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 | | 28.06.2002 12:08
Reposting of article from AP and ABC by way of Proletarian News. Activists help free 34 detainess from an Australian Concentration Camp. Australia: Activists free 34 asylum detainees AP (with additional material by Australia Broadcasting Corporation). 27 and 28 June 2002. Mass breakout from Australia asylum camp. CANBERRA -- Radical asylum seeker supporters used a car to drag down fences at Australia´s most notorious detention center, allowing 34 people to escape, the government said Friday. Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock said 15 asylum seekers were involved in a carefully planned mass breakout just before midnight Thursday from the Woomera detention center, a former missile testing base in central Australia. The other 19 took advantage of the confusion and fled into the desert. "This is a deliberate, organized breakout by people who have been in contact with detainees," Ruddock told Melbourne radio station 3AW. Ruddock said members of an asylum seeker support group drove a car up to one of the razor-wire topped fences of the camp where they pulled down part of the fence and ferried the asylum seekers away. Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio said it had received an e-mail from a group calling itself Our Sacred Country, which claimed responsibility for the breakout. They say they decided to "liberate" the asylum seekers only after seeing the pain and suffering on their faces. Ruddock said five of the detainees were recaptured by police, and another 10 had been spotted and were expected to be recaptured by police scouring the surrounding area. About 160 of the 200 Woomera detainees there had been on a four-day hunger strike. Police have established roadblocks around the area and are using helicopters to search for those still on the run. The Immigration Department says most of those involved in the break-out have had their applications for asylum rejected. An Iranian detainee [identified only as Simon] inside the centre has confirmed that many asylum seekers escaped. Simon says 160 people have been on hunger strike. He says that, like him, they are frustrated. "I am going to stay here a long time in the detention and continue my suffering in detention," he said. "I don´t know I am guilty, I don´t know what´s my crime." groups.yahoo.com/group/ProletarianNews Website: http://www.sydney.indymedia.org:8081//front.php3?article_id=15976&group=webcast | | 28.06.2002 12:12
The Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Philip Ruddock, said today that he was appalled and dismayed at criminal actions resulting in the breakout of rejected asylum seekers at the Woomera immigration detention facility. CRIMINAL ACTIONS BY REFUGEE GROUP RESULTS IN WOOMERA ESCAPES The Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Philip Ruddock, said today that he was appalled and dismayed at criminal actions resulting in the breakout of rejected asylum seekers at the Woomera immigration detention facility. The Minister said a refugee supporter group claiming responsibility had committed serious criminal acts in helping the 35 people to escape last night. South Australian Police responded quickly with four escapees recaptured at Coober Pedy and one other recaptured in Woomera township. “This was not a spontaneous outpouring of support – it appears to have been a planned criminal activity,” the Minister said. “Let’s be clear, all of these people have been found not to be refugees by my department and in all but two cases that decision has been affirmed by the RRT. “Their claims have been carefully tested and all but two of these people have received a final answer on their merit claims and have taken these actions because it is not the answer they wanted.” The Minister said 12 of the group had previously escaped and one had attempted escape. The group, all males, comprised 28 claimed Afghans, six Iranians and one Iraqi. The group included three minors. The incident occurred just before midnight last night. Information at this stage suggests that the perpetrators drove vehicles up to the perimeter fence of the centre where they assisted detainees to escape by throwing blankets over razor wire and providing cutting implements. The Minister said he would ask that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in their investigations to particularly focus on a group that the ABC reported had claimed responsibility for the escapes in an email message. Mr Ruddock said he would ask the AFP to focus on tracking the perpetrators through messages sent to the ABC crowing about this criminal action. “The Government vows to use the full force of the law against the perpetrators of this crime. Aiding, abetting and harbouring escaped detainees are very serious offences that carry penalties of up to ten years jail. “These failed asylum seekers face up to five years in jail for their escape.” 118 people at the centre claim they are still not eating. Two male detainees have placed a single stitch in their lips. Prior to the escapes there were 215 people in the Woomera centre. Only seven of these people are awaiting a primary decision on their application for asylum. Eighteen are seeking review of a negative decision with the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT), six have had decisions from the RRT, 85 have claims before the courts and 99 are awaiting removal.
