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 | US warns of Palestinian sanctions. | BBC - 27.06.2002 00:28
KANANASKIS, 26 June 2002 -- President George W Bush has warned the Palestinians that the United States will cut off investment if they fail to heed his calls for change. "The status quo is quite simply unacceptable," Bush told a news conference at the G8 summit in Canada. Repeating a theme from his policy speech on the Middle East earlier in the week, the president called for the Palestinians to elect a new leadership "not compromised by terror." Bush was speaking after the Palestinians announced that presidential and parliamentary elections were to be held between 10 and 20 January of next year. Bush said the US should not put money into "a society which is not transparent" but "corrupt", adding: "I suspect other countries won´t either." [N.B.] Correspondents say that while the US does not provide any direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority, it does channel funds to it through the United Nations and non-government organisations. Asked what his policy would be if Arafat was re-elected, Bush said: "If there´s leadership compromised by terror, we won´t be along the path to peace. I´ve got confidence in the Palestinians when they understand fully what we´re saying, that they´ll make right decisions as to how we get down the road for peace." --- Arafat is op een democratische wijze gekozen. Hoe is Bush gekozen... ´President-elect´ of ´President-select´? Website: http://http://www.dewaarheid.nu/jan01/president_select.htm | |
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