102 villages are witnessing an over 20 days period of severely imposed siege and curfews where the citizens are isolated from the rest of the Palestinian places, and the commercial situation is depressed and deteriorating rapidly. The Israeli occupation forces’ soldiers abuse citizens at a roadblock that leads into East Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation soldiers force the Palestinians to stand on one leg for an hour while the soldiers beat and humiliate them under gun point. A Palestinian prisoner Hani Jaber detained at Nafha Desert concentration camp stabbed three jailers including the warden. The Israeli authorities did not provide enough information. Jaber is sentenced for life plus eighteen years for the accusation of killing an Israeli soldier. The Israeli tanks invaded the city of Jenin by penetrating more than 1 KM deep inside the city under heavy tank and machinegun fire to all directions, causing damages and intimidating the civilians. The Israeli occupation forces killed the Palestinian youth Osama Shabit (19) from Gaza city when they opened their artillery fire towards him east to the city while his friend Ihab Hyder Gazal (17) was severely injured all over his body |
aanvullingen |  | Nog wat feiten | henk - 07.06.2002 11:03
Nog wat feiten Op 12 februari 624 heeft Mohammed opdracht gegeven om niet meer richting Jeruzalem te bidden maar richting Mekka. Jeruzalem komt niet een keer voor in de Koran en 700 keer in de Bijbel. Dus wat hebben de moslims verder met Israel en Jeruzalem? | Niks claimen ! | Ca$h - 08.06.2002 19:01
Ze leren eerst maar eens samenleven met andere religies. wat een onzin om religieuze steden toe te wijzen. Zullen we nog lekker een paar extra milennia doorkachelen met die achterlijkheid? Als het aan de orthodoxe Islam ligt gaan we allemaal weer terug naar het jaar 700. Forget it ! | Vlagvertoon | Lucas - 09.06.2002 13:58
Als de Palestijnse vlag gelijk staat aan zelfmoordaanslagen, zoals door prominente Nederlandse joden wordt beweerd, is zionisme dan ook weer racisme? Of is dat natuurlijk weer een geheel andere kwestie? | Lekker eenzijdig artikel! | Lev - 10.06.2002 19:25
Heel leuk dat iemand de moeite heeft genomen om de feiten over Israel en de Palestijenen eens op een rijtje te zetten, maar doe dat dan wel goed! Ik vind dat de kwestie heel erg eenzijdig belicht wordt. De schrijver denkt dat Israel totaal geen recht heeft op Palestina, omdat het land gepikt zou zijn, maar dat is niet waar. De Joden hebben vanaf 1917 steeds stukken land gekocht van Arabische moefti´s (geestelijke leiders) die dat land bezaten. Bovendien kon je in die tijd helemaal niet spreken van een hecht Palestijns volk. In 1917, en in 1948 voor grote delen nog, bestond het volk in Palestina uit rondtrekkende bedoeinen. Natuurlijk waren er ook dorpen, maar de mensen daar waren erg arm, en vaak blij dat de Joden kwamen en wegen, electriciteit, irrigatiesystemen enz. aanlegden. Dus ik vind flauw dat de schijver deze feiten achterwege laat. | |
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