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noborderZone/bordercamp Strasbourg noborder - 26.06.2002 18:11
Summer 2002: The PublixTheatreCaravan connected to the virtual project d.sec in the frame of the international noborder action camp will temporary install a noborderZONE in the center of Strasbourg.  International noborder action camp in Strasbourg / France 19th to 28th of July 2002 PublixTheatreCaravan // zone.noborder.org noborders // no electronic substitute zone.noborder.org The nobordercamp 2002 in Strasbourg is a temporary autonomous zone organized by people from 15 different countries. It´s a knot in a net of actions taking place all over Europe (Finland, Germany, Poland, Slovenia), Australia and Mexico . The Camp will be a 10 day laboratory for creative resistance and civil disobedience. The PublixTheatreCaravan is a campsatellite/noborderZONE equiped with a public internetstation and radiostudio, bar, cinema and performance stage within the innercity of Strasbourg. Workshops and theatralical resistance will intervene in the public sphere. A videostore and screenings will present independent mediaworks on items of globalisation, migration, control and resistance. The bar on the roof invites all interested people. It will be an interception for passerbys to communicate, chat and relax. The ptc/tv-team will follow the fully-fledged special city guides offering sightseeingtours to open and document different perspectives of the European Capital. The Schengen Information System based in Strasbourg protecting Fortress Europe will be a mainitem of the nobordercamp 2002. Aside restricting migration and political movements Database systems to enforce control like the Schengen Information System (SIS) are more and more surveilling every days life. freedom of movement // communication The harmonization of the laws against migration and political movement in the Schengen States permanentely increases repression and control. As an reaction different nobordercamps irritated in a creative and direct way the normality of walling-off the Fortress Europe. The Right of Freedom of Movement without any limitations is the central demand of the noborder network. Freedom of communication is one of the bases of a non hierarchic, selforganized resistance as we want to practice in strasbourg. We want to invite all responsible groups and individuals to come to strasbourg, organize yourself, bring your kitchen, tents and toiletes and make your ideas come reality. noborderZONE wishes a pleasant stay in the european capital! the caravan goes on! contact //
http://zone.noborder.org connected to: noborder.org // european noborder network www.dsec.info // database systems to enforce control --------------------------------------------------------- "d.sec is where the multitudes infect each other with subversive desires and constructive acts. Activists, artists, theorists, computer addicts will explore the connections between Freedom of movement and freedom of Communication/ Information.Come and turn your projects, questions and practises into interventions, extend the networks down to the [lokal] and up to an [intergalactic] level!" --------------------------------------------------------- no-racism.net // platform for a world without racism at.indymedia.org // indymedia in austria www.statewatch.org // monitoring the state and civil liberties in the European Union supported by: www.orange.or.at www.t0.or.at E-Mail: noborder@no-racism.net Website: http://zone.noborder.org |
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