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Denktank waarschuwt voor open source Anonym - 10.06.2002 19:03
Het Alexis de Tocqueville-instituut komt in een studie tot de conclusie dat het wijdverspreide gebruik van open source in het voordeel is van terroristen. Website: http://www.webwereld.nl/nav/nb?11413 |
aanvullingen |  | yeah right | Spikey - 10.06.2002 19:09
[quote] Internationale terroristen die Amerikaanse overheidscomputers willen aanvallen, zouden gebaat zijn als de overheid massaal overgaat op open source-alternatieven voor Microsoft, zo suggereert de in Washington gevestigde denktank. [/quote] volgens mij suggereert Micro$oft dit. trouwens, iedereen is toch een terrorist tegenwoordig? Website: http://www.spikey.biz | beetje boven m´n pet maar na deze linklaving? | ? - 10.06.2002 20:34
http://www.gldialtone.com/str.htm * Todd F. Boyle CPA http://www.GLDialtone.com/ ------------ here is about a twelfth of all his links (biggest I know in this ((mind you, not to familiar to)) field): Webledgers ASP/xSP directories, news, and information sites Web Services Directories Peer-to-Peer filesystems Accounting Software Locators and Lists Open Source accounting software Old ´99 Links Peer-to-Peer filesystems ( ...an unregulated internet within the internet.) -------WorldOS worldos.org -------Mojo Nation mojonation.net/ ---------NeuroGrid neurogrid.net/php/index.php -------Tipster http://tipster.weblogs.com/ --------Blocks kripto.org/blocks/ ------Freehaven http://freehaven.net/ --------FreeHaven Archives http://freehaven.net/archives/freehaven/dev/ -----Magi http://magi.endeavors.org/html/index.html ---------Freenet freenet.org -------Freenet http://freenet.sourceforge.net/ ------Publius cs.nyu.edu/~waldman/publius/ ------Oceanstore http://oceanstore.cs.berkeley.edu/ -------Gnutella http://gnutella.wego.com/ ------Agoric Systems Inc agorics.com/agorpapers.html -------InfoAnarchy infoanarchy.org -------M-o-o-t m-o-o-t.org/ Well hell, these guys have all the links cypherspace.org/links.html this is how I was made aware of his existence: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/ nettime-l-0205/msg00083.html post by Hettinga (thanks) Professor James Petras, of Binghampton University wrote: > > One of the ways that so much unaccountability happens in society is that > > money has no history... we never know what we are inadvertently supporting > > by passing along particular currency. > http://globalresearch.ca/articles/PET108A.html ---------- The trouble with rants like Petras is they leave the reader powerless. Think about direct action, instead. Money freed from space and time, 5000 years before the internet. And it also freed us from the tyranny of barter, i.e. - the limitation to a particular trading partner, - the limitation to trades of equivalent value, and - the necessity of deep analysis of comparative value, in every trade. But its curse is that it blocks information, first of all you cannot associate your own judgments of the value of this and that, as well as the market can. As a result, young people have the continual experience of losers. You´re fifty years old before you understand the value of money itself. Evil issuers increase and decrease the value intentionally, within a game calculated to maximize their takings from money users. The curse of money is that it´s *incapable* of conveying a history even between consenting parties who *want* the history available for analysis. Better money would allow the user to collect the details of all transactions, rather than coercing the discarding of the information content of the money. Settlement itself, is a relinquishing of claims by the payor, making the history of the money irrelevant for most purposes. But we have computers now :-) Doesn´t that invite a re-examination of the idea of settlement? Settlement itself is an intentional blocking of information. (Product codes such as EAN UCC or other barcodes, similarly, destroy all of the supply chain contributions, stripping all producers of their reputations except the "Brand" seller at the top of the pyramid.) In a utopia, perhaps, nothing would ever settle. Obligations might be left to run in an open-ended way. Communities would observe balances of their members, and members would have the power to provide views of historical transactions to other members. The persistent nature of this information and the fact it was controlled by members rather than banks, would reduce the role of the state in financial matters. Again-- there has never been a computable infrastructure that could provide a history to money - -but it could be done fairly quickly, within an intentional community, using e-business standards like ebXML which focus on collaboration and trade. You can´t cure the Money problem, by trying to fix the Money system. Todd AR/AP everywhere gldialtone.com ----- arapxml.net/arapCloud.htm ------ | Microsoft financieer | theli - 10.06.2002 22:26