Website: http://www.sydney.indymedia.org:8081//front.php3?article_id=15973&group=webcast | Asylum seekers on the run from Woomera | 28.06.2002 12:16
Asylum seekers on the run from Woomera Police and immigration authorities are searching for more than 20 asylum seekers who remain at large after a mass break-out from the Woomera Detention Centre last night. Asylum seekers on the run from Woomera Police and immigration authorities are searching for more than 20 asylum seekers who remain at large after a mass break-out from the Woomera Detention Centre last night. South Australian police have arrested four people who they allege helped with the escape of 30 asylum seekers, five of whom have been recaptured. The four have been taken to the Port Augusta police station. A refugee supporters group had earlier claimed responsibility for the break-out. Police have established roadblocks around the area and are using helicopters to search for those still on the run. Police spokeswoman Kate Denham says police are searching an area of 200,000 square kilometres. "It covers an area from Port Augusta up to Coober Pedy and surrounds," she said. Fence breached An Immigration Department spokesman says the break-out happened at about midnight, when protesters with vans drove up to the compound. He says the fence was broken down and many asylum seekers poured out. An anonymous refugee support group sent out an email statement this morning claiming credit for the action, saying they went to Woomera to support detainees on a hunger strike. They say they decided to "liberate" the asylum seekers only after seeing the pain and suffering on their faces. The email said the break-out had occurred at about 3am, conflicting with the Immigration Department statement and leading some officials to question whether the group was in fact involved in the break-out. Rejections The Immigration Department says most of those involved in the break-out have had their applications for asylum rejected. Department spokeswoman Tania Cutting says at this stage only limited information can be released but she warns of severe consequences for those involved. "Given that it´s an ongoing police investigation the information we have that we´re at liberty to disclose is fairly limited," Ms Cutting said. "The group that we´re talking about are mostly and overwhelmingly rejected asylum seekers and this is a criminal action that´s occurred [so] there will be some consequences," she said. Search Local authorities say the harsh conditions will make it hard for any to escape on foot. Woomera area administrator Bob McKenzie says at this stage the situation outside the centre is all quiet, with no evidence of trouble. He says cold weather and the nature of surrounding terrain means none of the escapees would be able to travel far without assistance. He says in past break-outs, escapees have left the area as soon as possible. ´Organised´ Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock has indicated he will not be lenient on those responsible for the break-out. "This was an organised break-out in which people brought a vehicle to the detention centre," Mr Ruddock said. "What we´re dealing with is a situation where people have aided and abetted in relation to escapes of people where, I don´t think there can be any argument that this is the task of the well-meaning people who are about helping refugees." The South Australian Justice for Refugees group has distanced itself from the break-out, saying while it may have been well-intentioned it could set back the cause of asylum seekers. It has urged Mr Ruddock not to come down hard on the escapees. Frustration An Iranian detainee inside the centre has confirmed that many asylum seekers escaped. Simon says 160 people have been on hunger strike. He says that, like him, they are frustrated. "I am going to stay here a long time in the detention and continue my suffering in detention," he said. "I don´t know I am guilty, I don´t know what´s my crime." The break-out follows hunger strikes that are now into their fifth day and reports of asylum seekers sewing their lips together. Up to 162 detainees are refusing food, 17 of them children. Yesterday four people had sewn their lips together in protest; two took the stitching out. Howard In the wake of the break-out, Prime Minister John Howard has again defended the way Australia deals with asylum seekers. Mr Howard told Southern Cross Radio that detainees are processed as quickly as possible. "My advice again is that everything is being done to speed up the process," he said. "But when you have no documentation and when you still have fairly elaborate appeal opportunities, time is going to be involved," Mr Howard said.
