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War in The Netherlands, US Enters The Hague CNNcom - 10.06.2002 01:26
June 7, 2010 Posted: 3:06 PM EDT (1906 GMT) President Bush addresses the nation: The Dutch will bow. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a nationwide televised speech President Bush urged for calmness and unity while the US Forces invade The Netherlands. Operation FingerDike is well under way. Bush said he does not have ´any beef´ with the Dutch people themselves, but he stressed they´d should better cooperate. Navy marines entered the sea-stretch ´Scheveningen´ two days ago in to secure the perimeter surrounding the International Criminal Court in The Hague in an attempt to get US war criminals out of The Netherlands.  Soldiers enter Scheveningen Beach The morning after telling Americans of his plans to "once and for all put and end to this International Criminal Court" Bush summoned the US Space Command to keep the Dutch Airforce from commencing any counter attack. Space Command , located in the Colorado mountains swiftly deactivated all Dutch JSF-fighter with the push of a button, thus effectively and without any air-to-air combat killing all Dutch air defenses. About five airborne Joint Strike Fighters fell into the sea, while the rest of the planes exploded while on the ground. The secret ´deadmen switch´ is present in all European JSF-fighters, the president explained: "we just want to be sure those Euro´s are on our side, all the time. And if not, they should not be allowed to fight us with our own tools. We all know what happened in Iran and Afghanistan." The CIA once provided these countries with training and weapons, only to be stabbed in the back with the weapons a decade later. Meanwhile US Marines entered the beach near The Hague and secured the first 10 miles land inward. According to Pentagon sources 11 marines died entering the beach, mostly due to German ´deep beach hole´ defenses. "We´ve got a lot of work to do to get our boys out. But we will succeed", Bush said. "There´s going to be a lot casualties, there´s going to be a lot of wounded but I will not let fellow Americans starve in prison because of some European, Russian or African lawless terrorism decree". The Armed dispute with The Netherlands follows after an indightment and arrest of a US army platoon near Kosovo earlier this year. European peace keeping forces surrounded a group of about 100 men, after the this US army group was said to have burned down village, stole all the strawberries of the fields and raping all ripe melons in the shops, rendering them all useless. Early Attack Dutch prime minister Jan-Peter Balkenende said "the game was on". Balkenende stated the Americans lied to the Dutch and should stop the attack on The Hague at once. Balkende pointed once again to the verbal non-attack promise made by the US-government back in October 2002 when the US Senate approved a law which states any country housing the International Crime Tribunal can be invaded. "The fact is that we´re at war, and we´ve traditionally said in America that when at war, partisanship ends at the nation´s borders. On September 11th, the terrorists brought war within our borders," Bush responded. Rep. Richard Gephardt, the Democratic leader in the House, also expressed support. "I think we´ve got to do it," he said. Bush said he would dispatch about 150.000 armed forces in The Netherlands once The Hague is taken. "I feel strongly that we can represent the interests all Americans by staying in The Netherlands for a long period of time. Dealing with European terrorists is a permanent condition of the American landscape, and the government´s organization needs to reflect that fact." Website: http://www.staatsgeheim.com/bush |
Lees meer over: LINKS globalisering media wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | Oorlogsverklaring aan...... | Anti Imperialist - 10.06.2002 22:10
Dit is een regelrechte oorlog verklaring van het Amerikaans imperialisme en institutionalisering van het Amerikaans staatsterrorisme aan het enige rechtsbescherming voor derden landen, Nederland en ook aan de rest van Europa. Amerikaanse staat is de grootste dief en oorlogscrimineel en (mede)verantwoordelijk van de misdrijven gepleegd in Chili gedurende het Pinochet regime en in Argentinië tijdens het Videla regime. De dood van 10000 kinderen in Iraq. Smerige oorlogen in Colombia zogenaamd tegen de drugs... Noem maar op noem maar op... Deze staatsterrorisme van Amerikanen en de zogenaamde bondgenoten moet maar eens stoppen !!!!!! | Ach ja | Phreakmeister - 15.06.2002 01:26
Dit is niet om steun te vragen voor de Amerikaanse regering, verre van. Maar wat de linkse kerk maar wat graag over het hoofd ziet, zijn de fouten en moorddadige linkse regime´s in de wereld. Al het foute komt door Amerika. Als het niet door Amerika komt is het niet fout. Iedereen heeft de mond vol van Pinochet, maar over China op 4 juni 1989, Stalin´s bewind, Noord-Korea, Ceaucescu en meer van dat tuig hoor je niemand. | |
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