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Ken Nichols to burn U.S. Passport Ken Nichols to burn U.S. Passport - 28.06.2002 13:33
Ken Nichols, voormalig V.S. marinier en momenteel asielaanvrager in Nederland,zal als symbolische actie op Maandag 1 Juli om 14:00 uur bij het Amerikaans consulaat (museumplein) zijn paspoort verbranden. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Subject: To mark the birth of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a former UNITED STATES Marine announces his intent to seek legal representation in order to charge the U.S with War Crimes for Human Experiments during the Gulf War (details below) and Crimes Against Humanity for its use of Depleted Uranium (DU) with absolute knowledge that its use would cause massive birth deformities and death from radiation exposure. Kenneth Nichols is currently seeking political asylum in Holland and will additionally Serve Legal Notice to the U.S. officials of his human right to Self Determination as a final action in renouncing U.S. citizenship. As a symbolic action to affirm his human rights he will Burn his U.S. Passport. For what appears to be the first time in history, a birth citizen of the UNITED STATES is renouncing his citizenship in favor of being Stateless. This action is also in protest of ongoing U.S. policies, specifically the "American Servicemembers Protection Act (ASPA)," the "Patriot Act," and most notably the blatant U.S. hostility and threats against those who support the formation of the ICC. Currently the UNITED STATES is the only Western Democratic nation opposed to the ICC. It stands with China, Israel, Libya, and Iraq, and North Korea in this position. Where: U.S. Consulate in Amsterdam at Museumplein. When: July 1, 2002. 2pm. Press Conference Former U.S. Marine,Kenneth Nichols will make a statement and take questions from all media agents. All Activists and concerned people are hereby invited to attend. Bring signs or material if you like. Contact # Ken Nichols 06 2220 4574 email uksociety@hotmail.com "All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development." 2200A (XXI) International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR) |
aanvullingen |  | too bad... | Barry - 28.06.2002 14:09
"To mark the birth of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a former UNITED STATES Marine announces his intent to seek legal representation in order to charge the U.S with War Crimes for Human Experiments during the Gulf War." I wish you all the best, but the Tribunal will only accept cases about crimes comitted after 1 July 2002.
Website: http://battl.nl | tisniewaar | piet - 28.06.2002 23:41
I invite you all to do a counter demo in the name of gently non-polarizing ways that make up . . . individual unisonic evolution . condemning each and all, even the slightest form of pyromania. anyways, good on him what would he do if he was totally free funded and fancied I wonder? gotta be free totally free free as the wind the new zappa dokuzone flick is only days old and nobody goes to see it daar hou je dan ondanks het mooie oppeppertjes bevattende werkje een moedeloosheid aan over. | piet ... | poet - 29.06.2002 02:38
..snot, van de piet gerukt, piet lul? Wat bazel je Piet? Ik begrijp er geen reet van. Sterker nog, niemand begrijpt er een reet van. Je bent een verspilling van eentjes en nulletjes. | a couragous statement | Ranzo - 01.07.2002 09:37
a courages statement against American armies warcrimes. as Rosa Luxembourg said: the most revolutionary act is always to speek the truth out loud. good action. deserves support. | |
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