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New Left Party launched in the US and internationally. Publications both in English and Spanish, debates, documents, and much more! Please visit our new web site and give us your opinion. FYI ---- Forwarded message ---- Please post, copy, circulate and forward widely YOU´RE INVITED TO VISIT THE NEW WEB SITE OF THE LEFT PARTY. Dear friend: The Left Party web page is up and running. We are still uploading documents and articles and working on some bugs and copyediting the material (translation from Word to HTML produced typos and some garbled text), but we couldn´t wait to invite you to visit: The URL is: www.leftparty.org Content: Where we come from? A brief synopsis.
http://www.leftparty.org/wherewecomefrom.html What we stand for: The platform for the present political conjuncture http://www.leftparty.org/whatwestandfor.html Publications: Here you can read our English-language newspaper, Frontlines, and our Spanish-language journal Oposicion Socialista http://www.leftparty.org/publications.html Campaigns: Internationalism; solidarity; workplace activities and union organizing; immigrant rights; community organizing; antiwar and anti-globalization movements; student and youth work; electoral campaigns... http://www.leftparty.org/campaigns.html Debates: A selection of documents from the debate with the International Secretariat of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI). One of the largest groups joining the Left Party was the majority of the cadre of Socialist Alternative, the US section of the CWI. Find out why: http://www.leftparty.org/debates.html Marxism 101 The first two chapters of our 20-part Marxist course are uploaded. We will continue to upload chapters periodically. http://www.leftparty.org/marxism101.html Bolshevik Bunny (Cartoon)
http://www.leftparty.org/bbstart.html This will be a regular feature and new adventures and misadventures of Bolshevik Bunny will be uploaded periodically Bookstore: T-Shirts for sale. Coming soon: books and pamphlets http://www.leftparty.org/bookstore.html Links: Marxist and non-Marxist links to information, newspapers, organizations... http://www.leftparty.org/links.html Would like to join? Here is the form to do so:
http://www.leftparty.org/joinus.html Coming soon: documents of the Left Party; international work and information from the comrades of Oposicion Socialista Latinoamericana; the magazine REV, Marxist theory and historical materialism; a section on history of Trotskyism; debates with different political organizations; the Spanish-language version of the site... and much more. If you would like to volunteer to translate material in different languages, please contact us at: leftparty@leftparty.org Join the e-newswire service of the Left Party. Receive socialist news from around the world, notices of activities and campaigns.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FrontlinesNewspaper/ For more information, contact us: leftparty@leftparty.org As we build our site, we will appreciate your comments and ideas to improve it. Again, we apologize for the remaining bugs, garbles and "technical" typos. They will be corrected in the next few days. Webmaster, Left Party 3311 Mission Street, Suite 135 San Francisco, California 94110 United States www.leftparty.org E-Mail: leftparty@leftparty.org Website: http://www.leftparty.org |
Lees meer over: media | aanvullingen |  | gewoon usa sap | 29.06.2002 17:02
Trotsky prijkt op hun homepage
| | 29.06.2002 19:05
niet verkeerd, maar de marxistische grondslag??? | |
aanvullingen | |