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Geen mooie beelden! Arie Waarheid - 13.06.2002 16:17
Israëlische tanks doden Palestijnen in Gaza.  Israeli bulldozers demolish eight  Palestinian woman weeps Photo 1: Israeli bulldozers demolish eight Palestinian houses in Sur Baher East Jerusalem suburb, after authorities claimed the houses had no building permission. Photo 2: A Palestinian woman weeps at the scene. Statement of the Israeli Communist Forum (June 8, 2002) 35 Years of Occupation, Bloodshed and Misery June 5 was the thirty-fifth anniversary of the June 1967 war, a war with which a new stage began in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since that time, a heavy toll in bloodshed was levied upon the peoples of the region. Many thousands have paid with their lives for the ongoing occupation, and the cruel acts of oppression carried out over the years as part of it regardless of the party holding power in Israel - but always with the backing to that occupation of American Imperialism. June 5 also marked the twentieth anniversary to the Lebanon War, initiated and conducted by Israel’s present Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, and which also took a toll of thousands of victims. On June 5 this year, we could see how little do the citizens of Israel derive any security from the ongoing occupation and acts of aggression in the Occupied Territories, occupation and oppression which have grown to unprecedented dimensions in the past year. It was on this day that seventeen innocent Israelis were killed, themselves victims of the occupation, in the latest of the suicide bombings. Such acts of desperation (which we condemn) are perpetrated by Palestinians who had seen thousands of their brothers and sisters killed by the occupation authorities. This, in addition to the tens of thousands wounded Palestinians, and to the extreme hardships imposed on the entire population, including poverty, want, mistreatment, deprivation of livelihood, and extreme travel restrictions. On June 5 this year, there was another criminal attack on the offices of Yasser Arafat in Gaza, in the course of which his life was seriously threatened. This is another crime, which could drag the whole region into an unprecedented whirlwind of bloodshed! On June 5, we have seen again how deep racism has penetrated into Israeli life. It was exactly on this day that the Knesset adopted the racist decision to discriminate against Arab children in the granting of child allowances, by means of restoring the criteria of “army families” as determining the height of the allowance. While Israeli politicians frequently condemn such racists as Haider in Austria and Le Pen in France, the same politicians do not flinch from the kind of outright racist measures which these two notorious leaders would never have dared sponsor in their countries. On June 5 we again saw what a heavy economic price the Israeli workers, employees and the poor pay for the ongoing occupation. It was on this day that the Knesset approved a series of unprecedented economic decrees hurting the poorest sectors of society. Hundreds of thousands of families were thereby deprived of the most basic means of living, including food and medicines. On the same day we also heard of an all-time high number of unemployed, a “record” which the government seemingly intends to “break” again and again. The government is in fact using the deteriorating security situation as pretext under which already-prepared decrees are approved, aimed at abolishing the very basic social rights. Since the war of June 1967, all governments of Israel are trying to liquidate the Palestinian problem by using brute force. Again and again they subscribe to the doctrine that what was not achieved by force will be achieved by even more force. Under this doctrine, the Sharon-Peres Government perpetrated in the Occupied Territories the most widespread acts of aggression undertaken since June 1967. But as in the past, also now the military means will prove of no avail. Despite all its losses and difficulties, the Palestinian people are more than ever determined to go on struggling for an end to the occupation and for the creation of its own independent state. On the thirty-fifth anniversary of the occupation we raise our voices in a loud and clear call for: « An end to the cycle of bloodshed! « An end to all acts of oppression in the Occupied Territories! « Dismantling of the settlements! « Israeli withdrawal to the June 