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 | GlobalDay ofAction | greenpeace.org - 17.06.2002 20:51
Against Waste Incineration From the highest point in Ankara, Greenpeace says, Ban the Burn Ankara, 17 June 2002 From the highest point in Turkey´s capital, Greenpeace activists unveiled a message for the Government of Turkey. Five activists from Holland, Lebanon, and Turkey abseiled down the 127 meter high Atakule tower and hung a 150 square meter banner that read, "Ban the Burn". The action in Ankara is part of the global actions in 52 countries against incineration technologies and coincides with the opening of the Stockholm Convention in Geneva which aimes to eliminate the world´s most toxic chemicals called persistent organic pollutants (POPs). read more:
Website: http://www.greenpeace.org.au/toxics/pr_ankara.html | |
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