Website: http://www.sydney.indymedia.org:8081//front.php3?article_id=15965&group=webcast | CLOSE THE CAMPS, FREE THE REFUGEES | 28.06.2002 12:22
CALL TO ACTION MARIBYRNONG2002 will be a 2 day event aimed at bringing the community of Melbourne face to face with the detention centre. It will give you the oppurtunity to speak out against the legalised neglect and torture of asylum seekers. Our government has lied, taken millions of dollars of funding from public schools, healthcare and the disabled to fund a war machine that will create more displacement and more refugees. Our government has spent millions denying asylum seekers their inherent human right of seeking refuge. Our government has spent millions, silencing them. Australasian Correctional Management, Group 4 and Wakenhut have made millions of dollars in profit through the legalised indefinate detention of asylum seekers. June 28-29 will be a 2 day festival to show solidarity with those inside the detention centres in Curtin, Port Headland, Woomera, Villawood and Maribyrnong. CLOSE THE CAMPS, FREE THE REFUGEES
Website: http://www.maribyrnong2002.org/ | activisten alweer op borg vrij | 28.06.2002 12:24
Woomera arrestee update by x-border 5:26pm Fri Jun 28 ´02 (Modified on 6:31pm Fri Jun 28 ´02) Three arrestees were released on bail from Port Augusta Police Station today. All three were bailed to appear at Pt Augusta Court on 19 August 02. Three people alleged to have "aided and abetted" an escape from custody have been released on bail from Pt Augusta police station, with bail conditions attached. add your own comments advance australia unfair DEMOCRACY HAS FAILED by FAIRGOBOZO 6:31pm Fri Jun 28 ´02 australians all let us rejoice coz we are young and er, free? when democracy fails and there is nothing left to protect innocent families detained indefinately in the desert; when the government changes the migration zones to make an idological point, we, as a disatisfied democratic electorate, must take DIRECT action now. we must challenge the inconsiderate and inhumane treatment of people seeking safety from oppressive regimes. when a government is elected on an insidious campaign of mis-information and xenophobic propoganda, it is the right of those citizens who cannot tolerate the deplorable and inhumane treatment of others to remove the barriers to the rights of all people and to uphold the australian ethos of a "fair go". surely, it is the RIGHT of ALL peoples of the world to remain free of persecution? the australian racist political swill - known as "the parliment", has repeatedly shown their blatant disregard for the rights of asylum seekers. it is the RIGHT of the australian people to take the law into its own hands to correct the wrongs of the fascist australian political parties. we as active protestors must applaud last night´s action at woomera. viva la revolution. this is all we have left. indeed, act NOW, before the fascist anti-terror laws will shut down any activist group or individual wishing to protest against oppression and TEAR DOWN THE RAZOR WIRE. FREE THE REFUGEES. BY ANY MEANS. NOW.
Website: http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=29273&group=webcast | e-mail van de groep activisten | 28.06.2002 12:26
The Email that Was Sent to the ABC by our sacred country 6:30pm Fri Jun 28 ´02
oursacredcountry@yahoo.com.au To Whom It May Concern, This email is to clear up any misgivings or notions in regards to "Our Sacred Country´. Firstly, Our Sacred Country is NOT an organisation or group, as has been claimed in several media outlets today. Our Sacred Country is merely a return email address that passes on informatioon to media outlets on humanitarian events as they occur around Australia. Stories that are not usually accesible or covered by mainstream media. Our Sacred Country takes NO responsibility whatsoever for the events that happened at Woomera , thursday evening 27th June 2002. These events were carried out by concerned people under their own volition, who could see no progress within the Australian government to alleviate the pain, suffering and injustice to the imprisoned asylum seekers. Our Sacred Country is literally what it says, it IS OUR SACRED COUNTRY aka AUSTRALIA, belonging to all of us. greg a citizen of Australia, our sacred country.
| link naar uptodate nieuws | 28.06.2002 12:38
http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/ heeft een speciale feature, en uptodate nieuws Mass Escape from Woomera Detention Centre 34 asylum seekers last night escaped from the woomera detention centre in the South Australian desert. Five have so far been recaptured and four people have also been arrested for aiding the escape and are in custody in Port Augusta. According to a report the break-out happened at about midnight, when protesters with vans drove up to the centre. The fence was then broken through. Police have set up road blocks and are searching an area of 200,000 square kilometres. Arrest Update: Three people alleged to have "aided and abetted" an escape from custody have been released on bail from Pt Augusta police station More reports as they come to hand. The breakout occurred on the fourth day of a hunger strike by most of the detainees in the centre. It also follows previous breakouts during the easter woomera 2002 protests and a mass breakout by detainees in 1999. Protesters in Melbourne are converging on Maribyrnong Detention Centre for a festival and civil disobedience against mandatory detention this Friday and Saturday. [ woomera refugee embassy + maribyrnong detention centre watch ]
Website: http://www.melbourne.indymedia.org/ | iemand die in contact staat met vluchtelingen | 29.06.2002 19:31
