Films van media-activisten in Filmhuis Cavia Richard de Boer - 19.06.2002 22:28
Op 22 en 23 juni presenteert Filmhuis Cavia films en videos van de Canadese filmmaker/media-activist Velcrow Ripper, New York Indymedia en anderen. Velcrow Ripper reist momenteel door Europa en zal aanwezig zijn bij de vertoningen.  RAWA demonstration for freedom in 2000 (photo by Velcrow Ripper) Filmhuis Cavia is pleased to present films from the Canadian filmmaker/media activist Velcrow Ripper, NYC Indymedia and kindred spirits on 22 and 23 June. Velcrow Ripper is travelling through Europe right now, and will be present on the days of screening. ZATERDAG/SATURDAY 22 JUNI, 20u30: Activist Videos from Afghanistan to Ground Zero: Featuring Films of Velcrow Ripper and the New York City Independent Media Center 9.11 by the New York City Independent Media Center (28 min.) 9.11 listens to the voices of New York City in mourning, a city coming to terms with the aftermath of events on September 11th and the potential violence of a protracted war. NYC residents respond to the tragedy with spontaneous memorials, public sites of grief and discourse where the transformation of mourning into a mobilization for peace and justice begin to emerge. The film offers initial critical perspectives of U.S. policy le= ading up to the World Trade Center attack, necessary to constructing an informed and rationalized response. Produced entirely in NYC in the days following September 11th, completed September 26th. Produced with efforts of the NYC Indymedia, Paper Tiger TV and Big Noise Tactical. Burn by Velcrow Ripper (3 min.) Featuring Noam Chomsky on the end of the world with images from Burning Man 2001. Lanterns of Memory by Velcrow Ripper (9 min.) August 6, 2000. The anniversary of the day we dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Thousands of glowing paper lanterns are floated on the river, each commemorating a person, or persons, who died in the blast. Afghanistan Aftermath by Velcrow Ripper (20 min.) A lyrical, moving journey to the refugee camps of the Afghani people, who have been hit by twenty years of war and opression at the hands of a revolving series of brutal regimes. The film visits the secret schools, orphanages and clinics of RAWA, the Revolutionary Afghan Womens Association, a feminist group that has been working both inside and outside of Afghanistan for many years, struggling for women´s rights and human rights. Part of the ScaredSacred Project, a cycle of films, writing, and webart based on a journey to the "Scared" and "Sacred" places of the world. It Ain´t Over (Til It´s Over) by Klee Benally and Velcrow Ripper A rock video featuring the Navajo post-punk band Blackfire, from Big Mountain. Images of resistance from around the world, gathering from Velcrow´s personal archives. Crisis on Black Mesa by Klee Benally (6 min.) Funkill by Velcrow Ripper and Heather Frise (7 min.) A powerful documentary on the Trophy Hunting of bears in British Columbia, and the activists who "hunt the hunters". ZONDAG/SUNDAY 23 JUNI, 20u30: Bones of the Forest directed by Heather Frise and Velcrow Ripper, Canada 1995 / 80min Expanding the expressive possibilities of the activist documentary, Heather Frise and Velcrow Ripper´s Bones of the Forest brings a deliriously stylish avant-garde aesthetic -- and, often, a very wry, irreverent animator´s sensibility -- to the controversial subject of contemporary forestry practices. Shot in British Columbia by the Galiano Island-based filmmakers, it explores, in lively, lyrical fashion, our stewardship of the earth, and the conflicting approaches to that stewardship taken by "those that were here" (the indigenous aboriginal population) and "those that came" (European settlers, who, often fleeing oppression in the "Old World," re-created the same oppressive civilization in the "New World"). Winner of eight awards, including the 1996 Genie Award for Best Feature Documentary and Best of the Festival at Hot Docs! 1996. Director Velcrow Ripper will be present at the screenings on 22nd and 23rd of June. E-Mail: Website: |