Microsoft financieerde het onderzoek van de Alexis de Tocqueville-instituut, misschien dat dit het onderzoek beinvloed heeft ;-) btw, dan toch geen open source, en laten we lekker iedereen microsoft producten houden, die binnen 5 minuten gekraakt zijn. Microsoft werkt met hun producten die zogenaamde terroristen juist in de hand hehehehe. anyway, ze zoeken het maar uit
| vogels en vissen | Anonymous - 11.06.2002 04:22
Terwijl ik in diepe contemplatie verzonken zat boven mijn septic tank kwam ik tot de onomstotelijke conclusie dat postduiven en vissen in staat zijn om volledig anoniem en in strijd met de Amerikaanse wetgeving over wapenexport encryptie-, virus- en allerlei andere codes het Amerikaanse continent in- en uit te smokkelen. Deze boodschappers van het terrorisme zullen dan ook pre-emptive met wortel en tak uitgeroeid worden. Dat verklaart alvast de Amerikaanse milieu-strategie. Bovendien is geconstateerd dat inlandse zoogdieren met onderhuidse chip-implantaten de grenzen zonder deugdelijke identificatie mogelijkheden kunnen passeren. Deze zullen dan ook vervangen worden door zelfgemaakte gepatenteerde exemplaren waarvan nagegaan kan worden of ze wel rasruiver DNA hebben. Dat verklaart de Biogen-industrie-plannen. En dat Amerika onoverwinnelijk is blijkt wel uit het feit dat die domme Chinezen, Russen en laatste tijd zelfs die softe Europeanen met Linux bezig zijn.
| wie lust er nog een heulpeul? | piet - 11.06.2002 12:14
dit was het eerste substantiele geluid in de goede richting nadat transaction.net zo ongeveer stil viel:
http://www.potlatch.net doet nu een loveblog (in´t wit) en fearblog (in ´t zwart) effe een paar polarizeer ongezouten voorbeeldjes zoeken, zo terug . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. 2002-06-06 11:15:41 Open Source Intelligence (First Monday) "ABSTRACT: The Open Source movement has established over the last decade a new collaborative approach, uniquely adapted to the Internet, to developing high-quality informational products. Initially, its exclusive application was the development of software (GNU/Linux and Apache are among the most prominent projects), but increasingly we can observe this collaborative approach being applied to areas beyond the coding of software. One such area is the collaborative gathering and analysis of information, a practice we term "Open Source Intelligence". In this article, we use three case studies - the nettime mailing list, the Wikipedia project and the NoLogo Web site - to show some the breadth of contexts and analyze the variety of socio-technical approaches that make up this emerging phenomenon." Ik zal de schwartze kant iets meer ruimte geven: 2002-06-06 08:50:15 Oh boy - FBI gets new powers (Politechbot) "The new changes allow the data mining technique - who has changed apartments three times in the past 2 years? who has been making a lot of international phone calls? - as the basis for generating the suspicion of criminal conduct in the first place." 2002-05-27 17:44:02 Hollywood Wants to Plug the "Analog Hole" Cory Doctorow sounds the alarm over the content cartels´ latest pathetic power-grab. course they´re just playing the point for a much larger cartel - so they have a good chance of succeeding, but not on their own merits. Control of information is the key issue of the next hundred - or thousand - years. the freedom or lack therof to communicate, in means and media of our own choosing. "everything not forbidden is now mandatory" 2002-05-23 20:23:08 sick of those fake-ass terror alerts? - get your war on - page eleven 2002-05-14 08:56:43 Two vile tastes that taste worse together: biotech and disinfo. The Guardian´s George Monbiot reports on The Fake Persuaders - "While, in the past, companies have created fake citizens´ groups to campaign in favour of trashing forests or polluting rivers, now they create fake citizens. Messages purporting to come from disinterested punters are planted on listservers at critical moments, disseminating misleading information in the hope of recruiting real people to the cause. Detective work by the campaigner Jonathan Matthews and the freelance journalist Andy Rowell shows how a PR firm contracted to the biotech company Monsanto appears to have played a crucial but invisible role in shaping scientific discourse." 