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Islamic Jihad is a Nazi Movement Israel Shahak - 22.06.2002 01:59
Let me finish by saying that just as I am of the opinion that Jewish Nazism exists, so I hold that there is Arab and Muslim Nazism. It is in my view an intellectual crime committed by many of the "new left" not to mention the fact that Haj Amin El-Husseini, the Palestinian leader in 1948 (and long before and after) was a guest of Hitler and visited, with approval, Auschwitz during the extermination. I consider Islamic Jihad a Nazi movement and Hamas to be significantly Nazilike, and I favor views of professor Yehoshua Porat about the influence that Hamas´ views have on Arafat. In a situation, where forces of Nazism exist on both sides, the greatest hope - not so much of peace but of prevention of Nazism - lies in friendships between Palestinian and Jewish individuals devoted to common humanity overriding religious and national barriers, who believe in democracy and equal rights for all human beings. Website: http://home.online.no/~knrognes/WeinerSaidShahak.htm |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | Islamic Jihad are *not* nazis | René - 22.06.2002 10:30
I agree with you that the only hope for people in the Middle East is a new solidarity between Israeli´s & Palestinians. Perhaps it would be the best if both states Israel and Palestine would be replaced by something else. But I do not agree with your statement that Jihad = Nazism. By writing this I do not want to say that the actions of Jihad against jewish and arabic civilians in Israel are acceptable. But nazism can only be understood if it is recognized as a unique totalitarian ideology. The same is true for Hamas & Jihad. Unfortunately, there are many different types of such murderous ideologies: Mussolini fascism, Pol Pot maoism, Stalin socialism, Peronism from Argentina, Afrikaans apartheid, etcetera. Evil can not be fought if it is not properly understood. Calling every type of evil ´nazism´ does not lead to a better understanding. On the contrary, it just diminishes the true evil meaning of nazism into a label to offend or shock other people. IMHO the unique quality of nazism, which makes it the single most evil political ideology of all times, is that its purpose was to eliminate all jews (and roma, sinti, etc.). All other totalitarian ideologies are after the country or money or other resources of their victims. | Very interesting OPINION | 22.06.2002 15:25
In the mean time, the zionists continue their daily killing
| The land | Yoram - 23.06.2002 00:03
The land of Israel belong to the people of Israel Arabs are welcome as guest and should behave as guests just the same as dutch are expected the young Marrocans to behave in Amsterdam -west. | Opinie? | Phreakmeister - 23.06.2002 01:43
Als Indymedia geen discussieforum is, maar een nieuwssite, wat doet deze posting hier dan??? | Muslimdivisions | Olivier - 23.06.2002 21:54
Guess who´s uncle Haj Amin El-Husseini is. Indeed, Yasser Arafat. The story you´re telling isn´t the whole one: the SS had two muslim-only divisions, one leaded by El-Husseini (Hitler seemed to be quite fond of this heavily anti-semitic palestinian, and El-Husseini hoped that he would´ve gotten help getting rid of the jews in his land, he obviuously did not, i´m glad to say.) But then, hey, are the Germans still nazi´s? | |
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