1967 borders! « Creation of a Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel, in the West Bank including East Jerusalem and in the Gaza Strip! « Recognition of the Palestinian Right of Return and Israeli commitment to a solution based on the relevant UN resolutions! « An end to the discrimination of Israel’s Arab citizens in all spheres of life! « Abolition of all racist laws and measures enacted by the Knesset, old or new laws alike! « An end to the attacks on the freedom of speech, recognition of the right to criticize the policies of the government and maintain public campaigns against these policies, in or out of the Knesset! « A thorough change in the economic policies, a drastic reduction for the purchase of arms and maintenance of the ongoing occupation, and diverting the sums freed to extending the welfare, education and health budgets! « For abolition of the anti-poor “economic decrees” passed by the Knesset, for an increase in the taxation upon capital, upon the big corporations and upon the “upper ten percent”! « An intensified public struggle against the policy of occupation, oppression and discrimination, and against the government’s reactionary economic policy! The Israeli Communist Forum POB 4406 Tel-Aviv 61043 ISRAEL Tel-Fax number: 972-3-5168032 E mail: ic_forum@yahoo.com WEB-SITE: http://www.geocities.com/ic_forum/indexen.html |
aanvullingen |  | bouwvergunning | Ca$h - 13.06.2002 21:34
HAHAHA Joh, ook hier inj Nederland wordt je huis afgebroken als je geen bouwvergunning hebt ! | HMMM | 13.06.2002 22:16
cash stick to wanking in the mirror i think that´s what your best at. | Denk na man | Reseda - 14.06.2002 00:00
Hallo Cash, hoe gaat dat in Nederland als je huis illegaal gebouwd is? Eerst wordt er gezegd dat je huis gesloopt gaat worden, dan komt er een rechtzaak, krijg je nog (minstens) 2 weken de tijd om andere woonruimte te zoeken (en je spullen weg te halen). In Israel stapt Sharon (of een andere dure meneer) met zijn verkeerde been uit bet, stuurt een paar tanks op je huis af, je krijgt een minuut om te vluchten en dan wordt je huis gesloopt, met of zonder jou erin. | selectief | Michiel - 14.06.2002 11:33
Wat een selectieve verontwaardiging! De steeds maar voortdurende zelfmoordaanslagen zijn veel mensonterender dan deze huizen te slopen. Bovendien kan ik op geen enkele manier de authenticiteit van deze foto´s achterhalen. Ik heb liever dat mijn huis gesloopt wordt dan dat mijn gezin omkomt door een zelfmoordactie.
| En waar liggen die lijken dan? | xinix - 14.06.2002 15:06
Ik zie geen lijk alleen onderschriften. pro pa (lestijnse) gan da
| illigaal gebouwd | Rabin - 14.06.2002 17:09
De enige huizen die illigaal gebouwd zijn in de Palestijnse gebieden worden bewoond door fanatieke religieuze Israeliers en worden beschermd door een leger waarvan er tot nu toe al 476 soldaten dienst geweigerd hebben omdat ze niet mee willen werken aan het mensonterende werk dat hun opgedragen wordt. | schrijnend... | blaat - 14.06.2002 18:45
xinix, je hebt duidelijk alleen de onderschriften gelezen, want de tekst gaat over de onderdrukking van het gewone volk, zowel in israël als in het bezette gebied. Bovendien is het geschreven door een israëlische groepering, dus ´t is te makkelijk om ´t gelijk af te doen als palestijnse propaganda. Dit is iets wat meestal over ´t hoofd wordt gezien of met opzet wordt verdraaid: tegen de (eenzijdige) oorlog van Israël-VS tegen Palestina zijn, houdt niet in dat je ook tegen de joden in Israël (of nog minder de joden in ´t algemeen) bent. Zoals in elke oorlog is het gewone volk het slachtoffer, aan beide kanten (behalve de Amerikanen dan). De reden dat dit conflict nu weer oplaait, is dat de elite een nieuw wapen hebben in de klasse-strijd, namelijk de "war on terrorism". Angst zaaien onder de bevolking is 1 van de effectiefste manieren om haar gehoorzaam te houden. | Plus religie natuurlijk | 15.06.2002 05:36
Israel is het beste voorbeeld op de hele planeet voor de waanzin van religie... Uiteindelijk leidt het to moord, genocide en als het mogelijk is nog erger..
| Domdomdom | Phreakmeister - 18.06.2002 01:22
"Israëlische tanks doden Palestijnen in Gaza." Wie in godesnaam heeft het bedacht om deze tekst te plaatsen bij foto´s van bulldozers die huizen vernielen op de Westoever?????????? "Israel is het beste voorbeeld op de hele planeet voor de waanzin van religie..." Saudi-Arabië, Iran en Afghanistan zijn toch iets duidelijker voorbeelden.
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