2002-05-08 12:46:16 Lies, Damn Lies, and Enron: investigators uncover ´smoking gun´ memos which prove that California´s power crisis was a scam (SF Gate) - A state senator who has spent a year investigating the energy crisis called the documents "tremendous" proof that California´s power debacle had been caused by companies looking to make money and not by energy shortages. (update May 9: here´s a NY Times Editorial on the subject.) Aren´t you glad that a former Enron VP is Secretary of the Army? (USA Today) The shit keep piling up - it is now obvious that "energy deregulation" has been an unmitigated disaster - for some background see The Last Energy War by Harvey Wasserman. 2002-05-06 08:09:35 Unintended Consequences: Three Years Under the DMCA Congress meant to stop copyright pirates from defeating anti-piracy protections added to copyrighted works, and to ban "black box" devices intended for that purpose. In practice, the anti-circumvention provisions have been used to stifle a wide array of legitimate activities, rather than to stop copyright piracy. Top Ten New Copyright Crimes (?LawMeme) The copyright-wingers are trying to make it illegal to avoid advertising... and they seem to be having their way! 2002-05-02 10:06:01 Silent Theft Why do we "hang the man and flog the woman/That steal the goose from off the common,/But let the greater villain loose/That steals the common from the goose"? 2002-04-20 07:58:04 One word: Jenin. the first UN mission allowed into the camp called it ´horrific beyond belief´ (BBC) - the pictures resemble the devastation wrought by a major earthquake - or lower manhattan on Sept.12 - yet instead of an international rescue effort the Israeli military has actively prevented relief crews from trying to find survivors, or discover the true death toll amid a lunar landscape that 2 weeks ago was home to 13,000 people. After 34 years of occupation, the palestinians are expected to be satisfied with a humiliating, sham "sovereignty" over a patchwork of over 200 discontinuous parcels of land, which can´t even be compared with the Bantustans of South Africa during the bad old days of apartheid, but really more like the native reserves of north america - the smallest bits of undesirable land that a given number of people can be forced onto. George Bush, obviously ´a man of intelligence´, calls Ariel Sharon ´a man of peace´ (Wash.Post) things are sure peaceful now among the maggot-ridden corpses and bulldozed body parts... What´s truly frightening in all of this is the certainty that the cycle of revenge and killing is only going to spiral ever wider - exactly the strategy of those who profit from war and hatred. 2002-04-12 08:00:58 Israeli Roots of Hamas are being exposed (Global Research) "Hamas was constituted with the support of Israel. The aim was to create an organization antagonistic to the PLO. They received financing and training from Israel." 2002-04-05 08:10:02 EU proposes new thoughtcrime law - rolling in your grave yet Mr. Orwell? - If it is to be an offence to disapprove of an individual because of his beliefs, then it must surely be an offence to disapprove of him for believing in racism or xenophobia. 2002-03-31 22:14:53 IMC Newswire under attack - predictably enough, the ´open publishing´ newswire is being spammed with anti-semitic imagery, exactly the kind of "hate literature" that has caused IMCs legal troubles in some european countries - the political equivalent of kiddie-porn. Such a high profile, influential and independant platform for dissent and debate must present a juicy target to anti-democratic forces everywhere. Only the beginning, unfortunately. The IMC collective has begun to consider the options, starting with moving the newswire off the front page. This seems like a misguided approach, a little bit like caving in... not sure why a moderation system isn´t being considered first. (guess we could just ask them....) toch nog maar eventjes ee positiefje: reclaiming the commons: http://www.guerrillanews.com/sci-tech/doc420.html
Website: http://www.potlatch.net | |
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