refugee embassy news flash by refugee embassy 8:17pm Sat Jun 29 ´02 address: www.autonomous.org/refugee/ I´ve just had an idea. We are being totally cut off from the detainees as a result of the breakout (but we believe it is really because the Government was getting embarrassed by the hunger strike), so I am thinkng that we could make the next issue of the Freedom Banner an issue completely full of letters from well-wishers around Australia and overseas. We will give preference to letters from overseas (or from remote parts of Australia), because we want them to know that their story is going out far and wide in spite of all that the Government is doing to block them from being heard. (I was interviewed by BBC-TV World News last night, and they were very sympathetic!) All phone lines have been blocked (both in and out), and visits have been stopped until further notice. But it is against the law for them to interfere with mail going INTO the centre. (Not that Ruddock has ever let a little thing like breaking the law stop him in the past!) Hopefully if we address these Freedom Banners to the detainees themselves, they will receive them and it will give them courage to continue on. By the way, I passed word on just before we were cut off, to one of the detainees that someone was thinking of going on a hunger strike in solidarity with them, and his voice began to break just on hearing it. It would mean so much to them if someone with a lot of courage and the will to stick with it, were to go on a hunger strike in some capital city in Australia. It needs to be done out in public, so people can see for themselves that you are not eating, so you would need a back-up team to provide shelter and warmth during the night. Best done in a very public place (mall, or even in front of Parliament). Anyone brave enough to take up the offer? You honestly do not know how much it could encourage these people, and it would also give the media something to focus on OUTSIDE the centre, that would direct public attention to what is quietly happening INSIDE. This needs to be done quickly, as they are slowly starving themselves to death. The sooner we help them, the better, and maybe if someone will start, others will join. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Keep the letters short. Unfortunately, we will not have time to reply to them individually. Hope people will understand. We´ll use the best ones. News note: Our Refugee Embassy bus was totally covered in obscene spray-painted graffiti calling on the public to rape the refugees and shoot their supporters. This is the kind of Nazi hooliganism that we are facing... all the way up to the top! And while I´m here, some good news is that a 48-page booklet of Refugee Profiles, called "The Worst of Woomera" (the first 20,000 of them, at least) will be printed in Adelaide in the next two weeks. Those people who have offered to donate to support this, please deposit your donations in Ross´ bank account as quickly as possible, so that we can keep our printer happy (as we are hoping to be able to do several print runs). We will be sending out bundles of these to all the people who have written saying that they are willing to letter-box anything from 50 to a thousand copies. We would request that people wanting free copies to distribute please send SOMETHING to help with the postage charges, so that we have some indication that you are genuine about distributing them (five cents apiece is fine). This is because it is easy to ask for ten thousand copies of something just because it is free, with the very best intentions, and then not get around to distributing them. We want genuine distributors, and a little payment on your part is a token of that. I hope you will understand. The bank details for making payments is printed below. Love and peace, Dave McKay Refugee Embassy Woomera 5720 Phone: 0407-238805 make donations at any branch of the Westpac bank, by filling out a deposit slip in the name of: Ross Parry Account number 544-823 Branch number 735-065 Thanks, everyone, for your support! add your own comments
| | 30.06.2002 22:44
The Age, Melbourne Escapees remain at large By Steve Larkin June 30 2002 Twenty-four asylum seekers from the Woomera detention centre remained at large last night, while a hunger strike within the centre ended its sixth day. Eleven of the 35 asylum seekers, who were helped to escape by a renegade refugee group on Thursday night, have been recaptured, police said yesterday. Police continued land and air searches of the South Australian outback yesterday for the remaining 24 Afghan, Iranian and Iraqi asylum seekers, all of whom have had their visa applications rejected. Four of the escapees were captured on Friday night while walking along a street in Coober Pedy, about 300 kilometres north-west of Woomera, police said. They said another two were found about 20 kilometres outside the town yesterday after a tip-off from a community member. The Immigration Department said 120 detainees within the compound in SA´s north were refusing food for a sixth consecutive day. But one asylum seeker, who identified himself as Simon, said he believed 190 detainees, including 17 women and 25 children, were taking part in the hunger strike and at least five men had sewn their lips together. Simon, speaking by telephone from within the centre, said medication for asylum seekers was being refused unless they ended the hunger strike. In total 38 former Woomera detainees remain on the run after escaping the centre in the past three months. Eleven of the 50 who broke out at Easter remain at large, as does another man who escaped custody in Adelaide three weeks ago. SA Premier Mike Rann was angry that SA Police resources were again being deployed to search for escapees from the federally controlled facility. Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock has ordered an inquiry into the latest escape after claims that only three security officers were guarding over 200 detainees at the time of the escape. Police arrested four people on Friday for allegedly assisting in the escape. Two women and a man, all from Footscray in Melbourne´s west, were detained in Port Augusta, and a 25-year-old Hobart man was arrested in Roxby Downs. They were allegedly among a group of 25 protesters claiming responsibility for the breakout. In Melbourne 300 refugee activists at the Maribyrnong detention centre who had planned to storm the facility fences instead staged a sit-in on the street outside after being intimidated by a strong police presence. The protesters called for the release of a detainee, who they say has been placed in solitary confinement. On Friday protesters rallied outside the centre and damaged a perimeter fence, although no one was arrested. A community festival was also held across the road from the detention centre entrance. The Greens staged a panel discussion on mandatory detention and eight bands provided entertainment. - AAP
Website: http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=02/06/30/6460750 | |
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